I have a question regarding merged mining. A pretty basic question, I thought, but I can't seem to find any commentary on it. So here goes.
If a coin can be merged mined, is it to one specific "parent" coin, or any coin that uses the same algorithm?
The parent is defined in the code of the AuxPOW coin. You can read about it here: https://www.coinmanual.com/tag/auxpow/
The cool thing about AuxPOW is that when you have multiple AuxPOW coins with the same parent, you can mine all off those coins at the same time.
Thank you! That's a cool article, and gives me more things to search I think it would be fun (I'm not currently even close to good enough to do it) to put that AuxPow definition in a coin for a LOT of parents. Leech off of so many networks that securing the chain is never an issue