dort kann man mit Megacoin feine Sachen kaufen! Wirklich nett die Sache.Weiter so ....
####################################################Allgemeine Infos zu MEC
Core: Bitcoin v0.8.2 (Actually 0.8.99). No fundraiser required.
Algorithm: Scrypt
Anzahl der Megacoins: 42 Million
Zeit pro Block: 2.5 Minuten
Die Megacoins werden ca 63 Jahre abgebaut!
Anfang: 1st 5 months, 21 million coins will be generated
Danach 21,000 blocks (1 pro Monat ) Schrittweise von 500, 250, 125, 75, -50 (Aktuell)- .
In der Anfangszeit (5 Monate) werden die hälfte aller Megacoin generiert.
Danch alle 420,000 Blöcke (2 Jahre), ab hier werden 25 Megacoins pro Block erstellt. Danach je die hälfte.
10.5 Millionen in den 2 Jahren.
Diese Excel ist von mir selbst
Falls sie jemand haben einfach per PM.
Die Brieftasche ist in Komplett Deutsch erhältlich.
weiteres unter.... einfach mit! Werde Teil unserer Community
####################################################Megacoin Android Wallet« am: Januar 07, 2014, 08:17:01 Nachmittag »
Work has begun on the Megacoin Android Wallet. This app is forked from the current Bitcoin Wallet (v3.29).
The most challenging part of the development will be debugging the three different difficulty algorithms.
Current Source Code: (forked from bitcoinj 0.11) (forked from bitcoin-wallet v3.29)
Current Status: - Updated Feb 9th
Beta placed on Google Play: from C++ to Java:
The most difficult part of android wallet app development or forking is making sure the difficulty adjustment algorithm is working. Bitcoin and Litecoin have the easiest and fastest algorithms to translate to Java because their code is simple and liner and is only used every 2016 blocks.
Megacoin uses three algorithms. Our first attempt at translation from C++ to Java had 1 bug in the 1st Algorithm (the litecoin version). There was also 1 bug in the 2nd version, which didn't happen until about block 26,000 even though this new diff code started at 8192. So far we have had no bugs with the Kimoto Gravity Well Code.
Action Items
Complete Debugging Process (blockchain)
Release Source Code (done)
Release Beta Version of App (done)
Known Issues:
This app will charge a transaction fee for sending coins. There are no free transactions.
The syncing of the blockchain will be slow, but the app does not need to download the entire blockchain. Several enhancements were added, but one more remains.
Solved Issues:
Syncing the blockchain may take a lot of time. Since the Kimoto Gravity Well must calculate the difficulty after every block, the battery on my phone ran out more quickly. I have a Galaxy S4. The battery was running out even while plugged in via USB to a computer.
-- Added Native Scrypt library which speed up the blockchain sync.
-- Added checkpoint system to speed up initial sync time.
Beta Version of App: not send coins to the address in this screenshot. They will disappear forever!
#################################################### Blockexplorer