It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
import os;
import re;
import wget; # pip3 install wget
import numpy; # pip3 install numpy
import pandas; # pip3 install pandas
import matplotlib; # pip3 install matplotlib
from hmmlearn import hmm; # pip install --upgrade --user hmmlearn
# weighted mean
def wm(x):
return (x['VOLUME'] * x['PRICE']).sum()/x['VOLUME'].sum();
# weighted mean for rolling window
def rolling_wm(ser):
return (subdata['VOLUME'].loc[ser.index] * subdata['PRICE'].loc[ser.index]).sum()/subdata['VOLUME'].loc[ser.index].sum();
# removes incomplete weeks
def rm(df, column, n):
for i in range(n):
if df[column].iloc[0] != subdata[column].iloc[i]:
return df.iloc[i:df.shape[0]];
return df;
def fill(df, column):
x = numpy.zeros([df.shape[0]]);
c = 0; x[0] = c;
for i in range(df.shape[0]-1):
if df[column].iloc[i] != df[column].iloc[i+1]:
c += 1;
x[i+1] = c;
return x.astype(int);
# download and/or load bitstamp data
file_name = 'bitstampUSD.csv.gz';
# but make sure, that the file is up to date
# if the file already exists locally, the current one
# is not downloaded, thus, remove the local version
if os.path.exists(file_name) == False:
file_name ='');
data = pandas.read_csv(file_name, compression='gzip', header=None);
data.columns = ['EPOCH', 'PRICE', 'VOLUME'];
data = data.sort_values(by='EPOCH');
data['DATE'] = pandas.to_datetime(data['EPOCH'],unit='s').dt.tz_localize('utc').dt.tz_convert('Europe/Berlin');
data['DAY'] = [str(x) for x in pandas.Series(data['DATE'])];
# firstly group by day for faster processing
subdata = data.groupby('DAY').first();
subdata['OPEN'] = data.groupby('DAY').first()['PRICE'];
subdata['CLOSE'] = data.groupby('DAY').last()['PRICE'];
subdata['MAX'] = data.groupby('DAY').max()['PRICE'];
subdata['MIN'] = data.groupby('DAY').min()['PRICE'];
subdata['VOLUME'] = data.groupby('DAY').sum()['VOLUME'];
subdata['PRICE'] = data.groupby(['DAY']).apply(wm);
# weighted moving average, not sure whether this makes a difference
rol = subdata['PRICE'].rolling(50); subdata['MA50'] = rol.apply(rolling_wm, raw=False);
rol = subdata['PRICE'].rolling(200); subdata['MA200'] = rol.apply(rolling_wm, raw=False);
#subdata['MA50'] = subdata["PRICE"].rolling(50).mean();
#subdata['MA200'] = subdata["PRICE"].rolling(200).mean();
subdata['RETURN'] = (subdata['CLOSE'] - subdata['OPEN'])/subdata['OPEN'];
subdata['WEEK'] = [str(pandas.Timestamp(x).week) for x in subdata['DATE']];
# not very elegant way to get unique week annotation
# remove first incomplete WEEK
subdata = rm(subdata, 'WEEK', 7);
# remove last incomplete WEEK
subdata = subdata.sort_values(by='EPOCH', ascending=False);
subdata = rm(subdata, 'WEEK', 7);
subdata = subdata.sort_values(by='EPOCH');
subdata['WEEK'] = fill(subdata,'WEEK');
# secondly group by week
subsubdata = subdata.groupby('WEEK').first();
subsubdata['DAY'] = [str(x) for x in pandas.Series(subsubdata['DATE'])];
subsubdata['OPEN'] = subdata.groupby('WEEK').first()['OPEN'];
subsubdata['CLOSE'] = subdata.groupby('WEEK').last()['CLOSE'];
subsubdata['MAX'] = subdata.groupby('WEEK').max()['MAX'];
subsubdata['MIN'] = subdata.groupby('WEEK').min()['MIN'];
subsubdata['VOLUME'] = subdata.groupby('WEEK').sum()['VOLUME'];
subsubdata['PRICE'] = subdata.groupby(['WEEK']).apply(wm);
subsubdata['LOG10_PRICE'] = numpy.log10(subsubdata['PRICE']);
max_log10_price = numpy.amax(subsubdata['LOG10_PRICE']);
subsubdata['LOG10_PRICE'] = subsubdata['LOG10_PRICE']/max_log10_price;
subsubdata['LOG10_MA50'] = numpy.log10(subsubdata['MA50']);
subsubdata['LOG10_MA50'] = subsubdata['LOG10_MA50']/max_log10_price; # it's all relative to the price
subsubdata['LOG10_MA200'] = numpy.log10(subsubdata['MA200']);
subsubdata['LOG10_MA200'] = subsubdata['LOG10_MA200']/max_log10_price; # it's all relative to the price
subsubdata['RETURN'] = (subsubdata['CLOSE'] - subsubdata['OPEN'])/subsubdata['OPEN'];
# at least not wrong ...
subsubdata = subsubdata.sort_values(by='EPOCH');
# create a model and fit it to data
model = hmm.GaussianHMM(4, "diag", n_iter=1000);
X = numpy.asarray(subsubdata['RETURN']).reshape(-1,1);
fit =;
hidden_states = model.predict(X);
hidden_probs = model.predict_proba(X);
df = pandas.DataFrame(hidden_probs);
df.columns = ['0', '1', '2', '3'];
# my sentiment definition
bubble_state = hidden_states[numpy.where(subsubdata['DATE']=='2011-09-19 15:47:03+0200')[0][0]];
sideways_state = hidden_states[numpy.where(subsubdata['DATE']=='2016-10-03 00:00:18+0200')[0][0]];
bullish_state = hidden_states[numpy.where(subsubdata['DATE']=='2013-02-11 00:57:24+0100')[0][0]];
bearish_state = list(set([0,1,2,3]).difference([bubble_state, sideways_state, bullish_state]))[0];
state_index = {'violet':str(bubble_state), 'green':str(bullish_state), 'black':str(sideways_state), 'red':str(bearish_state)};
state_index_= {str(bubble_state):'violet', str(bullish_state):'green', str(sideways_state):'black', str(bearish_state):'red'};
# plot the result
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(2.24,2.24));
df[state_index['violet']].plot(ax=ax, color='violet', linewidth=0.6, label='bubble');
df[state_index['green']].plot(ax=ax, color='green', linewidth=0.6, label='bullish');
df[state_index['black']].plot(ax=ax, color='black', linewidth=0.6, label='sideways');
df[state_index['red']].plot(ax=ax, color='red', linewidth=0.6, label='bearish');
subsubdata['LOG10_PRICE'].plot(ax=ax, color='blue', linewidth=0.6, label='log10(price)');
subsubdata['LOG10_MA50'].plot(ax=ax, color='cyan', linewidth=0.6, label='log10(MA50)');
subsubdata['LOG10_MA200'].plot(ax=ax, color='orange', linewidth=0.6, label='log10(MA200)');
for i in range(len(hidden_states)):
rect = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((i-0.5,0),1,-0.1,linewidth=1,edgecolor='none',facecolor=state_index_[str(hidden_states[i])]);
blubb = [str(x) for x in subsubdata["DATE"]];
blubb = [re.match('^[0-9]{4}', x).group() for x in blubb];
indices = [];
for i in range(len(blubb)-1):
if blubb[i] != blubb[i+1]:
quarts = [0, 26];
ticks = [];
for index in indices:
for quart in quarts:
if index + quart > len(blubb):
ticks.append(index + quart);
ticks = numpy.asarray(ticks);
plt.xticks(ticks=ticks, labels=subsubdata['DAY'].iloc[ticks], rotation='horizontal');
for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
plt.title('Four states HMM (last week starting at ' + subsubdata['DAY'].iloc[subsubdata.shape[0]-1] + ')');
# first halving ~ 1354060800 (2012-11-28)
i = numpy.amax(numpy.where(subsubdata["EPOCH"] < 1354060800));
plt.axvline(i, linewidth=0.6);
# second halving ~ 1468022400 (2016-07-09)
i = numpy.amax(numpy.where(subsubdata["EPOCH"] < 1468022400));
plt.axvline(i, linewidth=0.6);
# third halving ~ 1589155200 (2020-05-11)
i = numpy.amax(numpy.where(subsubdata["EPOCH"] < 1589155200));
plt.axvline(i, linewidth=0.6);;
import os;
import wget; # pip3 install wget
import numpy; # pip3 install numpy
import pandas; # pip3 install pandas
import matplotlib; # pip3 install matplotlib
from hmmlearn import hmm; # pip install --upgrade --user hmmlearn
# weighted mean
def wm(x):
return (x['VOLUME'] * x['PRICE']).sum()/x['VOLUME'].sum();
# removes incomplete weeks
def rm(df, column, n):
for i in range(n):
if df[column].iloc[0] != subdata[column].iloc[i]:
return df.iloc[i:df.shape[0]];
return df;
def fill(df, column):
x = numpy.zeros([df.shape[0]]);
c = 0; x[0] = c;
for i in range(df.shape[0]-1):
if df[column].iloc[i] != df[column].iloc[i+1]:
c += 1;
x[i+1] = c;
return x.astype(int);
# download and/or load bitstamp data
file_name = 'bitstampUSD.csv.gz';
# but make sure, that the file is up to date
if os.path.exists(file_name) == False:
file_name ='');
data = pandas.read_csv(file_name, compression='gzip', header=None);
data.columns = ['EPOCH', 'PRICE', 'VOLUME'];
data = data.sort_values(by='EPOCH');
data['DATE'] = pandas.to_datetime(data['EPOCH'],unit='s').dt.tz_localize('utc').dt.tz_convert('Europe/Berlin');
data['DAY'] = [str(x) for x in pandas.Series(data['DATE'])];
# firstly group by day for faster processing
subdata = data.groupby('DAY').first();
subdata['OPEN'] = data.groupby('DAY').first()['PRICE'];
subdata['CLOSE'] = data.groupby('DAY').last()['PRICE'];
subdata['MAX'] = data.groupby('DAY').max()['PRICE'];
subdata['MIN'] = data.groupby('DAY').min()['PRICE'];
subdata['VOLUME'] = data.groupby('DAY').sum()['VOLUME'];
subdata['PRICE'] = data.groupby(['DAY']).apply(wm);
subdata['MA50'] = subdata["MAX"].rolling(50).mean();
subdata['MA200'] = subdata["MAX"].rolling(200).mean();
subdata['RETURN'] = (subdata['CLOSE'] - subdata['OPEN'])/subdata['OPEN'];
subdata['WEEK'] = [str(pandas.Timestamp(x).week) for x in subdata['DATE']];
# not very elegant way to get unique week annotation
# remove first incomplete WEEK
subdata = rm(subdata, 'WEEK', 7);
# remove last incomplete WEEK
subdata = subdata.sort_values(by='EPOCH', ascending=False);
subdata = rm(subdata, 'WEEK', 7);
subdata = subdata.sort_values(by='EPOCH');
subdata['WEEK'] = fill(subdata,'WEEK');
# secondly group by week
subsubdata = subdata.groupby('WEEK').first();
subsubdata['DAY'] = [str(x) for x in pandas.Series(subsubdata['DATE'])];
subsubdata['OPEN'] = subdata.groupby('WEEK').first()['OPEN'];
subsubdata['CLOSE'] = subdata.groupby('WEEK').last()['CLOSE'];
subsubdata['MAX'] = subdata.groupby('WEEK').max()['MAX'];
subsubdata['MIN'] = subdata.groupby('WEEK').min()['MIN'];
subsubdata['VOLUME'] = subdata.groupby('WEEK').sum()['VOLUME'];
subsubdata['PRICE'] = subdata.groupby(['WEEK']).apply(wm);
subsubdata['LOG10_PRICE'] = numpy.log10(subsubdata['PRICE']);
subsubdata['LOG10_PRICE'] = subsubdata['LOG10_PRICE']/numpy.amax(subsubdata['LOG10_PRICE']);
subsubdata['LOG10_MA50'] = numpy.log10(subsubdata['MA50']);
subsubdata['LOG10_MA50'] = subsubdata['LOG10_MA50']/numpy.amax(subsubdata['LOG10_MA50']);
subsubdata['LOG10_MA200'] = numpy.log10(subsubdata['MA200']);
subsubdata['LOG10_MA200'] = subsubdata['LOG10_MA200']/numpy.amax(subsubdata['LOG10_MA200']);
subsubdata['RETURN'] = (subsubdata['CLOSE'] - subsubdata['OPEN'])/subsubdata['OPEN'];
# at least not wrong ...
subsubdata = subsubdata.sort_values(by='EPOCH');
# create a model and fit it to data
model = hmm.GaussianHMM(4, "diag", n_iter=1000);
X = numpy.asarray(subsubdata['RETURN']).reshape(-1,1);
fit =;
hidden_states = model.predict(X);
hidden_probs = model.predict_proba(X);
df = pandas.DataFrame(hidden_probs);
df.columns = ['0', '1', '2', '3'];
# my sentiment definition
bubble_state = hidden_states[numpy.where(subsubdata['DATE']=='2011-09-19 15:47:03+0200')[0][0]];
sideways_state = hidden_states[numpy.where(subsubdata['DATE']=='2016-10-03 00:00:18+0200')[0][0]];
bullish_state = hidden_states[numpy.where(subsubdata['DATE']=='2013-02-11 00:57:24+0100')[0][0]];
bearish_state = list(set([0,1,2,3]).difference([bubble_state, sideways_state, bullish_state]))[0];
state_index = {'violet':str(bubble_state), 'green':str(bullish_state), 'black':str(sideways_state), 'red':str(bearish_state)};
state_index_= {str(bubble_state):'violet', str(bullish_state):'green', str(sideways_state):'black', str(bearish_state):'red'};
# plot the result
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(2.24,2.24));
df[state_index['violet']].plot(ax=ax, color='violet', linewidth=0.6, label='bubble');
df[state_index['green']].plot(ax=ax, color='green', linewidth=0.6, label='bullish');
df[state_index['black']].plot(ax=ax, color='black', linewidth=0.6, label='sideways');
df[state_index['red']].plot(ax=ax, color='red', linewidth=0.6, label='bearish');
subsubdata['LOG10_PRICE'].plot(ax=ax, color='blue', linewidth=0.6, label='log10(price)');
subsubdata['LOG10_MA50'].plot(ax=ax, color='orange', linewidth=0.6, linestyle='dashed', label='log10(MA50)');
subsubdata['LOG10_MA200'].plot(ax=ax, color='orange', linewidth=0.6, label='log10(MA200)');
for i in range(len(hidden_states)):
rect = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((i-0.5,0),1,-0.1,linewidth=1,edgecolor='none',facecolor=state_index_[str(hidden_states[i])]);
ticks = numpy.asarray(list(range(subsubdata.shape[0])));
ticks = ticks[ticks%52==0];
plt.xticks(ticks=ticks, labels=subsubdata['DAY'].iloc[ticks], rotation='horizontal');
plt.title('Four states HMM (last week starting at ' + subsubdata['DAY'].iloc[subsubdata.shape[0]-1] + ')');;
rm *.csv
rm *.tar.gz
tar -xzvf all.tar.gz
keep_cols <- function(data, keep=NULL){
if (is.null(keep))
to_keep <- rep(FALSE, ncol(data));
for (k in keep)
to_keep <- to_keep | grepl(k, colnames(data));
ret <- data[,to_keep];
ret <- ret[,order(colnames(ret))];
merge_data <- function(data, keep=NULL, drop_cols=FALSE){
ret <- NULL;
for (i in 1:length(data)){
if (is.null(keep) || names(data)[i] %in% keep){
datum <- data[[i]];
if (drop_cols)
datum <- datum[,![nrow(datum),])]
index <- which(grepl("date", colnames(datum)));
if (length(index) == 1){
if (is.null(ret)){
ret <- datum;
byx <- colnames(datum)[index];
} else {
byy <- colnames(datum)[index];
ret <- merge(x=ret, y=datum, by.x=byx, by.y=byy);
read_dir <- function(dir){
files <- list.files(dir, pattern="*.csv");
ret <- list();
for (file in files){
datum <- read.csv(file=paste(dir, file, sep="/"));
colnames(datum) <- paste(file, colnames(datum), sep=".");
ret <- append(ret, list(datum));
names(ret) <- files;
make_open_close <- function(data, number_of_days=7, date="DATE", price="PRICE"){
x <- data;
# extrahiere ersten und letzten Tag der Woche
if (number_of_days > 1){
x <- cbind(x, "WEEK_DAY"=((1:nrow(x))%%number_of_days));
open <- x[x$WEEK_DAY==1, price];
close <- x[x$WEEK_DAY==0, price];
open_date <- x[x$WEEK_DAY==1, date];
close_date <- x[x$WEEK_DAY==0, date];
} else {
open <- x[,price];
close <- x[,price];
open_date <- x[,date];
close_date <- x[,date];
# passe die Länge der Vektoren an sodass es für jeden Tag eine Entsprechung gibt, einer der Fälle ist glaube ich unnötig
if (length(open) > length(close)) {open <- open[1:length(close)]; open_date <- open_date[1:length(close)];};
if (length(open) < length(close)) {close <- close[1:length(open)]; close_date <- close_date[1:length(open)];};
return(data.frame("OPEN_DATE"=open_date, "CLOSE_DATE"=close_date, "OPEN_PRICE"=open, "CLOSE_PRICE"=close));
make_return <- function(data){
return((data$CLOSE_PRICE - data$OPEN_PRICE)/data$OPEN_PRICE);
test_levels <- function(data, id=NULL){
if (!is.null(id))
bar <- table(data);
print(bar[bar == 1]);
make_breaks <- function(data, breaks=5, ignore=c()){
ret <- data;
for (i in 3:ncol(ret))
if (!(colnames(ret)[i] %in% ignore))
ret[,i] <- cut(ret[,i], breaks=breaks);
make_formula <- function(data, y=NULL, ignore=c()){
if (is.null(y))
stop("id for y-variable missing");
ret <- paste(setdiff(colnames(data), c(y, ignore)), collapse=" + ");
ret <- paste(y, ret, sep=" ~ ");
make_prediction <- function(data, price_id=NULL, shift=1, breaks=5, ignore=c()){
if (is.null(price_id))
stop("price_id missing");
R <- make_breaks(data, breaks=breaks, ignore=price_id);
shifted_R <- R;
shifted_R[1:(length(R[,price_id])-shift), price_id] <- R[(shift+1):length(R[,price_id]), price_id];
shifted_R <- shifted_R[1:(length(R[,price_id])-shift),];
formula <- make_formula(shifted_R, y=price_id, ignore=ignore);
shifted_fit <- lm(formula, data=shifted_R);
to_predict <- R[(nrow(R)-shift+1):nrow(R),];
to_predict[,price_id] <- NA;
# were levels for prediction used in fit?
b <- rep(TRUE,3); for (i in 4:length(to_predict)){b <- c(b, to_predict[1,colnames(to_predict)[i]] %in% shifted_R[,colnames(to_predict)[i]])}
if (sum(!b) > 0)
cat(paste("New levels: ", paste(colnames(to_predict)[!b], collapse=", "), sep=""));
# replace non-existing factors with last one in shifted_R
# actually it should be better to use factor from fit, which is closest
to_predict[1,!b] <- shifted_R[nrow(shifted_R),!b];
prediction <- predict(shifted_fit, to_predict);
ret <- list(prediction, to_predict, R, shifted_R, shifted_fit);
names(ret) <- c("PREDICTION", "TO_PREDICT", "R", "SHIFTED_R", "SHIFTED_FIT");
breaks = 15;
price_id = "btc.csv.price.USD.";
x <- read_dir("coinmetrics");
x <- merge_data(x, keep=c("btc.csv", "ltc.csv", "eth.csv", "xrp.csv", "doge.csv", "usdt.csv", "gold.csv", "sp500.csv"), drop_cols=TRUE);
x <- keep_cols(x, c("", "price", "value", ".txVolume.", "marketcap"));
colnames(x)[colnames(x)==""] <- "DATE";
# simply switches columns:
index <- which(colnames(x)==price_id);
indices <- 1:ncol(x);
indices[2] <- index;
indices[index] <- 2;
x <- x[,indices];
x <- x[apply(x, MARGIN=1, function(ret){!any(}),];
x <- x[(nrow(x) %% 7 + 1):nrow(x),];
R <- make_open_close(x, price=price_id)[,c("OPEN_DATE", "CLOSE_DATE")];
for (i in 2:ncol(x))
R <- cbind(R, make_return(make_open_close(x, price=colnames(x)[i])));
colnames(R)[3:length(colnames(R))] <- colnames(x)[2:length(colnames(x))];
#R <- R[1:(nrow(R)-1),];
svd_R <- R;
foo <- make_prediction(R, price_id=price_id, shift=1, breaks=breaks, ignore=c("OPEN_DATE", "CLOSE_DATE"));
prediction <- foo$PREDICTION;
R <- foo$R;
shifted_R <- foo$SHIFTED_R
shifted_fit <- foo$SHIFTED_FIT;
# evaluations
X <- model.matrix(shifted_fit);
beta <- coefficients(shifted_fit);
X <- X[,!];
beta <- beta[!];
evaluation_historically <- X %*% beta;
correct_predictions <- (evaluation_historically < 0) == (shifted_R[,price_id] < 0);
n <- 10^8; print(sum((ceiling(runif(n)*nrow(shifted_R)) <= sum(shifted_R[,price_id] < 0)) == (ceiling(runif(n)*nrow(shifted_R)) <= sum(shifted_R[,price_id] < 0)))/n);, height=3.5);
matplot(R[,price_id], type="l", col=c("blue"), lty = c(1), xaxt="n");
abline(h=0, col="black");
lines((1:length(evaluation_historically))+1, evaluation_historically, col="violet");
points(length(R[,price_id])+1, prediction, col="violet", pch=16);
ops <- c(0.06927308);
old_predictions <- data.frame("x"=(nrow(R)-length(ops)+1):nrow(R), "y"=ops);
points(old_predictions$x, old_predictions$y, col="violet", pch=1);
int <- floor(nrow(R)/7) - 1; # warum auch immer minus 1?
axis(1, at = int*(0:7)+1, labels = R$CLOSE_DATE[int*(0:7)+1]);
legend("left", legend = c("historic", "learned"), col = c("blue", "violet"), lty = c(1,1), lwd = 1 , xpd = T );
title(paste("Weekly BTC return prediction via factorial regression (breaks = ", breaks, "):\nPredicted return for ", as.Date(R$CLOSE_DATE[nrow(R)])+7, ": ", prediction, sep=""));
min_val <- min(c(R[,price_id], evaluation_historically));
colors <- c("red", "green");
correct_predictions <- (evaluation_historically < 0) == (shifted_R[,price_id] < 0);
correct_predictions <- as.integer(correct_predictions)+1;
for (i in 1:length(correct_predictions)){rect(i+1-0.5, min_val, i+2-0.5, min_val-0.1, col=colors[correct_predictions[i]], border=NA)}
factors <- tail(colnames(R),-3);
f1 <- paste(factors[1:14], collapse=", ");
f2 <- paste(factors[15:19], collapse=", ");
s <- paste(f1, f2, sep=",\n")
title(sub=s, adj=0, line=3, font=2, cex.sub=0.9);