i.e. someone else wrote some graffiti in their version string, and you can do that too if you want to have a less anonymous node
Fully analogous to a web browser’s “User-Agent” request header. I might toss a wiseacre remark in there, if I were so foolish as to desire an anonymity set of 1.
This may not be such a bad idea with the “Server” response-header on a webserver. Well—unless, that is, you mix things up between vhosts as all too many .onion server operators do.
Those who have received mail from me may (not) have noticed:
Oh-no! Time to develop censorware “filters” for Bitcoin version strings.
N.b. that outside quotes of others, I myself have never used a vulgar word on this forum. As the only member of this forum who has ever received +50 for an insult, as a shriek from the target of the insult, I take pride in my ability to express my thoughts (including anger) via more cogent means. I would still object to censorship of Bitcoin version strings.