Imagine, what would miners gain from dumping Bitcoin's price at a time when everyone from Investment bankers to technologists like Musk are talking about it? They'd in fact be losing the most if they plan for such a short term dump.
So to speculate in the glass half-filled manner, What if the miners are being contacted directly by OTC desks representing huge companies that want to acquire major stake in single deals? They don't want the average Joe's DCAing but just an agreement based sale. The companies would also want to get their hands on virgin bitcoin and not the UTXOs that have gone through all the grinding and mixing and trickle down as small Satoshis in our hands. The miners would need to HODL for that right??
So that's a bull prediction to 100K right there..!
And as soon as you begin to think about this you realize there is not really a reason for them to sell so they can keep holding their coins, create a reduction in supply that is going to exchanges, drive the price up even more, then sell and obtain even more profits than they will otherwise, this seems like the perfect strategy for them and that is exactly what we're seeing.