
Topic: Modern Witch Hunts In Texas And Across America (Read 1080 times)

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Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 27, 2014, 01:01:07 PM
What Do You Think Long Hair Means About People?

I am not sure why, but just because I have long hair, people seem to think I would know what Cale is, or that I for some reason hate hunters.

I get that Hippies were considered liberal, but everyone wants to try to identify me with Charles Manson, David Koresh or even Jesus. Usually because they don't like these people.

So basically what I have noticed is that anyone that hates me based on why I look like, is automatically putting whatever ideology they hate, into my hair. Which is completely insane.

I have NEVER called myself a Gamer, just byw. I am not for Gamer gate. I have never called myself a feminist, I will stand up for women though. I am not a vegetarian, I do smoke weed. But I really don't see why people have to look at me like an ink blot test just because I have long hair.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
America Is Full Of Lost Minds: Pass Down Opinions

I already mentioned in the first part of "America Is Full Of Lost Minds" that people are willing to completely decide what political party you align with, based on a few keywords that may or may not have anything to do with the party they think it does. But I did not talk about how this happens.

The way this happens is people are putting themselves in bubbles. There was a time when people knew "You are going to have to deal with some people you don't like" I understand it, I have never had a boss I liked and I have to deal with trolls talking about my family and stuff all the time. But not many people seem to realize this any more. They seem to WANT to be in a Bubble of people that only say things they like and agree with, which leaves ZERO room for learning.

Then people pick the news they like whether it be NPR or FOX news or whatever, and they ONLY listen to the one side. But I want to point out that in the 60s when they hippies were protesting, they were listening to ALL THE POLITICIANS so they could make protest signs.

For example, if I decide today I am a liberal, do I just watch TYT and now I am getting my liberal game on? NO, I should watch FOX news and Blog about (or tweet directly at them) about how wrong they are. Otherwise I am just watching some internet news and nothing else.

Form your own opinions by watching EVERYTHING, no matter what you political affiliation is.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
Not many people know how seedless watermelons are made, and I have heard a lot of people suggest that they were seedless because of GMO stuff. But that is not the case.

Seedless watermelons are seedless because they did not get pollinated by a male, so they did not grow seeds. The fruit is the part of the plant where the seeds grow, and it has to be female or hermaphrodite, and it has to be pollinated by another plant or itself in order to get seeds.

And just one last random thing, Oklahoma's state vegetable is a Watermelon, when I found that out I was like "Wow, what a stupid group of people" but I did some searches and found out that ALL FRUITS are vegetables. ANYTHING that comes off a plant (even the roots) are vegetables, and the ovaries (place seeds are made) are the fruit. So all fruits are vegetables, but not all vegetables are fruit. Like the rectangles and squares.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
America Is Full Of Lost Minds: Left VS Right

I have been dealing with the stupidest people since I came to the internet, but I want to point out just HOW stupid.

Say the word "Marijuana", everyone is like "Fucking Dem"

Say the word "Rights", everyone is like "Fucking Libertarian"

Say the word "TYT", everyone is like "Fucking Dem"

Say the word "JRE", everyone is like "Fucking Libertarian"

Can you guys PLEASE learn to actually understand PEOPLE and not just try to understand everything as some form of argument. I do get arguing can prove things and help change minds, but arguing is not EVERYTHING.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
Have You Ever Wondered Who Decided The Bible Was The Word of God?

A lot of people will say boldly "The Bible is the word of God" and other people will go so far as to claim that the text has NO errors, but I am sure everyone has wondered at least once in their life where that idea came from.

This is the link below is "the Septuagint:, in English from Latin, it is called the "Seventy". We have all heard of Alexander the Great, but not many people know that he become the forced adopted son of the Queen of Egypt and inherited Egypt, and his generals established the Library of Alexandria and the Musaeum which was the first Museum.

The reason it is called the 70 is because 70 Jewish scholars in Egypt were hired to write down their oral tradition. They all wrote down the same thing, all 70 of them, so Alexander declared that it was the "Word of God". Which is obviously completely wrong.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
Calling Out The Libertarians

I am from Texas and I love history, I LITERALLY have a "Come and Take it" flag on my wall, because I am TEXAN and that was the first Texas state flag (you should look up the story, it's awesome).

But everyone is like "2nd Amendment or pussy", guess what though, police ACTUALLY BUST DOWN DOORS. Like in REAL LIFE and in AMERICA, EVERYDAY.

Alex Jones and everyone that is like him or that says they are better than him, how about you start talking about what the Police are ACTUALLY DOING. Which is not fucking with well off, well armed people.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
Ogdoad to Astrology to Almanac: The REAL Religions Of The World (And How Astrology Messed Up)


A lot of people think that the Horoscopes are just random star system that people decided "That one looks like a goat" and "That one looks like a lion" and "That one looks like a guy carrying water", then they randomly assigned months to stars. But that is not what happened. Those specific constellations are the specific constellations that the Sun seems to pass though as we go around it.

Astrology is actually a distorted misused form of Ancient Religions. Most of the time Ancient people didn't look to Horoscopes for things like dating or changing jobs, but instead they looked to it for things like farming. Where the could "predict" when to plant their crops, and "predict" when they were going to be able to harvest. We still do this today in the form of  "Almanac"s the Almanac can predict the weather and the planetary alignments and everything.

All of this is based on the Ancient "Ogdoad" which goes all the way back to AT LEAST 2000 BC, so it is 4000 years old AT LEAST. And we still use it today, without it (the Almanac) we would not be able to farm properly. Unless you expect Texans and Idahoans and Nebraskans, etc to grow all your food without ancient Egyptian secrets.

Hindus OPENLY Worship Gods that Correspond with the Planets. If you look up "Hindu Equivalent to Mars" you will find it. If you look up "Hindu Equivalent to Luna" you will find it. The Greeks and Romans had a similar faith, which the Egyptians and Sumerians had first.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
How The Hobby Lobby Ruling Protects ALL RELIGIOUS COMPANIES

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, 573 U.S. ___ (2014), is a landmark decision[1][2] by the United States Supreme Court allowing closely held for-profit corporations to be exempt from a law its owners religiously object to if there is a less restrictive means of furthering the law's interest.


I don't agree with companies not paying for birth control, but I want to point out some stuff that the case opened up (this is not meant as legal advice, unless you are in the Tree of Life School Ministry)


Let's break this down. any closely held (so non franchise) corporation is exempt from a law its owners religiously object to, if there is a less restrictive mean of furthering the laws interest. Meaning that as long as the law can still be upheld in regular society (the people buy things themselves) then it is fine.


So as long as the laws interest can be upheld in a "less restrictive way", then the law does not have to be followed within the corporation. So in the example of the Hobby Lobby case they don't pay for the birth control, 100% rejecting the laws on the books and people were forced to go buy there own because this is the "less restrictive way".

So in the case of something like Marijuana and a Shaivite (worshiper of Shiva), you could ignore the law of Marijuana growing and Possession in your Shiva altar space, but outside of the building people would not be allowed to grow or possess. It would be an American Temple. Business in the front, Religion in the back.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
If you want to start your own show on Youtube, here you go. Just "Start a Hangout" then click "Go Live" at the bottom and it will get posted to Youtube while it's live and it will go into your videos when it's over.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
Why I Left Atheist Analysis

I was on Think Free Nation since like Episode 3, so pretty much since the beginning. I came there first by telling Johnny Brotherton I could prove God existed, then he kinda got scared because I had been commenting on their videos about the Septuagint and other things he had never heard of. So I talked to Steve Tillman and asked if I could be on his show and he was awesome the whole time I was there.

Then I was there for probably 3 months, and almost every episode someone would try to treat me like I was a right wing, libertarian, Creationist, or a Muslim, depending on how they felt like treating me that day. But Steve was always cool.

The came the Neo-Atheist AKA Pwnerd Supreme. He was trolling the New Covenant Group and I am not sure if he followed me via the comments or if he found Atheist Analysis himself, but he came on and they made him a co-host of Think Free Nation. He kept muting me, and I told them I am not next to my keyboard so stop muting me if I am not talking or arguing or anything. So Steve said he would fix it and didn't hit me up again for 3 weeks. He sent me a link, then the Neo Atheist kept muting me and I was just like fuck this.

They are a fine group over all, but they are scared to actually get into anything or listen to anything but an atheist perspective, EVEN when they ask you to come on knowing you are not an atheist.

Hopefully it gets better when "ADebateShowWithoutAnInterestingName" joins them. But for now, they are an Atheist Circle Jerk.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
How To Tell If You Are No Longer Christian Or Atheist

This doesn't just go for Atheists and Christians, this goes for Jewish people, Muslims, and Buddhists and whoever else that only has one God or none at all.

I know I have mentioned the Ogdoad a lot in the past few days, but if anyone does not know what it is, please go to the wiki link and read about it. But basically it tells you this: The Planets were worshiped as GODS in Egypt and Greece, then in Rome... We even still call the planets the SAME names the Romans did.

So if you believe in Mars and Venus, then YOU believe in the God of Martial Arts and the High Goddess of all Gods. If you use the male and female symbols (the arrows and dashes with the circles that mean male and female), you even RECOGNIZE THE GODS.

Again, if you believe in Mars and Venus, you are a POLYTHEIST.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
Mechanisms for Evolution and How Humans Could Evolve NOW

There are women in Africa who don't get AIDS, as far as scientists can tell their DNA is scarred due to ancient AIDS outbreaks. This is 1 form of evolution via Epigenetics. This could happen on some scale with Ebola, could be a tribe could be the planet, who knows. But this is one mechanism for evolution and some Humans could be being pushed to evolve now.
DNA study
Case study

Environmental Changes, different environments call for different traits. And people like to think of this kind of evolution as "An Organism Evolved with the Right Traits". But that is not how this works. When the Environment changes, it favors mutants. For example, the rabbits with the mutant gene to grow a layer of white fur during winter will get hunted less in the snow and all the other rabbits die, so they do not pass on the "flaw". In the past things would happen like floods, and there is a theory that Humans split from Chimps by crossing a river, because Chimps are not prone to swimming like Humans and Bonobos. And Bonobos are considered to be our closest Relative.

Intergenetic Hybrids.
The Tribes in Papau New Guinea have Denisovan DNA mixed with Homosapien DNA, meaning their genetic go further back than Neanderthals. If someone gets a Denisovan and Native American to fall in love, we will have some evolution starting.
The people in Papau are still living there today

New Predators can also change a species or genus. This is also something people like to think "The best animal evolves the best traits and wins" but that is wrong again. The thing that survives new predators is the right mutant. If you are a lizard and you live in a forest that has no leaves most of the year, then you are lucky if your the lizard that mutated to never be green. It's not something you would have thought was "better" if you were choosing at the womb, but it turns out you win.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
Oilahuasca, based on the concept of turning off P450 enzymes, kind of like MAOIs in Ayahuasca. No Tryptamines, made from all natural essential oils and tea. Or lotions.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
One Way Laws Are Made:

How Marijuana Is A Defended Religious RIGHT In America:

A FEDERAL Judge Told These People Their THC Ministry Counts, and it was not created before 1975, so it does not even fall under the RFRA like mine and some other people's do:

About 2 years ago I also heard of someone in Texas who got arrested with their Hawaii Sacramental Bud with the labels on it and everything.

This is a WITCH HUNT. I do not know of very many people in the same situation and I have been talking about my case for years on the internet. If you are in the same situation, make a blog, make a Youtube channel, make whatever, and SHARE YOUR MINISTRY or Join Ours.
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