Ive been questioning the possibility of building a solar farm for years! But I dont have Thousands to invest. All I am looking for is the pure profit that Solar would give after the investment has been paid off. I was looking at a modular setup of smaller rigs, each stand alone.
100 Watt Panels are very cheap on Ebay, around 100 dollars. I know I can get small rigs such as a Gridseed for less than 150 dollars, so then the question is, would it be worth putting as many of these together as possible, keeping each panel and gridseed blade 5-6MH/s as an individual circuit. Total cost with battery around 300 dolars each.
My thoughts are :-
Low Wattage is Safer, I wont be killing myself or any local cats.
Low Wattage does not require any legal CERTIFICATION from the powers that be.
I can build when I can afford, adding to the number of miners
More redundancy
Cheaper Batteries - as this seems to be the problem for any solar setup in terms of cycling and maintenance.
My question is, over a period of time, could such a set up be profitable enough?
Sorry if this question has been asked before.
It could be profitable, but you really need to read into it and understand more about solar before investing. There are a lot of "off the grid" forums and websites that can teach you everything you need to know so you don't waste money (ie. a 100w panel isn't going to do much). Figure out how many watts you want then work backwards to an inverter, battery, regulator, panel.