Merculet - Need Japanese translators for websiteWe are looking for Japanese translators for Merculet website: .
The reward will start from 10,000 Merculet Token. We need you to bid to gain the task. People who get the turn needs to submit the work in 2 days. We will quote people to start the task and all the rest will have chances to work on the proofreading. The rewards for proofreading will start from 5000 tokens.
If you are interested in this task, please reply the token you accept in the format of "translation price" / "proofreading price", 9900 / 4900 for example.
We will select from the translator who accept the least token as rewards.
For instance: if "A" bid as "9990 / 4990" and "B" bid as "9800 / 4995", we will assign the translation turn to "B" and the proofreading turn to "A".
We will start to quote people from 4/13/2018 7:00:00PM CST.
Any questions, should you add @Grace111 through telegram. Thanks for your attention.
Telegram group: address:
[email protected]Merculte bounty rewards program: