"Millennial are facing shortfall compared to other generations when it comes to pay check. According to a study, a millennial earns 20% less compared to what baby boomer did at same point of life, in spite of higher education background." (as per the article "millennial earns 20% less than boomers" from CNBC)
Millennial see saving and wealth generation different from their parents and their ways to create wealth has also evolved. Increase in desires, education debt, impulsive buying nature, inflation and other factors have led to many sources of generating passive income. Having a side gig, investing in instruments, gambling and trading have been few ways to generate a passive income and make the ends meet. Millennial face the most uncertain economic future of perhaps any generation since the great depression.
I carried out a survey to understand Indian millennial’ perception of trading in cryptocurrencies and their will to learn more about it. The sample size was 124. The respondents are both students and working professionals between the ages of 20 to 30 years old. While the majority of them are post graduates, no one is below a graduate level. Out of 124 responses, approx. 60% are males and rest are females.
Following are the info-graphics Out of total respondents, only 8% trade in crypto and out of the rest, 15 % don’t trade or invest.
When asked about obstacles in buying or trading in crypto, almost 50% of respondents fall to reasons like
- Ambiguous legal status
- High volatility
- No idea of trading/buying platforms
Others reasons to not be able to buy or trade crypto were absence of capital, high ticket size and no interest in crypto.
Also, when asked will they be eager to buy or trade in crypto in future, almost 75 % responded with yes while 50 % of total were eager to learn more through forums and social media. Almost 12 % were not interested to know or do anything in regards to crypto.
Conclusion:There is a lack of cryptocurrency knowledge among Indians. It is not that mainstream. People are not even clear about the legal status of cryptocurrencies in India which is one of the main hindrances when it comes to acceptance of cryptocurrencies in India. People are not aware of trading platforms and thus, they don't know from where to even start investing or trading. Although, high volatility is one of the hindrances but still people are welcoming towards learning more about cryptocurrencies and want to invest in future. So there is this rising interest in regards to cryptocurrencies.
We need more social media presence of cryptocurrency related pages in India to make cryptocurrency knowledge more accessible to people.