if you want Muslims to be more like the citizens of the countries they inhabit, stop focusing so much on petty differences between them and the rest of us, such as how many Mohamed's there are in Britain and instead talk about the accomplishments of the children of immigrant families in the UK and try and encourage them to be the best UK citizens they can be.
When a group of people openly states they want us dead for not following their religion or living a certain lifestyle they don't approve of that's not a 'petty' difference, stop trying to brush aside the fact that a significant chunk of them are outright fanatics, I am actually growing to hate people like you more than any religious person because you're the reason they gain so much influence and can get away with so much violence.
you know i am not trying to infer that radical Muslims do not exist, it just does not solve the problem at all to talk about what you feel they should be naming their kids. I'm saying that doing that is focusing on petty issues and doesn't solve anything. what is the end game to pointing that out? are you going to pass a law not allowing them to name their kid Mohammed? like the foolish fascist laws that prohibit them from wearing essentially the same head covering you have no problem with nuns wearing?
Like at some point you have to ask yourself what is it you want to achieve here? in the early 2000s I felt like you and even still I agree with the fact that you have to stick up for liberal values and fight for them. Values that include womens rights, LGBT rights, freedom of speech. Those are important values to try and uphold for all humanity and in countries where those rights are not held I agree with you that we need to forgo sensitivity, but what exactly does pointing out a petty difference such as how many people (for all you know patriotic Brits) in Britain name their kid Mohamed do to help anything? How does that move the ball forward exactly?
I think the point that you are missing is that some one Named Mohammed can be Union Jack flag waving British soccer hooligan, he is just somebody that is from a different ancestry than you are. First you need to accept the fact that not all patriots look like you and are named like you and then you need to learn to differentiate between them and the ones who are at war with your way of life and then you can find a way to convert more of them, but if you don't do that and don't show some love for the good ones they will become disenfranchised and eventually bad ones. Getting upset that they all have a cultural name in common and and complaining about it is not inclusive or inviting them to join us its telling them to fuck off... stop before you post and ask yourself how is what i am about to say going to help accomplish anything I want