
Topic: Mining Performance on Raspberry Pi (Read 1800 times)

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January 20, 2014, 09:35:01 AM

i have a butterfly labs 25GH/s miner running since some month. It had an average mining rate of 26GH/s. Now my hexminer HEX16A2 got delivered from technobit and i hooked it up to the same raspberry pi. It took some time to understand that 1 cgminer can't support both miners, so i compiled 3.10.0 for the butterfly and a patched version for the hexminer. They both run at the same time, load of the pi is very low and the network isn't overloaded too but my hashing rate on the butterfly miner went down to 24,5 GH/s. Does anyone have an idea of what could cause this?

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