Some people tend to ride in Mining boat even has limited or specifically no knowledge about basic PC troubleshooting/technical aspects.
What they could possibly do is to hire or seek help from friends or relatives to do the dirty job.
Are there any people here succeed on this setup? There might be some newbies who plan to join the tide, and this might be a good reference if they could at least know the success rate on mining for them.
Have U tried dentistry or surgery??
I highly suggest you let friends have you operate on them or do a root-canal on them,and then if the patient didn't die,you will know your ready for this hobby.
U can't do shit on ONE CPU or GPU, minimal is a RIG, minimal cost for a rig is $1500 USD ( figure 6 gtx1060-6 ), then consider spending $100/month for power, then consider making $10/day less $3 for power,
This is a hobby that pays $7/day, is this really what you want out of life?
Again, do some abortions on 14 year girls, and save your money, and then buy an entire warehouse of gpus.
MINING investment $1500, net $7, or $210 month payback is 7 months, then your rolling in $200/month, in a third world country like africa/india, u will be doing good, in USA, that will not even get u laid on one night date.
If U want to mine, first go live in 3rd world country where ppl earn $3/day, then U will be RICH.