also one L3+ miner does only max. 300Mh/s while 500 MH/s is expected, i tried restart, switched pools etc. but not updated any miner till yet.
I got a general question about mining - how much download -upload bandwitch mining needs?
My internet provider allows me 50 Mbit/s download and 10Mbit/s Upload
I use 4 * S9, 8 * L3+. 1*D3, and about 60 * Sapphire rx 570 - 4Gb cards for ether mining with total hash power of about 1350-1500 Mh/s
Perhaps this is the problem, I also listen to youtube music, etc. and use a switcher to distribute the bandwitch among all the miners and computers. I ordered a better bandwitch but in the region it can take up to 3 months - when I am surfing in the internet I dont see any difference, the speed seems to be okay, no lag etc.
Best wishes from Germany
Not an internet issue, it's with the miners themselves.