I know it is always hard for people to pin how much profit and how long do you need for ROI.
Therefore, we are sharing our Excel Sheet study based on various user experiences and numbers with you.
It is surly not perfect and always need adjusting according average prices changes!
but here is the idea explained
Link for File:
In the first tab you add your information within the yellow marked areas:
- Pool Fees = in %
- Price kW/H= in $
- Average Revenue is passed Average for ETH mining for the last 3 years! You can adjust this according to your experience
- Hash power: in MH (or what ever you using (GH/KH/SOL/HASH) Just enter the Value as it is don´t conversion in MH !!!!
- Consumption in: Watt
- Rig price in: $
- Max Days you would like to have your ROI in: Days
Of Course, if you are now not using MH as reference. You just use KH or GH. This get you off the headache for conversion between sol, hash, KH, GH and so on!!
For Example:
Mining rig1 (for ETH)
200 MH, 800-Watt, price $1000, 120 Days for ROI, Pool Fees 1%, Price $0,1, your expected revenue $0,03 per 1 MH hashing, expected revenue $0,11 per 1 MH Renting
you would enter the following:
Pool Fees in % 1%
Price KW/H $0,1
Average Revenue $ per 1 MH Hashing Daily $0,03
Average Revenue $ per 1 MH Renting Daily $0,11
Hash power 200
Consumption 800
Rig Price $1000
max days for ROI 120
Mining rig2 (COIN USING SOL)
450 SOL, 800-Watt, price $1000, 120 Days for ROI, Pool Fees 1%, Price $0,1, your expected revenue $0,01 per 1-sol hashing, expected revenue $0,04 per 1-sol Renting:
you would enter the following:
Pool Fees in % 1%
Price KW/H $0,1
Average Revenue $ per 1 MH Hashing Daily $0,01
Average Revenue $ per 1 MH Renting Daily $0,04
Hash power 450
Consumption 800
Rig Price $1000
max days for ROI 120
So, it not always MH is just about Input of Hashing power in relation to Consumption.
Since this Excel was made by European Guy it is very important to understand this below:
The (,) and (.) are not like in American System. You need to check this on your Version of Excel you are using.
In this version: 1k $ looks like this 1.000,00 $ and not like this 1,000.00 $
Now to the next tap:
YOU don’t change anything in this Tab. It is only for Results:
In Result Area you see, if the rig too expensive for expected Days for ROI.
If you are renting, hashing or average between. (Hashing and renting by call!)
When it is red it means the cost of the rig is higher than profit you are making Daily so you are not able to make ROI in the planned days you had in first tab. Therefore, you either adjust days or look for cheaper alternative Rig 😊
When it is green it means the cost of the rig is lower or same as profit you would be making daily and therefore you can manage ROI within the days you entered the first Tab. Would go for it 😊
It is still not perfect, but at least give you a head up what you be expecting. Also, it distributes the information you have in small divisions to make the calculation more accurate. Of course, we could debate on the Average income $ per Hashing Power. The numbers used in here were calculated on 3 years mining ETH and also renting hashing Power from various users who helped in this study!
So now get your Maths done and start Hashing
I know its mutual and no one ever donate but here is one for the Team 😊: