MiningStore fully managed 1 MW hosting opportunity! We have found a location, we will build the machines and you will save millions on machine and power costs. Only looking for serious investors who are interested in a large mining operation. We have manufactured thousands of GPU miners and are looking for larger operations. Please direct message if interested, serious inquires only.
In order to secure the large amount of infrastructure we are acquiring you will put $400,000 down to build out 1 MW of infrastructure two hours outside of Charlotte, NC that you will be able to use for three years. 1 MW of power will be able to host up to 750 of our GPU miners. The infrastructure will be ready for use within 4-5 months. We are then able to work with you on purchasing, manufacturing, deploying, and servicing your hardware into the space. Once your hardware is running - we can manage your portfolio, replace and upgrade hardware to mitigate risk, and offer daily reports and recommendations. In exchange for you fronting the money for infrastructure we provide massive savings to you on hosting, mining, consulting, and management of your systems. This results in you mining more for less money.
Savings -
Instead of our standard $140 per month we lower the cost per unit to $100 per month.
That means you save
$75,000 PER month,
$900,000 PER year
And $2.7 million dollars over the course of three years.
Nexus Miners - at Retail: $5,600
750 Bulk Purchase: $5,200
That's a savings of $300,000 and at the end of the day you own the hardware.
These units will likely be purchased in waves, and can be purchased with crypto mined.