Hello, yesterday I was trading 3 vanilla reload cards, each with $100 on them.
I personally loaded the cards yesterday and checked the balances.
Eventually, MilesJohan contacted me through my thread here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.10314936WARNING: It is possible that the two other positive trust associated with MilesJohan are his alts or mains, maybe his "broker", to build up his trust to green.
Both were done back to back and revolved around small amount of $ and paypal.Below is the private message conversation we had that ultimately led to him scamming me.
yes mate i chargge 7$ over the price of each bitcoin..
You are correct
Ok I guess that is fine then. 1.287 btc
We can do the trade in 3 parts if you wish.
You first for 0.429, then my card number with $100
and then repeat 2 more times?
Do you still want pictures of the receipts?
yes mate still need receipts,
I will not be going first as you can check my trust for my previous exchanges with no hassle..
send all 3 together and provide me with your btc addy,
I'm not comfortable doing all three at once. I'd rather do one at a time.
You still interested? I'm taking the pictures now.
im not going to scam you man, my account here is from 2013 and is high status , which i would like to keep...
also previous trade done yesterday for 13btc . check my trust..
Yes please take the pictures and send all 3 codes and you bitcoin address,
No sorry, i'm not comfortable with going forward with this trade.
We do it in 3 different transactions, or nothing.
Your 13 btc trade reference does not mention 13btc or show any tx and stems from a $30 something dollar paypal transaction.
ok i willing to accept 1 code at a time if you wish.
how do i send you the picture of the receipt and card?
if you can place them both side by side with codes showing off your mobile and email to
[email protected]once approved i will send your bitcoin and we reapeat again.
Send your addy mate
Here is my addy: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have emailed you the first card
mate u sure that code aint been used already?
no man, just bought them few hours ago.. just scratched them for your pictures.
cool just it wouldnt proccess for my broker,,,he trying again now
if the card doesn't work, i think you need to get a more trustworthy brooker.
how long does it take to normally get approval and move the funds off card?
the code he sadi is not working
... usualy around ten minutes. i have another guy who is online who accepts and also puts his funds in escrow, if you wish to send another code there will be no % rate as i will cover the fees because of the last problem with the last guy.
I just checked the balance on all three cards.
the one i provided you now claims being redeemed.
the other two do not, and have full balances.
It is impossible for the code not to work for your broker, I expect payment for that code from you to my btc addy already provided.
it is not my problem you used a "broker" to facilitate a common transaction.
please send the agreed upon btc to my addy.
So i should assume your silence shows your intention not to make payment and correct this error?
i will have funds for you in 8h from now, i will personally pay from my own pocket
I have heard nothing from MilesJohan since his last pm, shown above.
He is a Scammer.
UPDATE: See below, where the scammer makes his first statement to me since the event.