meritReceived: Number of received earned Merits
nUsers: Number of Users that have received meritReceived Merits
nUsersAcc: Number of Accumulated nUsers (as we scroll down the list)
MeritsGroup: meritReceived * nUsers
%AccMerits: % of overall merits, Accumulated as we scroll down the list
%AccUsers: % of overall merited Users, Accumulated as we scroll down the list
So in order to see how many users have earned at least 10 Merits, we’d go down to row 641 and we’ll see that 9.768 users have earned at least that amount. Likewise, row 643 shows that 13.857 users have earned at least 5 Merits.
The top 30K (earned) merited profiles are really read on row 647, rendering 1 Merit or above.
Additionally, we can see on row 316 that the top 1% merited users now accumulate 47,13% of the earned merits, and on row 637 we can read that the top 19,63% accumulate 88,70% of earned merits. The update for the overall data is now that of:
Top 1% merited -> 47,13% of total amount of earned merits.
Top 2% merited -> 59,08% of total amount of earned merits.
Top 3,02% merited -> 65,70% of total amount of earned merits.
Top 4,01% merited -> 70,07% of total amount of earned merits.
Top 5,02% merited -> 73,26% of total amount of earned merits.
Top 10,13% merited -> 82,07% of total amount of earned merits.
Top 19,63% merited -> 88,70% of total amount of earned merits.