I stumbled upon minefarmbuy.com. Anyone with experience in purchasing through them? Seems reasonable enough, but I've never done a group buy before.
Looks like ruinous found us before we could make an announcement. We're still developing our logo and noticed our squarespace marketplace went live so we have left it up and accessible since it has already received attention and visits.
We are ready to take orders for batch buys at anytime.
We are 100% legit as long as people want to participate in a our group programs we refer to as batch buy.
The larger the order the more sway we may have in bargaining price. Which we then return to our customers as a partial refund since we are not a retailer and work on a commission of 2% (this is included in our prices and is pre shipping and tax).
If you check us out
minefarmbuy.com our pricing is pretty standard compared to industry on items we have information on.
Yes, with Bitmain you can order directly from website if desired and we understand the community is used to this. What we offer is a broker service, our pricing is structured to included: 1x Miner selected (unless noted), customs/duties/import fees and our commission. All you pay for is your selection(s) and shipping within the USA from our physical location in Portland, OR to you.
Currently we offer just service to the US but may change to international depending of demand and costs as we will always want to offer as close to wholesale hardware as possible for our customers.
Our avenue is to make buying and receiving of hardware easier, not fighting other independents or whales for gear when we can work together and the ability to purchase with your debit/credit card or any cryptocurrecny our exchanges support (reducing exchange fees for us all). All in place of waiting for batches to open up at odd hours of the day/night, exchanging currencies, only to not be able to access the website or enter items to cart. We all know the rigors, we want to change that experience.
We do have promotional antminer s9's on sale as single units.
Just three offers at various prices starting at $1k USD.
Sort of standard to have something of a deal/special/promotion when opening a business.
I hope you all check us out and jump in on one or more of our buys in the future.