Monitoring and remote management:
If you try to run aticonfig or launch a miner over SSH, it won't work because the ssh session's "display" doesn't have a GP
If you are running LinuxCoin, you can try this (you have to be root)
Create a file called "" containing what follows
ID=`ps axf | grep '\_ lxpanel' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | head -1`
cat /proc/$ID/environ | tr '\000' '\012' | grep -v PATH | grep -v SUDO | grep -v TERM | grep -v PWD | grep -v _= | sed -e 's/^/export /'
then, in your shell, type:
source TEMP
you should then be able to launch your miners
and the AMD control utility from an ssh session.
Or, you could just add