Due to Ordinals spam, tx's cannot get confirmed with 1 sat/vbye anymore and the fee rate for purging is <6.42 as i type this, so right now may not be a good time for someone to consolidate their many inputs, except they are in a hurry, but if they are not; they can wait until tx fee rate is down to around 1-2 sats/vbye.
Well the problem is that we are not going to see 1-2 sat/vbyte anytime soon. Right now you can see that in order to get your transaction confirmed, you need to have above 14+ sat/vbyte and this may increase as we move closer to the Bitcoin halving.
So, if any want to spend from his wallet, he would have to pay this high fee, So it is better to consolidate the inputs during the weekends as i noticed that in the last weekend the transaction fee fell as low as 7 sat/vbyte.