Hey, where'd you get that bitchin' graph from?
Anyway, I was wondering what caused that massive drop but was too busy to actually check. Anyone got the full scoop about this wallet drama that caused all this?
Btw people, if there's some wallet insecurity from a trojan or website hack or exchange failure or basically anything else, don't immediately sell all your damn coins. That's never a good idea. Just put them in a wallet file you personally control, close the client, and encrypt your wallet in a 7z or rar archive with a password. That makes a lot more sense. Not that I'm complaining, cuz I made a lot of money buying and selling in that dip
but THE MORE YOU KNOW, THE MORE YOU GROW! [/Public Service Announcement]
P.S. when the US credit rating went down to AA, people dumped out of the stock market under the assumption that US companies would have a harder time getting loans from foreign sources and thus all US businesses would do worse from that point on. Then they put their money in T-bills as in US Treasury Bonds...which are funded by the country that just got its credit rating lowered...aka the rating of how likely they are to pay back bonds. Yeah, massive selloffs are kinda dumb like 90% of the time in any financial anything.
I don't think anyone has the full scoop, lots of rumors going about though. Mybitcoin.com an online wallet for bitcoins, suddenly went offline. Either it was hacked or the owner took flight, no one really knows. People assume that either way the mybitcoin.com wallets got dumped on the market dropping price like crazy. I personally imagine that the US credit dump hurt a lot of speculators and investors, and potentially what seemed like a fun little profit game, bitcoin, seemed suddenly less fun and perhaps a lot of them dumped out as well. As for the rest of it, I dunno, but as with many things the plummeting of price scared off many miners. They're probably be back if and when the price stabilizes and/or increases.
For now though I expect a difficulty decrease and afterwards to either remain there or decrease even more.
oh and the graph comes from
http://bitcoin.sipa.bemy favorite tracking site.