# None of the commands are missing 'sudo', where you need 'sudo' it is there and where you don't it isn't. Also 'sudo' only starts to show up after you change into a non-privileged user because it is not needed before that. I was careful.
# Signing up for multiple accounts using the same info is against their terms of service. If you do this you may have your account removed by DigitalOcean and lose access to any coins you've mined.
#01) Go to
DigitalOcean and sign up for an account. <-- Please use this link to earn me some credits for making this guide, better they go to someone rather than to waste
#02) Create an Ubuntu 13.04 x64 droplet with the size you want.
#03) You will be emailed an IP address and password with instructions on how to SSH into your new instance.
#04) First thing to do once your logged in is to change the root password into something you can remember.
#05) Being logged in as the root user is not recommended for various reasons so we will create a non-privileged user, follow the prompts after issuing the command, only username and password are necessary, you may leave the other fields blank if you wish.
#06) Add the new user to the 'sudoers' file to be able to execute root privilege level commands as that user.
echo ' ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers
#07) Change into the new user user.
#08) Relocate into the home directory of the user you have changed into.
#09) Linux likes having a swap file, so let's create one.
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=64M count=16; sudo mkswap /swapfile; sudo swapon /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
#10) Install 'bitcoind' using apt-get.
sudo apt-get install bitcoind
#11) Launch 'bitcoind'.
bitcoind &
#12) Launching 'bitcoind' caused the generation of many default files in '~/.bitcoin', we will now stop bitcoind so that we can edit them.
bitcoind stop
#13) Inject text into the 'bitcoin.conf' file using the commands below.
echo 'rpcuser=' | cat - ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf > temp && mv temp ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
echo 'gen=1' >> ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
echo 'server=1' >> ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
echo 'daemon=1' >> ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
#14) Relaunch 'bitcoind'
All done. Good luck in your mining endeavours!!
# Show bitcoin wallet balance.
bitcoind getbalance
# Show bitcoin wallet address.
bitcoind getaccountaddress
# Send bitcoins to another address.
# General information.
bitcoind getinfo
# Mining information.
bitcoind getmininginfo