Scammer address:
It has been flagged as Phishing address by MEW. He has almost $50K in his account.
I was asked to do a KYC with EOSPRIVATE. They have about 5000 people on Telegram Group. Mostly bots I believe (Complete KYC >>> I clicked on a phishing link which redirected me to MEW where I entered my private key and signed the message which he asked for. I didn't realize that I am getting scammed. But after 5 minutes, I saw all my tokens being pulled out of my account. May be the scammer has got hold of my private key when I clicked that phishing link. I did a grave mistake and I lost all my tokens.
This is one of the reason why I don't do KYC they do this redirection thing to deceive users to enter their private telling us it is safe, when we all know that whoever got your private key can have access to your wallet, it seems you are still uneducated on how to secure your private key, you have no one to blame but yourself too.