Reject your past mistakes, Do everything possible to reject those things that make you not to maximize income, may be you use to buy crypto when the price is high already as a newbie, you can change from that attitude if you want to maximize income from crypto in this new year.
Buying your crypto at an high price signifies that you rushed into the market due to the fear of missing out (FOMO) which is very common to most newbies who just came into the crypto space. Trying as much as possible to avoid tht will really help you to have a good portfolio which in turn give you good returns in the long time when you want to take your profit. FOMO is more peculiar to altcoins, as for bitcoin, holding for a longer time will still give you a good profit of your initial investment.
Don't wait for people to tell you to sell your crypto when the bull season is on, you want to maximizing income from crypto in this new year, don't allow people to tell you to release your crypto for sale When you know that you will not achieve your target, because they don't know your target or the rate you bought your crypto, and you have to follow your own decision to sell to maximize your income.
Having a profit target is important and when you’re able to make the right decision of when to take profit in your investment, it makes you not to miss on opportunity to sell your crypto at a good profit. The market is very volatile and cannot be predicted actually, so taking profits is very important after your investment has given you enough to your initial capital after some period of time into the investment.
Buy crypto when the price is low and sell when the price is high, I know this method is very common to some people, but is not common to newbies, make sure you buy when the price is low and hold for long term before you can sell when the price is high to maximize income. I will advice newbies to apply those methods to maximizing income from crypto investment.
Buying low and selling high is the technique in crypto that everyone is using but knowing when you buy and when to sell is of utmost important to all crypto investors both newbies and old investors. Understanding of the market requires knowing the basics of the market trends, both fundamentally and technically to help have a good idea of when to buy and sell in the market. Newbies should learn before taking actions in this regard.