Then I was offered to maintain ETH farm and things got little bit confused to me, I mean the payment system and calculation process. I have to monitor price every day and write them down and at the payment day add everything and get my % coins to my wallet. I was wondering how can I automate this process ? Is there any way to get my % without these routine stuff ? maybe some pools have the option to send some % on secondary wallet or something like that ?
Any help will do a great job to me.
Thank you
Well if you are OK with taking you pay in ETH, you could simply point that percentage to a pool using your own wallet address. Say you were paid 5% to maintain a 10,000 MHash farm, you would point 500 MHash to your own address. Of course you would need to explain this to the owners and get their approval, but I would think it would make no difference to them as they need to pay you one way or another.
for sure that would be much easier to me, but they won't allow it for reasons. I'm also OK with taking any coin as payment, but as I mentioned the daily stats in excel document will be better, I only need to figure out the daily amount of mined coins.