
Topic: Middle East (UAE, Saudi, etc) - بتكوين في الدول العربية (Read 29791 times)

Activity: 246
Merit: 16
Learn and Grow
I am currently selling BTC on Huobi OTC at attractive prices and zero transaction fees. Come trade with me at

I get to earn all!! Platform charges me no commission


Huobi MENA

The most trusted digital asset exchange in the MENA region!
jr. member
Activity: 146
Merit: 1
POSScoin can make you Rich

-Good team
-It's new coin
-listed on 2 exchanges and more coming
-you can recive 40% more coins every month (PoS)
-undervaluted now
-Roadmap till 2020
Activity: 35
Merit: 0

Hi All, OP here, we are happy to announce the launch of the waitlist for

It took 5 years from my original post to finally get something off the ground, during the past 2 years we've made Rain happen by partnering with the central bank of Bahrain.

Full details from our announcement on our blog: Welcome to Rain

Read more about Rain in the news:

Forbes ME
Yahoo Finance

Activity: 1
Merit: 0
I am willing to help using m two Antminers S5 and my 4000 dirham pc and my mac book laptop and my money to make a pool for the Middle East and make a website I have seen the growth of the Bitcoin price from 2-3 years it has grown really fast. I speak also 2 languages Arabic and English. I am Emarati I also love the Arab community I want to start working on the GCC then expand to the whole Middle East. I just need people to help me work with the project.

If you are willing to support in any way just let me know.
[Money - Mining power - Skill]

Thanks for reading  Smiley
Activity: 56
Merit: 0 is currently looking for translators and promoters for Arabic. Please email [email protected] if you are interested. The position would be part time and require around 5 to 10 hours a week. You set your own schedule. When emailing us you must specify expected pay and if you speak any other languages aside from English and Arabic. 
Activity: 95
Merit: 10
للبيع .
لمن يريد شراء الدومين الاتصال ب بارسال رسالة
jr. member
Activity: 91
Merit: 1
السلام عليكم,

إخواني الكرام شكراً أولاً على هذا الموضوع الهادف و المهم بهذا المنتدى المعروف, كنت قد بدأت القرائة عن موضوع البتكوين من حوالي شهران فقط, رغم اني كنت اسمع عنه كثيراً قبل ذلك لكن لقلة المراجع بالعربيه تحديداً, و لأن لغتي الإنجليزيه قويه لكن ما عندي طولة بال للقرائة على النت  Grin و وجدت الموضوع معقد بعض الشيء و لاني كنت امتلك جهاز بكرت شاشه عادي و معالج رباعي فلم اتطرق كثيراً للموضوع و لم اهتم به,

لكن منذ حوالي شهران وجدت موضع بالصدفه يشرح طرق مختلفه للكسب من النت و منها البت كوين

بدأت أقرأه و فهمت الاسلوب و بدأت أطبق من ثاني يوم على كرت الشاشه المسكين تبعي GTX550ti و طبعاً كان ربحي 0.0000001 يعني شيء لا يذكر

لكن لدي ملاحظه بسيطه و طلب من كل عضو يشارك بهذا الموضوع لإني حاسس الموضوع بدا يقلب سلطه:
رجاء عدم الخروج عن الموضوع او إضافة ردود لا تمت للموضوع بصله

المهم الآن نرجع للموضوع...

بعد قرائة المزيد بهذا المجال (الواعد او الخادع, الوقت وحده يحدد) اكتشفت ان الاداء الذي حصلت عليه بالتعدين بكرت الشاشه و المعالج لدي حوالي 70-80 مليون هاش بالثانيه

و ذلك لعملة البتكوين بتشفير SHA-256

يعد شيء تافه و أكيد 100% ان الأمر سيكلفك كهرباء للتعدين من جهازك الخاص أكثر بكثير من الأرباح التي ستجنيها, ناهيك عن الشهر او السنين لجني اول بتكوين و عن احتمالية خراب الكرت او المعالج قبل الوصول لذلك الربح الإفتراضي,

و أيضاً ناهيك عن الحراره المولده و الإزعاج الناتج عن مروحة كرت الشاشه,

لذلك بالمختصر قررت وضع المسأله قيد الإنتظار و العوده إليها بوقت لاحق غير محدد...

الحمد لله منذ أسبوعان انتهيت من تجهيز جهاز عالي المواصفات بكرتان شاشه و أصبح اداء التعدين لدي حوالي 900 مليون هاش بالثانيه,
طبعاً لم اقم بتجهيز الجهاز خصوصا للتعديل، بالاحرى لقد جربت التعدين فقط منذ حوالي 3 ايام, لكن من الجميل تجربة امور جديده خصوصا لإختبار قوة جهازك و لكسب معلومات جديده عن شيء تقرأ عنه لأول مره و هو تعدين العملاء الإفتراضيه...

رغم ذلك سأشارك معكم أرباحي بعد التعدين لـ8 ساعات متراكمه (منها 5 ساعات متواصله لان البرنامج المستخدم كان يظل يفصل و يوقف التعدين بدون علمي) لكن 8 ساعات نقول مش أكثر,
حتى الآن كسبت التالي فقط و وبكامل قوة كرتين الشاشه:

طبعاً رقم لا يكاد يذكر,

طبعاً مشكلة كروت الشاشه رغم قوتها الجباره مقارنة بالمعالج الرئيسي فإن مشكلتها إستهلاك كميات كبيره من الطاقه + لا يعتمد عليها بالتعدين, برأيي حتى لو تم تركيب 6 او 10 كروت على جهاز واحد فإنها ستضيع طاقه أكثر من كسبان العملات الإفتراضيه...

الآن سأشارك معكم هذه الاداه الصغيره لكن المفيده فعلاً و ستعطيك الربح المتوقع بالنسبه لمواصفات الاداه التي تستخدمها للتعدين:

البتكوين يعتمد على: SHA-256
Hashrate: عدد عمليات فك التشفيربالثانيه الواحده, هذا عليك معرفته فهو حسب قوة كرتك او معالج او الاداه التي تستخدمه...
Power (W): معدل إستهلاك الطاقه بالواط لكرتك او الاداه التي تستخدمها...
Power Cost ($/kWh): سعر الطاقه ببلدك - كيلوواط لكل ساعه/دولار أمريكي

الآن ننتقل لمجال آخر, و هو اداوت التعدين المخصصه للبتكوين, طبعاً هناك ادوات مرتفعه التكلفه قد يصل سعرها إلى 13,000 دولار أمريكي, و لن اتطرق إليها لأني لا امتلك ادنى خبره بالتعامل معها و لكن لسبب اهم من ذلك اظن من يقوم بدفع هذا المبلغ مغفلاً صراحه نظراً لتعقيدها و حتماً لن تجني لك هذا المبلغ بأي وقت قريباً, و لا نعلم حتى ان كان البتكوين له مستقبل واعد ام لا (هل سترتفع قيمة البتكوين ام تنخفض بشكل كبير) الوقت وحده يحدد... Smiley

على كل حال على سبيل الإختبار و التجريب هناك هذه الاده الصغيره التي يذكر حسب الموضوع انه ادائها بالتعدين حوالي 3.2-4.4 تيراهاش بالثانيه:
http://[Suspicious link removed]/SRJRb8

هذا موضوع بسيط جداً و مثبت يشرح اهم 3 وحدات و التحويل بينهم KH/s - MH/s - GH/s
http://[Suspicious link removed]/U7qkh4

الآن الخبر الصادم جداً للمعظم, اداء 3.2 جيجا هاش بالثانيه = 3200 ميجاهاش بالثانيه
3200 ميجاهاش بالثانيه

هذا حوالي 5 أضعاف قوة كرت شاشه واحد فائق القوه مثل
GTX 980
بأداء 600-700 ميجاهاش بالثانيه فقط !
بتكلفة 540 دولار أمريكي

و الأهم من هذا طبعاً ان التعدين بإستخدام اداة اليو اس بي الصغيره تستهلك طاقه حوالي 4 واط فقط و هو شيء لا يذكر فعلاً !
بينما التعدين بكرت شاشه مثل المذكور يستهلك أكثر من 200 واط من الطاقه...

الآن توصلنا لإستنتاج مهم للغايه,
التعدين أصبح يتطلب منذ منتصف عام 2014 أدوات خاصه و اجهزه خاصه و التعدين عن طريق كروت الشاشه للأسف أمر لن يجدي نفعاً و خساره للطاقه و الوقت و حتى المال و عاجلاً أم آجلاً سيؤدي لتلف كرت الشاشه و الله أعلم بسبب الحراره المرتفعه بصوره مستمره + الفولطيه المرتفعه التي تسري بعروق الكرت بصوره دائمه و هذا حتماً من الامور التي تؤدي لتدني اداء و عمر الكرت بصوره دوريه...

لا مانع يمكنك تجربة التعدين بكرت الشاشه لديك فقط للتعلم و لساعات او يوم او يومان كما تراه مناسباً و حسب حداثة كرت الشاشه لديك و جودته و جودة باقي مكونات الكمبيوتر لديك (لا سيما اللوحه الام و موزع الطاقه الباور سبلاي) و حسب درجات الحراره أولاً و أخيراً, لكن لا تتفائل كثيراً بالكسب بتعدين العملاء الافتراضيه بإستخدام كروت الشاشه فقط فوقتها قد فات و طاف بأشواط Smiley

أيضاً يرجى عدم التعدين مطلقاً لعدة ساعات على جهاز لابتوب محمول او حتى هاتف ذكي او اي من الخزعبلات هذه لأن الهدف منها (((إتلاف))) جهازك المحمول قبل ان تربح سنت امريكي واحد ! فالتعدين يحتاج اجهزه خاصه كما قلنا او على الأقل جهاز مكتبي لتجربة التعدين !...

ان شاء الله الموضوع يكون أضاف بعض المعلومات للإخوان رغم إستعجالي بكتابته كوني بمكان العمل الآن و هذه المعلومات هي ما تعلمته و تمكنت من تجميعه بغضون أقل يومان فقط و لله الحمد !...

تفضل بطرح اي سؤال و ان شاء الله نتمكن من التفاعل معكم و الإجابه على استفساراتكم...
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 503
|| Web developer ||
اللهم صل وسلم علي سيدنا محمد
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
I hope you are ok
i'm naser from palestine , 19 years old .
Of course you know the bad financial conditions experienced by the people of Palestine , I desperately need the money as soon as possible , I hope you will help me , Or to allow me to work with you and give me a sum of money .

In addition : i have an account on blockchain and my Bitcoin Address is : 1Mfp8aMFZ7ntLNsxnmTSvLxPBX2DC4V5cN

I have a small project to get the money ( project is a website, but I wish you to give me the money and donate on my Bitcoin Address "even if 0.5 $")

i don't know if the section is right or not , i hope it's right

thank you all
Activity: 1619
Merit: 1004
Bitcoiner, Crypto-anarchist and Cypherpunk.
Join our meetup group if you want to meet some Bitcoiner in the UAE :

And join us at the Dubai Bitcoin conference !

Here :
Activity: 115
Merit: 10
Has anyone had some experience with "BitFils", the new Kuwaiti exchange? They accept Knet cards.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
things you own end up owning you
ما رايكم في الشراء الان
هل سياخد الترند التاني ا انه سيستمر في الهبةوط

أعتقد أن  البالون لم يطفح بعد, كما أعتقد أن السعر سيستمر في الهبوط....من الممكن أن نكسر عتبة 100 دولار قبل أن يرتفع السعر مرة أخرى
Activity: 95
Merit: 10
و ما رايكم في اللايتكوين كعملة بديلة في الفترة هده الصعبة للبتكوين
Activity: 95
Merit: 10
ما رايكم في الشراء الان
هل سياخد الترند التاني ا انه سيستمر في الهبةوط
Activity: 95
Merit: 10
المشكلة في الاساس في النقطة التالتة
3- Legality and Legitimacy
لان من اهم مبادئ البتكوين الانونيموس
لكن لو سعينا في هدا الاتجاه ممكن نجد حلا وسط حيت البتكوين تكون عملة معروفة و في نفس الوقت نستغل التقنية الماليو الحديتة
Activity: 95
Merit: 10
من المغرب
صاحب مدونة البتكوين العربي
تابع معاكم الموضوع .
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
Hi guys.  I have a client in KSA and trying to get them setup with a mining machine.  The latency to BTCGuild is over 300ms, both the US and EU nodes.  Can you recommend a pool that is closer and will have lower latency for Saudi?  Thanks.
Activity: 35
Merit: 0

انصحك في البداية مشاهدة الفيديو على
للحصول على مقدمة سريعة
وربما مراجعة الاسئلة الشائعة في نفس الموقع على الرابط

مع الاحترام

شكرا أخي ، موقعك جيد

Activity: 1
Merit: 0
the best exchanger in the middle east and legally is bank masr and you can receive your money from anybranch
Just visit bank misr home page
Activity: 5
Merit: 0

انصحك في البداية مشاهدة الفيديو على
للحصول على مقدمة سريعة
وربما مراجعة الاسئلة الشائعة في نفس الموقع على الرابط

مع الاحترام
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
سؤال غريب يا جماعة الخير

انا اول مرة اشارك في هذا المنتدى

احد يشرح لي ما هو البتكوين ؟

اللي فهمت ، اني اخلي المعالج او كرت الشاشة يعالج بيانات وآخذ نقاط عبارة عن عملة ؟
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
What is STC?

I think he's referring to the main phone company in Saudi Arabia. Maybe you can try to PM the OP, he's from Saudi.

yes i am referring to the phone company of STC i am not from saudi arabia but i need a person from there as i need someone to buy a internet package for my husband there at this time of the month they dont have a time because they need to work overtime in the restaurant just because maybe ramadan is nearly coming
hero member
Activity: 868
Merit: 1001 FREE Escrow Service
What is STC?

I think he's referring to the main phone company in Saudi Arabia. Maybe you can try to PM the OP, he's from Saudi.
Activity: 115
Merit: 10
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
is this thread is still active? if yes i would like to ask some question about STC in saudi arabia i cant find the right thread with a lot of arab people rather than this so forgive my trespassing here  Smiley
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
Dear Kokomoka,

I think you have listed valid points why bitcoin should be more popular in the Arab world. Yet as we see it is not. Personally I am not sure why it is not the case. I think that one reason is the lack of information about the topic in Arabic. For this reason we have started an Arabic website dedicated for bitcoin and have created an introductory video in less than two minutes.

While I can not help you with task of getting access to cheap electricity, I can help by providing the forum for discussion. In fact the above website already has a forum, which is not popular until now (just two topics and one reply). You and everyone else are welcome to use it for any discussion related to the use bitcoin in the Arab world. The fourm can be accessed directly at

Best Regards,
Activity: 115
Merit: 10
I am a Westerner living in Kuwait. I would love to be involved with bitcoin related projects in this region.

I see these as positive factors for bitcoin in the middle east:
   1) A wealthy population, both locals and (some) expats.
   2) A huge expat workforce that need to make remittances back home on a regular basis.
   3) In terms of mining, very very cheap electricity. (I once tried to help a Chinese company hire a warehouse here to mine bitcoins in but it was very difficult to        overcome the bureaucracy here (in Kuwait)). Nevertheless, mining is something that we could all work on. If someone has the wasta to secure a warehouse and a    multi mega watt power supply, then let me know.
   4) An entreprenurial population.

Would it be possible to establish some sort of a central forum (like one of these threads) to better co-ordinate our efforts?

To get started, I would request that if anyone here has the wasta to secure a warehouse plus a cheap electricity supply then let me know on what terms. We can advertise in this forum for a large miner to relocate part of their operations here.

Secondly, I understand that Bahrain has focused on establishing financial services as a way to diversify their economy away from oil and gas. They would seem the most obvious place to establish an exchange.
full member
Activity: 145
Merit: 100

I'm a developer of Hive OSX (, an open source wallet for Mac (we also have Android and iOS versions in development).

I wanted to ask if any of you would be interested in updating our Arabic translation? The basic parts were translated once long ago, but a lot has changed since then, so all the newer parts are not translated.

We use Transifex service to manage translations, so if you would like to help, head to and send a request to join the Arabic team. (You can also read a longer guide here:
Activity: 65
Merit: 10
What about Lebanon?Huh

Anyone from Libanon ?  anyone can tell me if in Lebanon there is a place to uy and sell bitcoin localy ?
Is there any ARABIC Company that deals with bitcoin?
sr. member
Activity: 249
Merit: 250
peace fellow Middle eastern im from  Morocco ,I have some basic knowledge about bitcoins feel free to ask me anything i would try my best to answer .  

Do you have bitcoin meetings in Morocco?
Any place to buy&sell bitcoins locally?
Any place to pay with bitcoin?

Would be nice to know!
I have not met anyone in person yet .
not a as far as I know ,but some online sites accepts transaction from Morocco,
Not for the moment ,bitcoins aren't well known in Morocco.

Edit: after doing some googling I found another way to get bitcoins in Morocco whitch is  that you buy CashU or UKash credits in Morocco then redeemed at
Edit2 :I found a couple of places and people that trade bitcoins at
Edit3 : I came across this website that convert's your bitcoins into mobile providers credit i  ,to test them have bought a $1 value but still haven't received anything from them yet
Edit4 : I have received the credit from after 1day or so
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1001
peace fellow Middle eastern im from  Morocco ,I have some basic knowledge about bitcoins feel free to ask me anything i would try my best to answer . 

Do you have bitcoin meetings in Morocco?
Any place to buy&sell bitcoins locally?
Any place to pay with bitcoin?

Would be nice to know!
sr. member
Activity: 249
Merit: 250
peace fellow Middle eastern im from  Morocco ,I have some basic knowledge about bitcoins feel free to ask me anything i would try my best to answer . 
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
السلام عليكم

أنا سعيد لاكتشافي هذا النقاش وشاكر لكل من يحاول تشجيع العملات التشفيرية في العالم العربي.

انا لست خبيرا في مجال البيتكوين وعندما أردت معرفة المزيد عن الموضوع لم اجد الكثير عن الموضوع باللغة العربية. لذلك قررت انشاء موقع للبيتكوين باللغة العربية (فقط) وأقوم بوضع ما استطيع عليه.
حاليا لا يحوي الكثير ولكنه يحمل روابط لكل الشركات أو المؤسسات في العالم العربي التي تقبل التعامل بالبيتكوين - على الأقل كل التي أعرف عنها.
وكذلك قسم أسئلة وأجوبة بالعربية عن أمور تتعلق بالبيتكوين.

أيضا قمت باضافة خاصية المنتدى للموقع قبل أن أكتشف وجود هذا النقاش هنا. حاليا المنتدى فارغ على أمل أن يحوي في يوم من الايام نقاش حقيقي يساهم في اثراء المحتوى العربي على الانترنت فيما يتعلق بالعملات التشفيرية.

أرجو منكم التكرم بزيارة الموقع والتسجيل به وابداء أي ملاحظات عليه. ابعد التسجيل بالموقع يمكن اضافة أسئلة واجوبة أو مقالات أو مواضيع في المنتدى أو التعليق على ما هو موجود.

مرة أخرى مشكور جهود جميعكم وأسف على الاطالة.

عنوان الموقع:

hero member
Activity: 868
Merit: 1001 FREE Escrow Service
المفروض ان هذا القسم خاص بنقاشات حول عملة بيتكوين باللغة العربية  Huh

طيب اطرحلك شي موضوع حتى تتناقص شوي
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
المفروض ان هذا القسم خاص بنقاشات حول عملة بيتكوين باللغة العربية  Huh
Activity: 65
Merit: 10
I think you should explain your project a bit, otherwise no one is going to get interested.

The problem is that this project is unique, and i would also explain it for whom it cares. Just contact me privatly and i will explain everything detailed. But i cant do that public.
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1001
I think you should explain your project a bit, otherwise no one is going to get interested.
Activity: 65
Merit: 10
Hi Guys, Iam a Lebanese Student born in Lebanon but studiying in Germany, Me and my 3 Partners are working on a Project related to Cryptocurrency, we are planing a big Project that will let the arabworld be a stabil  and developed competitor in the Crypto currency area.

We are searching for 2 things:

1-) Arabic Guys that have the technical know how in the IT area of Cryptocurrency and other who have the know how in the Marketing area.
2-) some Arabic businessman and possible Investor from the Arabic world who already have some knowledge with the cryptocurrency.

If thereis anyone Interested please send me a Private message. Later we can talk about our private emails and/or skype. Soon we will be also in Lebanon and after that in Dubai, maybe we will meet up also there.

Thank you and have a nice day all.
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
Hey everyone,

Bitcoin user/merchant here, from Egypt! Smiley

I would love to have a group discussion with you guys and maybe we can come up with something. I have everything needed to start an online community for Arabic speakers, but I'm not sure if it'd be worth the hassle!

Drop me a PM and let's talk.



You should know that the Co-Founder of is also from Egypt, is one of the biggest travel website accepting bitcoin Smiley

Thank you sir!

Well that is something I never knew, that website is Spanish though. What's the guy's name?

Amuda Goueli

Really clever and friendly guy Smiley

He is spanish I believe Smiley
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1001
Hey everyone,

Bitcoin user/merchant here, from Egypt! Smiley

I would love to have a group discussion with you guys and maybe we can come up with something. I have everything needed to start an online community for Arabic speakers, but I'm not sure if it'd be worth the hassle!

Drop me a PM and let's talk.



You should know that the Co-Founder of is also from Egypt, is one of the biggest travel website accepting bitcoin Smiley

Thank you sir!

Well that is something I never knew, that website is Spanish though. What's the guy's name?

Amuda Goueli

Really clever and friendly guy Smiley
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
اهلا بيكوا فى القسم العربى
انا كمان بتمنى انى اتعلم كل شئ يخص البتكوين
ياريت الموضوع دا يبقى فيه تفاعل اكتر ونساعد بعض
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
i talk too arabic i will be happy to be with us
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
Hey everyone,

Bitcoin user/merchant here, from Egypt! Smiley

I would love to have a group discussion with you guys and maybe we can come up with something. I have everything needed to start an online community for Arabic speakers, but I'm not sure if it'd be worth the hassle!

Drop me a PM and let's talk.



You should know that the Co-Founder of is also from Egypt, is one of the biggest travel website accepting bitcoin Smiley

Thank you sir!

Well that is something I never knew, that website is Spanish though. What's the guy's name?
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1001
Hey everyone,

Bitcoin user/merchant here, from Egypt! Smiley

I would love to have a group discussion with you guys and maybe we can come up with something. I have everything needed to start an online community for Arabic speakers, but I'm not sure if it'd be worth the hassle!

Drop me a PM and let's talk.



You should know that the Co-Founder of is also from Egypt, is one of the biggest travel website accepting bitcoin Smiley
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
Hey everyone,

Bitcoin user/merchant here, from Egypt! Smiley

I would love to have a group discussion with you guys and maybe we can come up with something. I have everything needed to start an online community for Arabic speakers, but I'm not sure if it'd be worth the hassle!

Drop me a PM and let's talk.

hero member
Activity: 868
Merit: 1001 FREE Escrow Service
Hi all, I'm looking for people that will help me establish a Bitcoin education and exchange system for the Arab world.
I feel as if we are responsible for establishing a working system. I have a Saudi Arabian passport, but I grew up in the U.S.

We have to deal with three broad issues:

1- Education
2- Safe Mode of Entry (Bitcoin Exchange)
3- Legality and Legitimacy

Legitimacy is important if you want BTC to enter the MENA region, due to several factors that you should be familiar with. The media portrays BTC as a preferable currency for gamblers and illegal activity, and influential people there may likely respond negatively towards BTC because of that. Of course fiat is used for those purposes on a grander scale, but most people will go by what they hear in the media.

Have you made any content in Arabic yet?
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1001
If you're around Dubai don't forget to join us in "Dubai Cointalks" 21 April.

More info here:
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1003
Unlimited Free Crypto
SW to all !! How's it going people ?
Iam working on a new type of coin which will also be as secure and anonymous as bitcoin but it will be the first crypto coin based in on and  from UAE and Saudi. I have planned everything and quite a certain limit setup is also in progress  I'll release it soon. Iam looking for people to invest in my project and be the early investors and share the future profit with me, so if you are an serious investor then pm me and I'll tell you about my project more in detail. Also suggest a appropriate name for the coin considering that  its based in UAE and Saudi .Thank you

Post the details in public so potential investors can discuss it on public records. I am interested you just look very shady, sorry.
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 500
SW to all !! How's it going people ?
Iam working on a new type of coin which will also be as secure and anonymous as bitcoin but it will be the first crypto coin based in on and  from UAE and Saudi. I have planned everything and quite a certain limit setup is also in progress  I'll release it soon. Iam looking for people to invest in my project and be the early investors and share the future profit with me, so if you are an serious investor then pm me and I'll tell you about my project more in detail. Also suggest a appropriate name for the coin considering that  its based in UAE and Saudi .Thank you
Activity: 35
Merit: 0

Unfortunately, this thread swayed completely off topic. I tried talking privatly to some of the replies.

We should have an organized community, currently I'm in contact with a lot of people via Twitter, Facebook, and LocalBitcoins (sellers and buyers I have dealt with)

I'm glad to see businesses accepting bitcoin in the Middle east, this is a huge step forward.

But more importantly, I think education and media PR has to be done correctly. @BitcoinMena is doing a good job

If anyone wants to discuss my original first post, please reply or message me. Please don't use this thread to promote alternative currencies. 

- Moai
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
السلام عليكم
اخى العزيز انا من مصر واريد ان اشترى اليو اس بى الخاص بتعدين البتكوين واريد ان احسب هل هو مجدى ام لا خاصا ان درجة الصعوبة ذادت وشكرا
Activity: 28
Merit: 0

write it in English and I will do it in Arabic, I don't have an Arabic keyboard but I will use the one online Wink

That would be great. I'll pm you. Which country are you in btw?


Looks like we don't have a network there yet but I'll look into setting one up.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
things you own end up owning you

write it in English and I will do it in Arabic, I don't have an Arabic keyboard but I will use the one online Wink

That would be great. I'll pm you. Which country are you in btw?

Activity: 28
Merit: 0

write it in English and I will do it in Arabic, I don't have an Arabic keyboard but I will use the one online Wink

That would be great. I'll pm you. Which country are you in btw?
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
I see you're not in Dubai... how it works?
BTW I don't care about anonymity, I just want to be able to pay my normal taxi with bitcoins easily and being sure I'm not going to get scammed.

How do you see that?

Pm me and I'll give you a breakdown of our services. I can assure you won't be scammed. In fact we may offer you a free ride.

FYI: Our service is aimed mostly at anonymity for yourself to ensure privacy with bitcoin payment convenience.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
things you own end up owning you

مجهول Bitcoin خدمات سيارات الأجرة - التي تخدم الآن اختبار بيتا في جميع أنحاء العالم

بحاجة للحصول على نقطة من ألف إلى النقطة باء مجهول مع bitcoins؟ يمكنك الآن.

المتاحة في دبي والرياض. الاتصال بنا عبر torchat أو طريقة آمنة وأخرى لديها سيارات الأجرة الخاصة بك في مكان قريب في غضون دقائق.

الأسئلة؟ المراجعين؟ آخر أو الظهر لي لمزيد من المعلومات.

what kind of Arabic writing is that ? it is like you used Google translate and pasted it here, it is so awful written that I don't understand a thing of this post

Yes it's from google translate as I don't speak Arabic. I don't expect any translation to be perfect but after putting it back in google translate it's pretty clear.

Basically we are offering Anon Taxi services for bitcoin in Dubai and Riyadh.

see it was easier telling this in English, translating something to Arabic is really complicated, this is why Google translate is good only for words and not sentences or paragraphs, if you try to translate a paragraph to Arabic using Google translate you will get a disaster and only make a joke of your self.

 It translates pretty well for me. I don't know what your problem is.

what you wrote above cant be consider a sentence written in Arabic that has a meaning, sorry, I don't know why I even commented on that, we are not going anywhere with this.

but hey I will make sure to use your services next time I visit Dubai, good luck Wink

If you would like to be constructive I suggest offering to write it out for us.

After a year of doing this we don't need any luck but thanks. Wink

write it in English and I will do it in Arabic, I don't have an Arabic keyboard but I will use the one online Wink
Activity: 28
Merit: 0

مجهول Bitcoin خدمات سيارات الأجرة - التي تخدم الآن اختبار بيتا في جميع أنحاء العالم

بحاجة للحصول على نقطة من ألف إلى النقطة باء مجهول مع bitcoins؟ يمكنك الآن.

المتاحة في دبي والرياض. الاتصال بنا عبر torchat أو طريقة آمنة وأخرى لديها سيارات الأجرة الخاصة بك في مكان قريب في غضون دقائق.

الأسئلة؟ المراجعين؟ آخر أو الظهر لي لمزيد من المعلومات.

what kind of Arabic writing is that ? it is like you used Google translate and pasted it here, it is so awful written that I don't understand a thing of this post

Yes it's from google translate as I don't speak Arabic. I don't expect any translation to be perfect but after putting it back in google translate it's pretty clear.

Basically we are offering Anon Taxi services for bitcoin in Dubai and Riyadh.

see it was easier telling this in English, translating something to Arabic is really complicated, this is why Google translate is good only for words and not sentences or paragraphs, if you try to translate a paragraph to Arabic using Google translate you will get a disaster and only make a joke of your self.

 It translates pretty well for me. I don't know what your problem is.

what you wrote above cant be consider a sentence written in Arabic that has a meaning, sorry, I don't know why I even commented on that, we are not going anywhere with this.

but hey I will make sure to use your services next time I visit Dubai, good luck Wink

If you would like to be constructive I suggest offering to write it out for us.

After a year of doing this we don't need any luck but thanks. Wink
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
things you own end up owning you

مجهول Bitcoin خدمات سيارات الأجرة - التي تخدم الآن اختبار بيتا في جميع أنحاء العالم

بحاجة للحصول على نقطة من ألف إلى النقطة باء مجهول مع bitcoins؟ يمكنك الآن.

المتاحة في دبي والرياض. الاتصال بنا عبر torchat أو طريقة آمنة وأخرى لديها سيارات الأجرة الخاصة بك في مكان قريب في غضون دقائق.

الأسئلة؟ المراجعين؟ آخر أو الظهر لي لمزيد من المعلومات.

what kind of Arabic writing is that ? it is like you used Google translate and pasted it here, it is so awful written that I don't understand a thing of this post

Yes it's from google translate as I don't speak Arabic. I don't expect any translation to be perfect but after putting it back in google translate it's pretty clear.

Basically we are offering Anon Taxi services for bitcoin in Dubai and Riyadh.

see it was easier telling this in English, translating something to Arabic is really complicated, this is why Google translate is good only for words and not sentences or paragraphs, if you try to translate a paragraph to Arabic using Google translate you will get a disaster and only make a joke of your self.

 It translates pretty well for me. I don't know what your problem is.

what you wrote above cant be consider a sentence written in Arabic that has a meaning, sorry, I don't know why I even commented on that, we are not going anywhere with this.

but hey I will make sure to use your services next time I visit Dubai, good luck Wink
Activity: 28
Merit: 0

مجهول Bitcoin خدمات سيارات الأجرة - التي تخدم الآن اختبار بيتا في جميع أنحاء العالم

بحاجة للحصول على نقطة من ألف إلى النقطة باء مجهول مع bitcoins؟ يمكنك الآن.

المتاحة في دبي والرياض. الاتصال بنا عبر torchat أو طريقة آمنة وأخرى لديها سيارات الأجرة الخاصة بك في مكان قريب في غضون دقائق.

الأسئلة؟ المراجعين؟ آخر أو الظهر لي لمزيد من المعلومات.

what kind of Arabic writing is that ? it is like you used Google translate and pasted it here, it is so awful written that I don't understand a thing of this post

Yes it's from google translate as I don't speak Arabic. I don't expect any translation to be perfect but after putting it back in google translate it's pretty clear.

Basically we are offering Anon Taxi services for bitcoin in Dubai and Riyadh.

see it was easier telling this in English, translating something to Arabic is really complicated, this is why Google translate is good only for words and not sentences or paragraphs, if you try to translate a paragraph to Arabic using Google translate you will get a disaster and only make a joke of your self.

 It translates pretty well for me. I don't know what the problem is.
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1001
I see you're not in Dubai... how it works?
BTW I don't care about anonymity, I just want to be able to pay my normal taxi with bitcoins easily and being sure I'm not going to get scammed.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
things you own end up owning you

مجهول Bitcoin خدمات سيارات الأجرة - التي تخدم الآن اختبار بيتا في جميع أنحاء العالم

بحاجة للحصول على نقطة من ألف إلى النقطة باء مجهول مع bitcoins؟ يمكنك الآن.

المتاحة في دبي والرياض. الاتصال بنا عبر torchat أو طريقة آمنة وأخرى لديها سيارات الأجرة الخاصة بك في مكان قريب في غضون دقائق.

الأسئلة؟ المراجعين؟ آخر أو الظهر لي لمزيد من المعلومات.

what kind of Arabic writing is that ? it is like you used Google translate and pasted it here, it is so awful written that I don't understand a thing of this post

Yes it's from google translate as I don't speak Arabic. I don't expect any translation to be perfect but after putting it back in google translate it's pretty clear.

Basically we are offering Anon Taxi services for bitcoin in Dubai and Riyadh.

see it was easier telling this in English, translating something to Arabic is really complicated, this is why Google translate is good only for words and not sentences or paragraphs, if you try to translate a paragraph to Arabic using Google translate you will get a disaster and only make a joke of your self.

Activity: 28
Merit: 0

مجهول Bitcoin خدمات سيارات الأجرة - التي تخدم الآن اختبار بيتا في جميع أنحاء العالم

بحاجة للحصول على نقطة من ألف إلى النقطة باء مجهول مع bitcoins؟ يمكنك الآن.

المتاحة في دبي والرياض. الاتصال بنا عبر torchat أو طريقة آمنة وأخرى لديها سيارات الأجرة الخاصة بك في مكان قريب في غضون دقائق.

الأسئلة؟ المراجعين؟ آخر أو الظهر لي لمزيد من المعلومات.

what kind of Arabic writing is that ? it is like you used Google translate and pasted it here, it is so awful written that I don't understand a thing of this post

Yes it's from google translate as I don't speak Arabic. I don't expect any translation to be perfect but after putting it back in google translate it's pretty clear.

Basically we are offering Anon Taxi services for bitcoin.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
things you own end up owning you

مجهول Bitcoin خدمات سيارات الأجرة - التي تخدم الآن اختبار بيتا في جميع أنحاء العالم

بحاجة للحصول على نقطة من ألف إلى النقطة باء مجهول مع bitcoins؟ يمكنك الآن.

المتاحة في دبي والرياض. الاتصال بنا عبر torchat أو طريقة آمنة وأخرى لديها سيارات الأجرة الخاصة بك في مكان قريب في غضون دقائق.

الأسئلة؟ المراجعين؟ آخر أو الظهر لي لمزيد من المعلومات.

what kind of Arabic writing is that ? it is like you used Google translate and pasted it here, it is so awful written that I don't understand a thing of this post
Activity: 28
Merit: 0

مجهول Bitcoin خدمات سيارات الأجرة - التي تخدم الآن اختبار بيتا في جميع أنحاء العالم

بحاجة للحصول على نقطة من ألف إلى النقطة باء مجهول مع bitcoins؟ يمكنك الآن.

المتاحة في دبي والرياض. الاتصال بنا عبر torchat أو طريقة آمنة وأخرى لديها سيارات الأجرة الخاصة بك في مكان قريب في غضون دقائق.

الأسئلة؟ المراجعين؟ آخر أو الظهر لي لمزيد من المعلومات.
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1001
Now I'm living in Dubai and I asisted to two bitcoin meetings here. People is kind and wants to makes businesses and spread the bitcoin word.

Today we met in the first restaurant in Duba accepting bitcoin, ThePizzaGuys Smiley

Feel free to join the meet up group and assist to the next events.

I would be really happy if we could make a huge community and open something like a bitcoin centre.
Activity: 3724
Merit: 1586
LOL what is this language called "Indian"?
Activity: 1059
Merit: 1020

نساعد الاخوة العرب المهتمين في مجال التنجيم عن العملات الالكترونية Pools offer international users a lot of help in mining at our pools. We have an IRC channel on freenode #nitropool, you can PM Stuhlman or Biodragon for assistance. Or email us at one of our pools. We speak multiple languages including but not limited to : Arabic, English, Dutch, Spanish, Chinese, Indian and more. All is welcome.

مرحبا بكم
[email protected]

Activity: 78
Merit: 10

وعليكم السلام و رحمة الله وبركاته

ما أدري كيف فاتني أشوف الموضوع لكن اشكر لك سؤالك.....

I worked with Lophie on he fist website but it was down for reasons out of our control....

Now Twitter account: @BitcoinArabia is still active.

There's also a WhatsApp group with 30+ members from Kuwait. Also, there was a meetup in Dubai two months ago, and anther is planned, I will update followers on Twitter with the account above. Interest is still low due to awareness.

I have a surprise that I hope to announce soon in the region Smiley

We need some sort of group to keep us all in the loop Smiley
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1003
Unlimited Free Crypto
i got loads of good informations and oponions through your thread . but i want to ask a question ... Do you think the Government in countries like Uae or Saudi Arabia accept bitcoin as a legal Curreny ?
in my Opinion they can simply deny it just like china if they see its going big and bigger . Bitcoin can Hurt the profits on the Current Banking system and im sure they wont let it to happen .

hello , i thought about this BUT by looking at our system i won't be worry , the most important factor here is we pay ZERO taxes , it's the otherway around actually , the gulf governments pay taxes to the locals through tons of channels like supporting oil prices and food , free educations and healthcare, hell u can even get paid by the govermnets to get healthcare or education and get salary if you like doing it in other countries ^^

so i don't think the government will be worry about locals trade their currency for BTC , hell i think 70% of the currency are going outside the country by the contractors and labors channels alone

that and our governments are so stupid techwise to know what BTC is , if they ever gets the different between twitter and facebook  Grin .

Hello, I urge you to read about subsidies and budget defencies solutions as well as passive taxation through tareefs.

We have very high taxation rate with psychooogical manipulation.

- Lophie

well , asking someone to read more about his opinion when disagree with him without an input on the subject is diffenetly not a healthy way for a debate Smiley
check how much ppl earn per month in top countries before and after taxation for example a teacher in USA will find himself with only 2000$ per month after taxes and he still need to pay the bills and rentals , while in saudia you don't pay a shit for anything except your rental home if you don't own one or living with your family which is not a curse like other westren countries infact it consedered a good deed localy Smiley

i'm not praising our government in fact i belieave they do shity job economy wise even with their subsidy i'm just stating Bitcoin position in our taxation system , its more than safe here and i can't imagine how the government is going to tax it . plus don't forget gulf countries is not capitalist so again we are safe Smiley

Higher VAT and lower minimum wage, Higher tareefs and govetmental fees and a hysterical yearly reports of 40% of the budget spent on "utilities", Lack of "taxes" means when tens of thousands die in Jeddah because they DROWNED over a couple of inches of rain, no one even understood the implications, and much more.
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
i got loads of good informations and oponions through your thread . but i want to ask a question ... Do you think the Government in countries like Uae or Saudi Arabia accept bitcoin as a legal Curreny ?
in my Opinion they can simply deny it just like china if they see its going big and bigger . Bitcoin can Hurt the profits on the Current Banking system and im sure they wont let it to happen .

hello , i thought about this BUT by looking at our system i won't be worry , the most important factor here is we pay ZERO taxes , it's the otherway around actually , the gulf governments pay taxes to the locals through tons of channels like supporting oil prices and food , free educations and healthcare, hell u can even get paid by the govermnets to get healthcare or education and get salary if you like doing it in other countries ^^

so i don't think the government will be worry about locals trade their currency for BTC , hell i think 70% of the currency are going outside the country by the contractors and labors channels alone

that and our governments are so stupid techwise to know what BTC is , if they ever gets the different between twitter and facebook  Grin .

Hello, I urge you to read about subsidies and budget defencies solutions as well as passive taxation through tareefs.

We have very high taxation rate with psychooogical manipulation.

- Lophie

well , asking someone to read more about his opinion when disagree with him without an input on the subject is diffenetly not a healthy way for a debate Smiley
check how much ppl earn per month in top countries before and after taxation for example a teacher in USA will find himself with only 2000$ per month after taxes and he still need to pay the bills and rentals , while in saudia you don't pay a shit for anything except your rental home if you don't own one or living with your family which is not a curse like other westren countries infact it consedered a good deed localy Smiley

i'm not praising our government in fact i belieave they do shity job economy wise even with their subsidy i'm just stating Bitcoin position in our taxation system , its more than safe here and i can't imagine how the government is going to tax it . plus don't forget gulf countries is not capitalist so again we are safe Smiley
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1003
Unlimited Free Crypto
i got loads of good informations and oponions through your thread . but i want to ask a question ... Do you think the Government in countries like Uae or Saudi Arabia accept bitcoin as a legal Curreny ?
in my Opinion they can simply deny it just like china if they see its going big and bigger . Bitcoin can Hurt the profits on the Current Banking system and im sure they wont let it to happen .

hello , i thought about this BUT by looking at our system i won't be worry , the most important factor here is we pay ZERO taxes , it's the otherway around actually , the gulf governments pay taxes to the locals through tons of channels like supporting oil prices and food , free educations and healthcare, hell u can even get paid by the govermnets to get healthcare or education and get salary if you like doing it in other countries ^^

so i don't think the government will be worry about locals trade their currency for BTC , hell i think 70% of the currency are going outside the country by the contractors and labors channels alone

that and our governments are so stupid techwise to know what BTC is , if they ever gets the different between twitter and facebook  Grin .

Hello, I urge you to read about subsidies and budget defencies solutions as well as passive taxation through tareefs.

We have very high taxation rate with psychooogical manipulation.

- Lophie
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Hi all, I'm looking for people that will help me establish a Bitcoin education and exchange system for the Arab world.

i posted a Pm for you if you interested to do some jobs together
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1001
Hi there!
I'm from Spain, I've been learning and doing business with bitcoin since 2012. Now I'm moving to Dubai and would be nice to have some bitcoin contacts there.
Also my wife is Arabian, so she will help me there with the language Smiley

I hope we can start moving something there!
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
things you own end up owning you
السلام وعليكم
انا من الجزائر  و من يريد التواصل معي او المشاركة او اي استفسار عن البتكوين انا هنا
اخوكم من الجزائر
skype( korn1239 )
email ( [email protected] )

algerien ? min men dzayer exactement ? meme ana algerien 3ayech fi leurope, 7ab nafhem wine rahom les algeriens m3a el Bitcoin ? ab3athli PM svp...
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
السلام وعليكم
انا من الجزائر  و من يريد التواصل معي او المشاركة او اي استفسار عن البتكوين انا هنا
اخوكم من الجزائر
skype( korn1239 )
email ( [email protected] )
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
i got loads of good informations and oponions through your thread . but i want to ask a question ... Do you think the Government in countries like Uae or Saudi Arabia accept bitcoin as a legal Curreny ?
in my Oponion they can simply deny it just like china if they see its going big and bigger . Bitcoin can Hurt the profits on the Current Banking system and im sure they wont let it to happen .

hello , i thought about this BUT by looking at our system i won't be worry , the most important factor here is we pay ZERO taxes , it's the otherway around actually , the gulf governments pay taxes to the locals through tons of channels like supporting oil prices and food , free educations and healthcare, hell u can even get paid by the govermnets to get healthcare or education and get salary if you like doing it in other countries ^^

so i don't think the government will be worry about locals trade their currency for BTC , hell i think 70% of the currency are going outside the country by the contractors and labors channels alone

that and our governments are so stupid techwise to know what BTC is , if they ever gets the different between twitter and facebook  Grin .
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
i got loads of good informations and oponions through your thread . but i want to ask a question ... Do you think the Government in countries like Uae or Saudi Arabia accept bitcoin as a legal Curreny ?
in my Oponion they can simply deny it just like china if they see its going big and bigger . Bitcoin can Hurt the profits on the Current Banking system and im sure they wont let it to happen .
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
Hi all, thank you all for the posts.

There's more interest in creating a bitcoin-based-business than creating an informational community, which is understandable because there are many business opportunities. What I'm proposing is that before any of you decide to approach customers with a business, we have to establish an informational database. Not only will it give all the entrepreneurs in the region information to fall back on, but it will help people understand Bitcoin is far more than the entrepreneurs' business. I understand that we all recognize it is a new form of money and it's tempting to want to build a startup so quickly but please understand that if your business takes off, and it is the only one in the region and it suffers from one issue or another, it will damage bitcoins' credibility.

I wanted to create an easily-understood free information before anything else. With this information we can collectively increase the market share of bitcoins in the region and its use, if you'd like to create your own business and use this information you will be free to do so. We have to start with education, a brand for BTC that isn't directly connected to the businesses that may come up soon, including exchanges.

Q 1 > Do we do this individually or do we collaborate with translating and work with the bitcoin foundation?

I was made aware of the interest for foreign workers because of the lack of fees they incur when they transfer money back home.

I understand people are bound to full numbers, I have also talked to several people nationals from the UAE and many were amazed by the returns they could have made but   disregarded it. I had to start explaining money, then the world economy, then inflation and the petro-dollar, it became very political and I don't want it to be that way.
I make it very clear to them that I am not trying to sell them anything. If you approach somebody with your business and try to explain bitcoins then try to lead them to a sale people will lose trust in you, and bitcoins subsequently. I think you should be careful to advertise Bitcoin as a (high risk) investment instead of an alternative currency (even though it clearly is both).  

There may not be enough interest to fully design and engineer a secure exchange - I've looked into designing/developing one but it is unlikely I will create one within the next year, maybe one of you will step up for the challenge. I am indeed thinking more at a local level. I am thinking 4-5 years ahead and what to do if the world economy takes Bitcoin to be something even more than it is today.

Wow certainly no shortage of talent in this thread and I wish you guys well. But I have to ask whether there are enough buyers and sellers in the ME to justify the cost of making and maintaining a trading engine for a full fledged exchange? Wouldn't it make more sense to start small and gauge interest with an OTC site?

Not at the current market, obviously only a tiny percentage of people use or understand bitcoins in the M.E. UAE and Egypt are currently the highest.

I am currently based in Lebanon and I'm interested in such a project.

I have previously held managerial positions in 2 of the region's most successful start-ups and have a good idea of how to tackle issues and plan strategically. Let me know if you're still interested and if there's anything we can do together.

Great, I am in touch with some Lebanese entrepreneurs for other projects but it would help to have like-minded individuals work together.

hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1003
Unlimited Free Crypto
Wow certainly no shortage of talent in this thread and I wish you guys well. But I have to ask whether there are enough buyers and sellers in the ME to justify the cost of making and maintaining a trading engine for a full fledged exchange? Wouldn't it make more sense to start small and gauge interest with an OTC site?

Due to the nature of political suppression and government control over the economies, it will be very rare for OTC transactions. An exchange tolerated by a government will work great. I hae a couple of plans for this Smiley
Activity: 3724
Merit: 1586
Wow certainly no shortage of talent in this thread and I wish you guys well. But I have to ask whether there are enough buyers and sellers in the ME to justify the cost of making and maintaining a trading engine for a full fledged exchange? Wouldn't it make more sense to start small and gauge interest with an OTC site?
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
I am currently based in Lebanon and I'm interested in such a project.

I have previously held managerial positions in 2 of the region's most successful start-ups and have a good idea of how to tackle issues and plan strategically. Let me know if you're still interested and if there's anything we can do together.
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1003
Unlimited Free Crypto
I am a big time joe bitcoiner and I have spent years learning every aspect of Bitcoin and related subjects, economics, politics and technical aspects. I am the one behind the previous but it was literally closed because lack of interest.

I am born and raised in Mecca, A full Arabian descend with perfect grasp of the language. To whomever interested in spreading Bitcoin and got what it takes of knowledge and dedication, contact me

- Lophie
Activity: 3
Merit: 0

I live in Dubai and have been mining BTC with KNC Jupiters since mid October . All my family members are Bitcoin friendly but haven't adopted or done any transaction yet. I even tried to bribe them with Satoshi handouts.

My Emarati friends are becoming curious but always citing regulatory issues if they were to commit huge investments. Western friends in Dubai and Abu Dhabi are familiar with the concept but a bit skeptic and mostly indifferent. Interestingly, Indian and Bangladshi friends (Asians in general) are very involved due to the high fees of outward remittance they incur under the traditional banking system, and they seem to bring hope of at least running a market of peers.

I am pretty pessimistic about UAE or Dubai adopting Bitcoin officially. Germany's recognition of BTC was a strong push forward. Let's see how the US Senate fare with their deliberations. Perhaps the Arabs will follow suit.

It takes leadership, engagement and education let alone top level decision making regardless how popular it gets. But most importantly, there is a psychological aspect of Bitcoin that is self defeating. People tend to disfavour decimal point figures, like 0.003 because we all have 10 fingers and maybe because we inherently tend to amass stuff in ones, twos, thousands, millions...etc

Also, the region needs a bitcoin pool. I have had rough time with latency mining with French or US pools.

تحياتي للجميع

Activity: 35
Merit: 0
Hi all, I'm looking for people that will help me establish a Bitcoin education and exchange system for the Arab world.
I feel as if we are responsible for establishing a working system. I have a Saudi Arabian passport, but I grew up in the U.S.

We have to deal with three broad issues:

1- Education
2- Safe Mode of Entry (Bitcoin Exchange)
3- Legality and Legitimacy

Working together, we can educate the Arab world about Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies technology and uses (1) Then provide a way for Arab/GCC/Middle Eastern countries to participate in the bitcoin economy (2), and we must do it through legal means so we don't create a negative image that will harm it's early adoption.

For education, I am looking for a collective group of people that can collaborate with me. For example, we can start with the video introducing Bitcoin that is used for or
(or a newer version) translated into Arabic. Then creating an Arabic FAQs, and see where we go from here...

For the exchange, we can begin with local exchanges and person-to-person transfers, but we must provide an alternative mode of entry into the Bitcoin ecosystem through an exchange, I am personally working on an exchange for Saudi Arabia, but I realized others were doing the same in Egypt, Kuwait, and the UAE. I propose a collective work for one large exchange to serve the GCC countries and perhaps another for North African countries, but that will depend on the legal limits of each country and the licensing involved with each. It will also involve a team of highly technical people, fortunatly for us there's an open-source bitcoin exchange platform in development we can use (Edit: Buttercoin was purchased and rebranded Sad ), but the fate of adoption will be in our hands, we must make sure it is secure and easy to use, something that is proving to be already difficult for most people in the US (seeing how non-technical newbies are reacting to it). I don't want an armature job, or scammers, to ruin the reputation of bitcoin.

This will be no easy task, but we must take action because where there is money, there are scams, and people might use Bitcon's philosophy and technology to scam people in our Arab countries, and when they do, the reputation will be harmed along the way and our Arab world will lag behind if there is ever a global world adoption.

السلام عليكم
العنوان والنقاش هو عن تعليم ونشر فكرة العملة الالكترونية بتكوين فالدول العربية بالتعاون مع ناس فاهمين الفكرة بعميق زييي
أنا واحد مولود فالسعودية بس عايش في أمريكا،  إذا إنت ما تقرا إنجليزي رد علي بالعربي وإن شاء الله أقدر اشرحلك

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