
Topic: Meet Satoshi (Read 137 times)

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
February 08, 2020, 08:56:32 PM
Ok, I'm not sure who you are but Sadly, you are the only person to reply. You would be quite amazed just how difficult this is to arrange and just how many people really don't want satoshi nakamoto to be revealed. And from some quite surprising quarters as well.

Anyway there it is. There will be updated information on the website which is PR London

Or perhaps better to subscribe to the YouTube channel then at least you will get to the info ss soon as it's available.

It is Is actually a draught video? And the better ones that were ready to put online which was the 1st of of January and 4th of January are for the moment not available because my computer was. Seriously hacked and encrypted just when the work was finished and ready to go online.

I must say I didn't actually believe satoshi when he told me how much. Trouble I would start getting from people when I made it known that I was going to introduce him to the public. But sadly he was absolutely correct. This poor man has been through hell for the last. 10 years and it is just unbelievable when the people who have made so much money out of him are trying to prevent him from doing anything at all.
Activity: 66
Merit: 17
February 07, 2020, 10:09:53 PM
Ok, so... links?
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
January 20, 2020, 08:28:23 PM
Well those of you who know me will know this is serious and absolutely genuine.  I have been unable to log into my previous account so simply started this one.  I know that among the cynics, sceptics and spies there are some genuine enthusiasts and serious developers on here and this message is for those members.  It has been a long time coming and laying low for (the REAL Satoshi Nakamoto) has not been a walk in the park.  He has always been ...... 'Visible but Unseen' .... so if anyone wants to come to the event you are welcome and you may have seen his face before without realising whose presence you were in.  Because there have been a few 'faketoshi's'i know this will be met with great scepticism.  However, i will talk about some of the fakes and I will show you some positive indisputable proof which will cause some of you to say ".... that has been staring me in the face all this time so i should have known ..." or words to that effect.  As well as the meetup group i will submit a couple of preview videos on prlondonlive or youtube (or both) so standby.
Please don't bombard me with questions for the moment but just be assured - this is real.  Peace to all and God be with you.

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