
Topic: Moldova (Read 4687 times)

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
May 05, 2016, 06:52:30 AM
Slippery Road to WWIII! Moldavian Deputies Try to Block US Tanks From Entering Moldova

This is breaking news! On this TODAY’S video, made at the Romania – Moldova border, you can see Moldavian parliament deputies / members of Igor Dodon’s Party of Socialists trying to block US tanks and armed vehicles from entering Moldova. The delay was only temporary and all that stuff did roll into the country. So far a total of 58 US tanks and other military vehicles entered Moldavia from several border points.

Dear Americans!

Please take a look at who’s manning these vehicles – as you well see, these are your co-citizens! What business do they have thousands of miles away from your country, meddling in another country’s affairs, which most of you will never be able to find on the map??!

I’ll add to it that the country in question borders strategic Russian-protected territories. In Moldavia itself at least half of the population is Russian-speaking. Now, tell me: why are your tanks there?

I happen to agree with the opinion (at least, this part of it) of the leader of Moldavia’s “Nasha Partia’ Renato Usatii. See on this video:

To paraphrase what he says: This is akin to what happened on June 22, 1941 (attack by Nazi Germany on USSR at 4am), when people were still asleep, or preparing to take children for a walk, or getting ready for a day of relaxation… Moldavia today is on holiday mode, and many people are believers (LR: Orthodox Paskha/Easter coincided with May 1 holiday). Everyone is relaxed, not paying attention. They took advantage of the holiday mode to sneak their tanks into the country.

US/West are attempting to ‘subvert’ Moldova, like Ukraine before that. They are trying to create a civil war in Moldova. We are being blamed for being pro-Russian, told that NATO will protect us from Russian tanks. Yet, as we see today, it’s not Russian tanks that are rolling into Moldova. Together with the sold-out Moldavian government, West is trying to turn Moldova into yet another battlefield in which to settle their score with Russia.

US is trying to ignite a conflict inside Moldova, fracture the country, leading to civil war. They also cover for the regime of the bandits in power.
(LR: as discussed in my earlier comprehensive Moldavia protests report, last year $1 bln was stolen from Moldovan banks by those in power, and the money was laundered offshore.)

Does anyone remember the "Caribbean Crisis" (which, incidentally started from US placing nukes in Turkey, and USSR reciprocating in Cuba)? This is the same scenario. Next move: Russian Destroyers being dispatched to San Francisco Bay?

To echo what he says, I’ll add that US/West are desperately trying to create yet another unresolved conflict around Russia and post-Soviet space. This is yet another attempt to reformat people’s memory and consciousness.

During this delicate and turbulent time in nearby Ukraine and all over the world, US/EU/NATO are trying to destabilize Moldavia. They are trying to stoke yet another hybrid war near Russian borders, to impinge on Russian interests in the region. If you look at the maps below, you will see that Moldova borders the breakaway Pridnestrovie (Transnistria), with Russian peacekeepers stationed there.

Should US and Romania – who is licking its lips, attempting to swallow Pridnestrovie and Moldova – provoke yet another conflict in Pridnestrovie, the consequences could be dire for all. Pridnestrovie is populated with at least 200,000 Russian citizens, out of a total of 500,000 population. NATO destabilizing Pridnestrovie automatically means WWIII.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
January 26, 2016, 11:30:18 AM
Let's hope that Moldavia's transition would be a peaceful one - the people there don't seem to be as duped by the Western MSM machine as Ukrainians were. In time, when Moldavia is again a strong independent state, maybe it will allow Romania join them.  Cool

Perhaps that is the reason why the elections are getting postponed. In a free and fair election, the pro-Russian parties will get an outright majority. Also, the recent opinion polls indicate that more than 50% of the voters favors joining the Eurasian Economic Union, while less than 40% are in favor of joining as a member state of the European Union.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
January 26, 2016, 11:16:33 AM
For me it seems like the NATO is trying to install another Nazi puppet regime, just like what they did in Ukraine. The Nazi sympathizer and oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc has been given the responsibility by the NATO. This is not going to end well. The anti-NATO regions such as Gagauzia should just secede from Moldova, and merge with Transnistria.

A small trivia regarding the name "Transnistria". That's how the region is called by the Westerners, meaning "over Dnester river", "on the other side of Dnester river". The locals and Russians alike call it "Pridnestrovje" - "by/at/near Dnestr river". This should be a strong linguistic hint as to where the allegiances lie.

Let's hope that Moldavia's transition would be a peaceful one - the people there don't seem to be as duped by the Western MSM machine as Ukrainians were. In time, when Moldavia is again a strong independent state, maybe it will allow Romania join them.  Cool
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
January 26, 2016, 03:14:00 AM
For me it seems like the NATO is trying to install another Nazi puppet regime, just like what they did in Ukraine. The Nazi sympathizer and oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc has been given the responsibility by the NATO. This is not going to end well. The anti-NATO regions such as Gagauzia should just secede from Moldova, and merge with Transnistria.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
January 25, 2016, 01:29:00 PM
Looks like my initial hunch about Moldova being the next hot spot is shaping up.

The things have been heating up there for some months now, culminating in taking of the Parliament building and with black-listing of Russian journalists, so as to stifle the outflow of truthful information from the country, among other things.

Lada Ray has just published an in-depth article on the situation/ongoing revolution in Moldova.

Moldavia Explodes! Anti-EU, Anti-Government Revolt, Parliament Stormed

As usual, I would recommend reading it completely, but here are some very important fragments:

The events in Moldavia (aka, Moldova, aka, ex- Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic) are developing swiftly and resolutely. I have been following the events in Moldavia very closely since 2014 when I first felt it was on the brink of a major change, in part expedited by the Ukraine 2014 coup, and in part by anti-Russian sanctions.

Just like Ukraine, Moldavia has been starkly divided and torn between pro-EU (better defined as pro-Romania) and pro-Russian camps. Some are simply for closer ties with Russia and define themselves as pro-Moldavian sovereignty.

In the summer of 2015 it was discovered that $1 billion disappeared from Moldavian banks. By disappeared I mean: evaporated, vanished into thin air. This money was, per reports, simply stolen and laundered offshore. For the small and poor country like Moldova this amount constitutes 1/4 to 1/3 of its annual budget.

As a consequence, Moldavia’s banking sector collapsed, liquidity dried up and the country plunged into a catastrophic crisis. Economy took a nose dive as a result of that, plus, Russian sanctions.

The government tried to cover up the disappearance of the money, but the scandal grew. The secret criminal connections between the highest government officials and biggest oligarchs, such as Plokhotnyuk, were revealed, causing uproar. One of the people who blew the whistle was the mayor of Beltsi and head of Nasha Partia, Renato Usatiy. I talk about him in the above-linked article, and we’ll continue talking about this rising star of the Moldavian politics, and sort of Che Guevara cum 007


By October 2015 mass protests in Kishinev began and they haven’t stopped since. The remarkable thing about these protests is that pro-Romania and pro-Russian forces, both the ultra right and left, are united in their protest against this corrupt, oligarchic pro-EU government.

Should new elections be scheduled now, by all estimates and polls, the pro-Russian and pro-Moldavia-sovereignty opposition coalition will win. This would put an end to almost 25 years of Romania dragging Moldavia into its fold kicking and screaming. Then the country is bound to make a turn away from EU and towards Russia. This will also begin the process of de-oligarchization of the country.

Is it any surprise that the present government, financed by oligarchs, is holding on to power for dear life. This may be their last chance to remain in power. While at it, they are trying to push through the EU association agreement, before it’s too late. This is despite widespread protests and the majority being against it.

And here is our old ‘friend,’ again rearing her ugly head! A day prior Victoria Nuland popped up in Bucharest, Romania, where she met with Romanian and Moldavian presidents/ top brass and where she approved the new PM of Moldavia, whose name is Pavel Filip. This painfully reminds us of how Nuland was caught on tape approving and moving around, like pieces on a chess board, Ukraine PMs, presidents, heads of Rada, and such.

The news of Nuland approving Moldavian PM angered protesters further. The protest slogan became: “US approves the crooked Moldavian government, but Moldavian people don’t.” The protesters say that Filip is the front for the oligarchs that have been robbing the country blind. As the economic situation in Moldova worsens, an average citizen feels the pinch.

Last night Kishinev (aka, Chisinau, Moldovan capital) government publicly lied to citizens that the approval procedure for the new PM would be delayed by a few days. This was done to mislead and lull the protesters into complacency. As protesters looked the other way, under the cover of the night, Moldovan elites gathered in secret and hastily approved the new PM and government without any deliberations. The whole approval process lasted 6 minutes!

Meanwhile, the government has expelled Russian language and culture from schools, government and from MSM, which feels very unnatural to people. As a result, Moldavians exist in a very warped reality. At school they are told that Russia is the enemy and invader. But at home people most often watch Russian channels and listen to Russian news.

About 1 million Moldavians work in Russia since their own economy is shut, sending money back home. Meanwhile, Russian language, history and relations with Russia are being suppressed, just like in neighboring Ukraine. Russian speakers prefer to leave Moldova and move to Russia or to Pridnestrovie permanently, and not only Russian speakers. Moldavians often make the same choice.

Incidentally, Russian media reports that the accredited Russian journalists arriving to cover the protests are being denied entry into the country and deported on the spot. Moldavian authorities tell them that they have been ‘blacklisted.’ Russian journalists are scratching their heads as to why. I know for a fact that Ukraine junta regime closely cooperates and shares their info on who should be blacklisted with Kishinev regime.

The country will have to change lots of things, including constitution, history books (Moldavian history has been re-written, where Russia is the aggressor and where instead of real Moldavian the falsified ‘Romanian history’ is being taught) and alphabet (traditional Cyrillics was replaced with Latin and Moldavian language is now called ‘Romanian’), among many others. Election laws, federalization/autonomy laws, and many others will also have to change. This will take some time.

One thing remains clear: Moldavia is turning away from the rotten Romania annexation/EU-association model that has failed. Moldavia can and should live in peace and cooperation with both Europe and Russia, as well as all other neighbors. But it is now forced artificially into a situation when it has to break all relations with Russia – its primary trade partner, cultural, language, currency and jobs donor. Moldavians are forced to accept becoming a poor backdoor of Romania and EU, whether they want it or not.

And this won’t happen. The tide is changing – be ready!

Lada, in her usual thorough way, presents the historical background of the region

Romanian trolls had polluted the entire internet with claims of the ‘great Romania.’ One such claim: they insist that Moldavia belongs to them. They even have the audacity to say that Odessa and Odessa Oblast (Bessarabia) belong to them as well. I’ll talk about Odessa and Bessarabia real history, as well as the entire Russia/Moldova/Romania spread, in the upcoming BLACK SEA GAMBIT.

But just a few quickies to wet your appetite! In fact, Romania didn’t exist before 19th century. There were a few divergent, very feudal, very backwards, and warring between each other territories: mainly Transylvania (yes, Vlad the Impaler’s domain) and Walachia. Dobruja (definitely a Slavic, non-Romanian word) now belongs to Romania as well, but it really should be a part of Bulgaria. Romania also claims Bukovina in Western Ukraine (also definitely a Slavic word and populated in big part by Slavs). I could go on, but I think the picture is clear.

All the above Eastern European/Balkans territories, as far as Hungary, were under Ottoman Turks for centuries and didn’t exist as normally functioning states. At least there was a Moldavian dukedom with capital in Kishinev as early as 1690s, even if it wasn’t fully independent. One thing I can tell you for sure, Moldavia was certainly in better shape and fully independent of the wrecks that were Transylvania, Walachia, and what not.

By contrast, Rumania (Romania) was only formed in 1878.

It was Russia that liberated all of pre-Balkans and Balkans, including what is today Romania, from the Ottomans. Further, if it wasn’t for Russia, there would be no Romania! Russia insisted on creating Romania at the time, over the objections of the British Empire and Austria-Hungary. Russia wanted to create a state that would unite the pre-Balkans Orthodox people and the kind of state that would keep under control the piracy, smuggling and lawlessness predominant in those parts, so the neighboring people could exist in peace, including Russia’s own Slavic population across the border – in South Russia (aka, Odessa), Novorossia and Malorossia. In retrospect, this is a rare case when, perhaps, Russia should have listened to the Brits.

All the above from:

Moldavia Explodes! Anti-EU, Anti-Government Revolt, Parliament Stormed
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
October 12, 2015, 05:59:42 AM
I thought that the internet has a lot of options to choose delivery service. A site on which language you are looking for? I know English website for flower delivery to Moldova Grin
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
October 09, 2015, 10:43:06 AM
I can`t find to right plase for my question, so I want to ask it there... Anybody can help me with the search process of delivery service to Moldova?
I cant find language that I know((
Please, help me  Huh
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
September 07, 2015, 12:01:10 PM
Moldova goes the Ukrainian way - by interfering with the freedom of speech and arresting journalists to prevent information of what is really happening from leaking to the world.

Moldova threatens to hand detained LifeNews journalists over to Ukraine — editor-in-chief

Moldova expels Russia’s RT video agency Ruptly producer from Chisinau
His equipment has been confiscated, RT's editor-in-chief wrote in her Twitter
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
September 06, 2015, 11:54:41 AM
and despite about 1/5 of all Moldovans (those who work in Russia) not being able to vote.
Moldovan workers weren't able to cast their votes, but their relatives do..

In most of the cases, only the children and the grandparents are left in Moldova, while the parents work in Russia. The children can't vote, and the grandparents rarely vote. So overall, it is a gain-gain situation for the pro-NATO lobby. A majority of those who are working in the European Union are pro-NATO, and these people are allowed to vote (unlike those who are working in Russia).
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
September 06, 2015, 11:43:42 AM
As predicted, the colour revolution in Moldova seems to have been launched. "Protests" in Kishenjov:

Tent and all at the central square:

And ultimatums delivered to the Prime Minister

Just stand by for placards with an image of a raised fist, as seen at all the other Maidans...

LIVE footage from Moldovan Maidan here:
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
December 01, 2014, 07:59:40 PM
and despite about 1/5 of all Moldovans (those who work in Russia) not being able to vote.
Moldovan workers weren't able to cast their votes, but their relatives do..
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
December 01, 2014, 04:20:57 PM
Aaand, the Socialist party (pro-Customs Union) got the majority, despite the pro-EU parties' scheming with discrediting one opposition party and despite about 1/5 of all Moldovans (those who work in Russia) not being able to vote.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 123
November 30, 2014, 06:53:55 PM
Define "common law" by the way. If you mean the international law, UN, Russia is the only country that currently abides by it, to its own detriment.

common law derives from the use of common sense. for example it doesn't make sense to make a plant illegal, what ever the imposed order.

the "pro-EU at all costs" are grabbing more land than Isis and all the other groups combined... I ask myself what is the end goal of the most fanatics in the European project? The European Union member states adopt the US Constitution and bills of rights and I couldn't be more favorable, fragment the all according to the will of the people to live in the government of their choosing. However the absence of any "piece of papers", doesn't change the fact that for any nations and people, better to be in the European sphere than the Russian one. And as the Russian dream has always been to expand beyond reason, in all direction (certainly a key effect of the citadel wall oppression feeling) leads to the inevitable meeting with others people that may think that Moscow isn't the center of the universe and that a more advanced even if not perfect form of government is preferable to a more archaic regime. However the use by the European politicians of the European integrated market as a weapon of war must be stopped immediately. What is this stupid, arrogant attitude of persons that don't have to have a say to say in the conduct of business operations. It's not your market, you aren't shareholders, at best as customers you can boycott. I take for example Google, what is happening again, needing some loot to raid a country? Bringing deaths, debts and desolation to it's inhabitants.

I don't understand why the euro-fanatics have so much hate for the American Empire... What is the big cultural integrity that Europe must defend against the cultural mercantile imperialist culture? Why couldn't a cultural good be sold? I understand it's deeper than that, maybe the post colonial withdrawal process. Yes, every People in the world deserve a government of the People, by the People for the People, sadly there is already enough solution to be found in the Empire itself to let most People on Earth to feed for themselves, and try sometimes too to find solution and not be a source of problems from the Empire perspectives. To use a maritime crude expression: we let you float don't force us to shoot you.

All paths already walked (or sailed) couldn't lead to new outcomes. The Empire already walked them all. Surprise Roll Eyes.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
November 30, 2014, 06:06:52 PM
Obama needs to bomb moldova before putin does!
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
November 30, 2014, 05:10:31 PM
Looks like the West creating Ukraine MkII out of Moldova, discarding the voices of the people who don't what to "Go West".
That won't work because any UA-II scenario will lead to recognition of Transnistrian independence.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
November 30, 2014, 04:39:33 PM
Elections in Moldova today. With large violations already spotted. The main opposition anti-EU-association party was thoughtfully removed from the ballots.

For the 700000-750000 Moldovans working in Russia, only 5 voting spots were open and only 15000 ballots were brought in! It means that 685000-735000 people were blocked from casting their vote. It would just happen that these people would also be against EU-association.

Looks like the West creating Ukraine MkII out of Moldova, discarding the voices of the people who don't what to "Go West".

Btw, an interesting read:

Moldova is the poorest and one of the smallest countries of Europe. Moldova is also a new geopolitical battleground. The November 30, 2014 Moldovan parliamentary elections promise to be the beginning of a shift. The pro-EU coalition government is doing everything to remain in power, dragging Moldova kicking and screaming into the EU, and into the absorption by Romania. The means used to hang on to power at all cost are openly anti-democratic and illegal. Meanwhile, according to various polls, the majority of Moldavians are pro-Customs Union with Russia.

To many Moldavians this is the issue of livelihood and even life and death, in addition to any cultural preferences, traditions, and the Russian language many speak at home. In this regard, Moldavia is very much like Ukraine. It is literally a suicide for Moldova to cozy up to the EU when almost all of its trade is with Russia and other countries of the Customs Union and when 750,000 of its citizens are guest workers in Russia. These guest workers, who may be deported back to Moldova should it make further overtures towards the EU, add a huge chunk to Moldova’s GDP by sending their earnings home to support their families.


Knowing they are on shaky ground, current pro-EU government uses openly anti-democratic methods to stifle the voice of the people. The party Patria (Motherland) of Renato Usaty has just been banned from participating in the November 30 elections. The new coalition Moldova’s Choice – Customs Union isn’t allowed on TV and kept away from TV debates. In the info vacuum many citizens may not know what voting choices they have.


Communist Party, which is communist in name only, is the largest and oldest party in Moldova. Many vote for it specifically because they mistakenly think it’s pro-Russian. Same confusion happened with Yanukovich and Party of the Regions in Ukraine, until they showed their true colors.

Communists, through their head Vladimir Voronin, have recently re-affirmed on public TV their pro-EU position. As I discussed in my earlier article and video (see links below), it appears Voronin has been threatened/ blackmailed by the West to toe the line. It appears the CIA presented Voronin with an undeniable proof of his son’s guilt in crimes committed in the US. Voronin Jr. resides in the USA. His daddy was told to support the EU integration of Moldova if he doesn’t want his son in jail.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
October 07, 2014, 07:47:47 AM
Anything and everything to do with Russia, even if it has a look of beauty, is really the Russian government trying to take control of the whole world. It has always been this way since the Bolshevik revolution. And unless Russia is forced into common law, it will always be the same.


"Bolsheviks" (which were a minority, just like the Right Sector in Ukraine is a West-financed minority) are the ones who tried to force Russia into "common law". The 1917 coup d'etat, financed from London and executed by a half-German russophobe. The parallel to the 2014 coup d-etat in Kiev are striping. As are the consequences.

Define "common law" by the way. If you mean the international law, UN, Russia is the only country that currently abides by it, to its own detriment. But I guess that by "common law" you mean the US-instilled law of conquer, rape, murder and subjugate. Sorry, as long as Russia has some breath left, that won't fly.

When you talk about the role of the money, on the other hand, you make sense, yet then you start pushing a MSM-promoted demonisation of Russia, one of the few countries that remains standing up to the dominance of petro-dollar. I don't know where to place you.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 06, 2014, 03:15:21 PM
People are going to be extremely angry once they recognized that the idea of money is a tool that is holding them in slavery.

We already know that, ordinary people still do not

There are many people in these forums who don't understand it enough to fathom the good Bitcoin can do.  Smiley
hero member
Activity: 697
Merit: 500
October 06, 2014, 03:06:47 PM
People are going to be extremely angry once they recognized that the idea of money is a tool that is holding them in slavery.

We already know that, ordinary people still do not
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 06, 2014, 03:00:22 PM
West behaves pretty dictatorial towards rest of the world..they are jsut working on having good image by demonizing those who stands in their way. Think for youself people. Crimea is rich compared to rest of bancrupt Ukraina, crimeas industries and economy is depentand on Russias. Ukraina is going down, they will be never able to repay their debts. Crimean people will have higher standard of living,then ever,  there was no violence, remember that.

Remember one GREAT piece of knowledge. ALL the struggles of countries are really agaisnt the one GREAT hidden nation... the banking system. All loans are fake. The people have been tricked into using money. Money is a bank creation, with the help of government to some extent. People are going to be extremely angry once they recognized that the idea of money is a tool that is holding them in slavery.

sr. member
Activity: 477
Merit: 250
Blockchain Just Entered The Real World
October 06, 2014, 02:50:18 PM
West behaves pretty dictatorial towards rest of the world..they are jsut working on having good image by demonizing those who stands in their way. Think for youself people. Crimea is rich compared to rest of bancrupt Ukraina, crimeas industries and economy is depentand on Russias. Ukraina is going down, they will be never able to repay their debts. Crimean people will have higher standard of living,then ever,  there was no violence, remember that.
Activity: 1110
Merit: 1000
October 06, 2014, 02:37:48 PM

Remember, Poland has made its choice many centuries ago, in becoming the cannon fodder for the Western powers.

Poland make the good choice ...
You think really living with Food Tickets is nice ?
Go back 20 years  ... you are living nice in your seat to drop such non sense... ?
The main rules by the communist gouvernement was => Spy everyone , if you see something come to speak to me ... LoL
You are Sick man ... out of control and you are really out of reality !
Better then you go watching X-Files !

You like Russia ... ok go there and live there ...

What .. Russia is the 1st country for Drug use ... 1st country where alchool was forbiden because so much drunk people all over there ...

And the only One country where alchool "Vodka" is a country embleme ... LoL

I think you drank too much vodka !
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 06, 2014, 02:34:03 PM

Yes, let common law in America put ALL of the governments in the whole world, including the U.S. government, into their rightful places. = Angela Stark's Talkshoe. = TrustInAllLaw snippets of Karl's audios. = Karl's main page. = Karl's United Kingdom page. = Craig Lynch's snippets page. = Ten great Youtube videos, might be the best introduction to Karl. = Karl's Talkshoe site. = Karl Lentz - The Brian Bonar Incident - YouTube. = Lentz-Sense - don't be a More~On - YouTube.

Other Info = The Secret is most judgments are Void on their face and not merely voidable. = Trinsey v. Pagliaro - Attorneys cannot "speak" in common law trials if the one who is bringing the suit orders it. Holding from Trinsey v. Pagliaro: "An attorney for the plaintiff cannot admit evidence into the court. He is either an attorney or a witness."

hero member
Activity: 697
Merit: 500
October 06, 2014, 02:24:56 PM
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 06, 2014, 02:13:36 PM
Anything and everything to do with Russia, even if it has a look of beauty, is really the Russian government trying to take control of the whole world. It has always been this way since the Bolshevik revolution. And unless Russia is forced into common law, it will always be the same.

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
October 06, 2014, 01:26:50 PM
And a small aside about propaganda: anyone would be naïve to think that news outlets don't push some propaganda, be it Russian or American. The question is about proportions. During the Soviet era, the proportion of propaganda in Soviet media was close to 90%, while the Western media were more moderate: 50-60% judging from the old publications that I read. The picture has largely reversed now.
hero member
Activity: 697
Merit: 500
October 06, 2014, 09:02:09 AM
Why Moldova wants join the EU, Romania and Bulgaria are there, and are however poorest countries in EU.
EU is like Titanic.

full member
Activity: 150
Merit: 100
October 06, 2014, 08:09:26 AM
Nobody here ask for one-sided propaganga (Moldovan, Romanian or Russian notwithstanding). Sadly the news outlet you put here are only russian so you're acting only as a Russian-side voice. Is public domain that a lot of problems in the Region (Ukraine, Moldova, Crimea, etc.) came from Russian-speaking people there receiving their news only/mostly from Russian Federation news outlets.

Correct.. Just be true to your words.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
October 06, 2014, 07:41:18 AM
This got steam-rolled over on the previous page:

Some more in-depth background on Moldova, Pridnestrovie Moldovan Repoblic and situation there:

Moldova Explosion Coming 2: Coalition “Moldova’s Choice-Customs Union”

Nobody here ask for one-sided propaganga (Moldovan, Romanian or Russian notwithstanding). Sadly the news outlet you put here are only russian so you're acting only as a Russian-side voice.

And the reason why I reference Russian outlets is because I don't read Romanian. And if I don't come with the Russian-speaking (not the same as Russian ethnic) side of the story, who will? Do you want it to be one-sided after all? To rephrase a famous British writer, "I speak for them that have no voices" (at least when it comes to picture-painting in the Western MSM). I'd be happy for niothor to come with the Romanian-side of the story.

Maybe You cannot recognize this because you're acritically accepting Russia's voice.

Yes, I am accepting Russia's voice, and am proud of it. As of late, it's been a tiny voice of reason in a roar of lies. And I am accepting that voice critically, after having weighed the alternatives on the scales of consciousness and integrity.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
October 06, 2014, 07:40:13 AM
Guys you need to learn how to be patient. Civilized person is actually definition of people who can tolerate mistakes and explain which is wrong and why, without falling into senseless accusations.

Maybe it's not disqualifing you but surely disqualify as "propaganda" the reporting of Russian media who to support Kremlin-side put togheter false facts as well as one-side voices and do partial reporting. Maybe You cannot recognize this because you're acritically accepting Russia's voice.

Tipical reply from a authoritariann govt supporter who lack arguments to respond to a critic.
Typical attribute-projection reply by somebody, who lacks a basic knowledge of how to participate in the discussion.
sr. member
Activity: 322
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October 06, 2014, 07:37:29 AM
Maybe it's not disqualifing you but surely disqualify as "propaganda" the reporting of Russian media who to support Kremlin-side put togheter false facts as well as one-side voices and do partial reporting. Maybe You cannot recognize this because you're acritically accepting Russia's voice.

Tipical reply from a authoritariann govt supporter who lack arguments to respond to a critic.
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250 | Click my signature to join!
October 06, 2014, 07:35:50 AM
Nobody here ask for one-sided propaganga (Moldovan, Romanian or Russian notwithstanding). Sadly the news outlet you put here are only russian so you're acting only as a Russian-side voice. Is public domain that a lot of problems in the Region (Ukraine, Moldova, Crimea, etc.) came from Russian-speaking people there receiving their news only/mostly from Russian Federation news outlets.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
October 06, 2014, 07:33:34 AM
Maybe it's not disqualifing you but surely disqualify as "propaganda" the reporting of Russian media who to support Kremlin-side put togheter false facts as well as one-side voices and do partial reporting. Maybe You cannot recognize this because you're acritically accepting Russia's voice.

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
October 06, 2014, 07:24:37 AM
So the Western media pushes lies for half a year about Ukraine and it's fine. I make one mistake and it's propaganda? Sigh. I am not forcing you to read my finds. Some of the links I posted come from people intimately familiar with Moldova. I am not, and I said as much in one of my discussions with niothor. But from what I learn the strategy used to put a wedge into the country is disturbingly similar to the ones used in the Baltics, Ukraine, Egypt, Lybia, Syria...

By the way, will I stop being a "propaganda" if I start posting exclusively Romanian-sided views on Moldova and say that the Russian-speaking part of Moldovians (a couple of million people) can be disregarded and discarded? Will I suddenly become a good source of information then?

I want to be a good source of information so here goes: All Russians and Russian-speaking nationalities in Moldova must be deported, aAll Moldovans (at least the one worth keeping alive) want to join Romania. Romania was so good to Moldova  during WWII and provided all Moldovan Jews with food and free lodgings. Europe want Moldova to become a member state - that's what the Association is all about. Once Moldova is a part of EU all Moldovans will freely travel to Germany where they are eagerly awaited and get work for good wages. EU and IMF will give Moldova billions of € for reconstruction, completely free of any interest. The coming NATO bases will make Moldova super secure, it will not in any way affect the country if missile strikes are conducted from them against Russia.

Have I been a good student in not being "propaganda"?
sr. member
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October 06, 2014, 06:40:39 AM
No, I wouldn't. Also, I am reporting what I saw in media. If my perception of it was incorrect, you are, of course, free to rectify it - that's the nature of democracy as understood in Russia. Wink This one detail, however, does not negate all the other points made.

PS: an interesting read on history Modavia and Romania in WWII and the Moldavan losses by the hands of Romanians:

Maybe it's not disqualifing you but surely disqualify as "propaganda" the reporting of Russian media who to support Kremlin-side put togheter false facts as well as one-side voices and do partial reporting. Maybe You cannot recognize this because you're acritically accepting Russia's voice.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
October 06, 2014, 06:30:46 AM
No, I wouldn't. Also, I am reporting what I saw in media. If my perception of it was incorrect, you are, of course, free to rectify it - that's the nature of democracy as understood in Russia. Wink This one detail, however, does not negate all the other points made.

PS: an interesting read on history Modavia and Romania in WWII and the Moldavan losses by the hands of Romanians:
sr. member
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October 06, 2014, 05:37:12 AM

You are missing Moldova here, where West-Ukrainian-style ethnic unrest is being fomented now, and which will be unleashed soon. The hand of Romania is seen pretty strongly there, and well as worshipping of Nazi-german army collaborators. Familiar?

Why did I anticipate this attack?
Probably because of this?

Because on the 9th of May the prime minister turned up with a ribbon of a Romanian flag colours.

I didn't have the time to look into the merits of your other points but this one wholly disqualify your position as false/ignorant as well as lacking any basic understanding of Moldovan history. The blue, red, and yellow tricolor of Moldova is almost identical to the flag of Romania, reflecting the two countries' national and cultural affinity. So their PM was wearing a ribbon with their own's national colour not a foreign one! Probably you preferred to see him with Russian ribbon?
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
September 26, 2014, 09:30:40 AM
Partidul Nostru is currently polling at around 12%. The pro-EU forces have already started their campaign against the party. For example, the Wikipedia page has been deleted and some of the users who created it were banned.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
September 12, 2014, 10:03:57 PM
Victory for Voronin's party? He's pro-Romanian, correction, he is Romanian bearing a Russian surname, and Moldovans outside of the ruling elite stamped him as the one selling out Moldova.

I thought that Voronin's party (PCRM) was pro-Russian and anti-EU? As far as I know, he hasn't favored Moldova entering the European Union, and have always maintained a friendly relationship with Russia. On the other hand, the ruling triumvirate (PLDM-PDM-PL) is rabidly anti-Russian and is in favor of joining the European Union.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
September 12, 2014, 07:57:18 AM
^^^ If Gagauzia declares independence, it will prove to be problematic. It is not a geographically continuous entity, and consists of many exclaves and enclaves. And it shares no common border with Transnistria. So a better idea would be to ensure victory for Voronin's party in the parliamentary elections. For that to happen, Russia needs to do something so that the one million Moldvin voters living in Russia gains there right to vote.

Victory for Voronin's party? He's pro-Romanian, correction, he is Romanian bearing a Russian surname, and Moldovans outside of the ruling elite stamped him as the one selling out Moldova.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
September 11, 2014, 09:03:15 AM
^^^ If Gagauzia declares independence, it will prove to be problematic. It is not a geographically continuous entity, and consists of many exclaves and enclaves. And it shares no common border with Transnistria. So a better idea would be to ensure victory for Voronin's party in the parliamentary elections. For that to happen, Russia needs to do something so that the one million Moldvin voters living in Russia gains there right to vote.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
September 11, 2014, 07:55:34 AM
I think Moldovians living in Russia will disagree with you.

In this video the woman gives a very passionate speech during the founding meeting of the commentate of the public representatives of Moldovans living in Russia, asking that Russia does not send Moldovans out as they have nowhere to go intheir own country. She also mentions Voronin, saying that they voted for him before, and now it turns out he's selling the country:

More here:

Moldavians living in Russia and the Social-Democratic Party of Moldova are trying to organize 200 polling stations so citizens of Moldova abroad could vote in the November 30 parliamentary elections. The power in the country has been usurped by 3 “democratic” pro-western parties, aided by the corruption of the largest party of Moldova, the Communists and its leader, Vladimir Voronin. People had been supporting Communists because they thought they were pro-Russian, but communists proved that they were just as sold-out (however bizarre it sounds) as the Moldovan ruling pro-western neo-liberal democrats.

So, the present government is refusing the citizens their birth right: 750k-1mln of Moldovan citizens of voting age, who work in Russia, have no possibility of voting in the upcoming election!


Gagauzia is sure to secede. The Gagauzia autonomy had a referendum in February 2014 in which 97% of citizens voted to join Customs Union and secede from Moldova, unless Moldova also joins Customs Union. Pridnestrovie has been knocking on Russia’s door for a very long while. Its referendum of 2006 also had similar results: about 97% of people voted for re-unification with Russia.

Also about the use of Russian language by Gagauz, that you made fun of earlier. The fact that various ethnic groups in Moldova prefer to use Russian as common language (even though Russians as an ethnic group there is a minoruty), instead of Romanian, speaks for itself.

I think I will rename this thread to Moldova. Such a topic will be needed soon.
hero member
Activity: 826
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in defi we trust
September 09, 2014, 06:54:20 AM
I was going to write about the army in a PS, but you beat me to it. They are guarantors of peace. You see, better "prison" than slaughterhouse. People there still remember the bloodbath unleashed on Transnistria by the (pro-)Romanian-headed clans of Moldova (not unlike in Novorossia by Ukrainians) and the threat has not gone anywhere. That army is the only thing that stops the Moldovan government from gettig inspired by kiev and resuming where they left off in the 90s when Russian peacekeepers intervened. That civil sar, just like the war in Novorosia, didn't get much attention in the Western MSM as it didn' align with US interests (unlike Georgian invasion of South Osetia)

Slaughterhouse... yeah , bloodbath. Probably since you claim that the western media didn't care too much about it you have reading your usual russian sources.

That war was a joke. A joke with dead people killed by drunk mercenaries who even now don't have a clue what they were fighting for.

There are numerous reports in the Romanian press about the soldiers having their own ceasefire at night , getting drunk , waking up in the morning and then shooting at each other again and in the night drinking with the enemy in the memory of the killed ones.

And about the protection , I remember the nut in charge of the 14 army that claimed no less than 27 times (lmao , i bet those were his only words he knew) that his army will reach Bucharest in 2 hours . I personally don't know what russian tank is capable of 300km/h but be it like him.

As for the protection , protection my ass. More russian civilians have died there in the fighting than there were real supporters for the independence.
They wanted independence because before the '89 only Russian were in charge in Moldova occupying high ranks and now with Moldova gaining independence they had to go to do real work not sitting in a chair all day and give orders whit their families enjoying the equality of communism.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
September 09, 2014, 06:31:01 AM
I was going to write about the army in a PS, but you beat me to it. They are guarantors of peace. You see, better "prison" than slaughterhouse. People there still remember the bloodbath unleashed on Transnistria by the (pro-)Romanian-headed clans of Moldova (not unlike in Novorossia by Ukrainians) and the threat has not gone anywhere. That army is the only thing that stops the Moldovan government from gettig inspired by kiev and resuming where they left off in the 90s when Russian peacekeepers intervened. That civil sar, just like the war in Novorosia, didn't get much attention in the Western MSM as it didn' align with US interests (unlike Georgian invasion of South Osetia)
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Activity: 826
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in defi we trust
September 09, 2014, 06:20:07 AM
I haven't gone to Romania either. But the image of Romania in Norway is: a dump where all these gypsies and thieves that you see begging in the streets come from, and where towns and villages are falling into ruin. A place you shouldn't go to, because you'd get robbed faster than you can blink. So what do I know, maybe your perception of Moldova/Prednestrovjie is equally flawed as our perception of Romania here. Wink

From the various sources that I read, the strongest pro-Romainan movement is in the capital of Moldova, while the rural areas are more of pro-Russian (note that this does not imply that they would want to join Russia), independent of the nationality.

Who made Pridnestronje into a prison? By all accounts, it's a prison that has the walls built from the outside, and which had a trading agreement with Ukraine, but now with the WU-backed coup governments there, Kiev also raised the last wall.

1) No , just because your perception is not flawed Wink. Don't forget about the dogs. The president of the japanese-romanian business association died bitten by a dog in front of our government building....

2) Yeah , uneducated masses who still believe the earth is flat. The same guys that bought communism to the area.

3) As for the last part the russian army did it. Why was there a whole army corp ? Don't start with the bull* about protecting russians cause you know it's false.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
September 09, 2014, 05:44:54 AM
I haven't gone to Romania either. But the image of Romania in Norway is: a dump where all these gypsies and thieves that you see begging in the streets come from, and where towns and villages are falling into ruin. A place you shouldn't go to, because you'd get robbed faster than you can blink. So what do I know, maybe your perception of Moldova/Prednestrovjie is equally flawed as our perception of Romania here. Wink

From the various sources that I read, the strongest pro-Romainan movement is in the capital of Moldova, while the rural areas are more of pro-Russian (note that this does not imply that they would want to join Russia), independent of the nationality.

Who made Pridnestronje into a prison? By all accounts, it's a prison that has the walls built from the outside, and which had a trading agreement with Ukraine, but now with the WU-backed coup governments there, Kiev also raised the last wall.
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September 08, 2014, 10:41:12 AM

The last questions: those 750.000 guest workers that will eventually get kicked out of Russia (especially once Moldova goes the EU way), will need to go somewhere, and it will be Romania.

And to the second point. No, I haven't been there. That's why I find it interesting to to listen to that talk from someone who's been there and has close ties to it.
As for the landfill. Yes, but whose fault is that? If they don't agree with Kishenjov/EU, then starve them, blockade them. Right? Don't listen. Don't cooperate. Don't let them live their own choice in peace. And it's a region that was doing pretty well before the civil war.

PS for those who don't read the previous page of a thread Smiley

No , they won't come here. Less than 1% will. The rest will go and search for a job in the EU. The only good point i see in this is that it will make the market more unattractive to north africans and asians.

Second , that's why I asked you to go there.

Transnistria is not in any danger. It a huge prison. And with the remains of the Russian 9th army(?) there it's Moldova who feels in danger.

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
September 08, 2014, 10:20:32 AM

And sorry , I don't get your last question.

Ever been there? Take a trip if you have time. No words can really describe Transnistria.
If Romania is a landfill then Transnistria is where our garbage is going.

The last questions: those 750.000 guest workers that will eventually get kicked out of Russia (especially once Moldova goes the EU way), will need to go somewhere, and it will be Romania.

And to the second point. No, I haven't been there. That's why I find it interesting to to listen to that talk from someone who's been there and has close ties to it.
As for the landfill. Yes, but whose fault is that? If they don't agree with Kishenjov/EU, then starve them, blockade them. Right? Don't listen. Don't cooperate. Don't let them live their own choice in peace. And it's a region that was doing pretty well before the civil war.

PS for those who don't read the previous page of a thread Smiley

An interesting talk about Moldova and Pridnestrovje from someone having ties to the region and following the development there rather closely. The conflict there has been on a slow backburner for quite a long time, even after the Transnistrian referendum for unification with Russia  (2006), and is coming to a head now that Poroshenko's coup government has disturbed the fine balance in the region, blockading the republic.

LRL2. Explosion Coming! Moldova/Transnistria - Eurasian Union vs EU
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Activity: 826
Merit: 501
in defi we trust
September 08, 2014, 10:07:57 AM
You forget about 750.000 migrant workers (often illegal) from Moldova in Russia and about 30% of Moldovan GDP coming from those workers sending money home.
Russia is tightening up immigration and work permit rules, and Moldova is on a black list. Now think about the consequences of those 750000 being sent back. Is Romania ready to issue more residence permits, because there sure is no work to be had in Moldova?

You always said things are changing. So is the moldovean workforce.

From 20 000 workers prior to 2010 there are an estimate of 250 000 working in the EU. And this keeps growing.
In the first days of September 9000 people received their dual citizenship and most of them are planing one thing , go to EU to work. (for a better wage).

Besides , what you say has already started.

And sorry , I don't get your last question.

There is not much tears for that from Russia, more like from people of Pridnstrovje. Will the 2006 referendum (>90% for) results be acknowledged? What about 300.000 signatures collected in 2014 and confiscated by Moldovans?

Failed? You are too quick in your judgement. Let's talk about this again in 3-4 years.

Ever been there? Take a trip if you have time. No words can really describe Transnistria.
If Romania is a landfill then Transnistria is where our garbage is going.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
September 08, 2014, 10:00:47 AM
Almost 500 000 romanian citizenship solved applications in the last two years from a 3.5 million country.
Those are only solved applications and do not count minors.

The numbers tell more than a pro-russian tears crying over a failed Eurasian community.

You forget about 750.000 migrant workers (often illegal) from Moldova in Russia and about 30% of Moldovan GDP coming from those workers sending money home.
Russia is tightening up immigration and work permit rules, and Moldova is on a black list. Now think about the consequences of those 750000 being sent back. Is Romania ready to issue more residence permits, because there sure is no work to be had in Moldova?

There is not much tears for that from Russia, more like from people of Pridnstrovje. Will the 2006 referendum (>90% for) results be acknowledged? What about 300.000 signatures collected in 2014 and confiscated by Moldovans?

Failed? You are too quick in your judgement. Let's talk about this again in 3-4 years.
hero member
Activity: 826
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in defi we trust
September 08, 2014, 09:44:13 AM
The author is actually very astute as has proven to be right on many of her previous observations and write-ups. I referenced her works and articles several times before, by the way. You should listen through the video before making any conclusions, but it's your choice, of course. As I said, it brings the other side of the discussion forth, the one that is not usually portrayed by the Kishenjov/Chisinau ruling top, and which might not reach you in Romania.

And about those that fled that country, she also touches up on that topic as well...

Almost 500 000 romanian citizenship solved applications in the last two years from a 3.5 million country.
Those are only solved applications and do not count minors.

The numbers tell more than a pro-russian tears crying over a failed Eurasian community.


In short reports of russians recruiting training and paying teenagers in Moldova. Why? ....
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
September 08, 2014, 09:37:39 AM
The author is actually very astute as has proven to be right on many of her previous observations and write-ups. I referenced her works and articles several times before, by the way. You should listen through the video before making any conclusions, but it's your choice, of course. As I said, it brings the other side of the discussion forth, the one that is not usually portrayed by the Kishenjov/Chisinau ruling top, and which might not reach you in Romania.

And about those that fled that country, she also touches up on that topic as well...
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 501
in defi we trust
September 08, 2014, 09:28:56 AM
An interesting talk about Moldova and Pridnestrovje from someone having ties to the region and following the development there rather closely. The conflict there has been on a slow backburner for quite a long time, even after the Transnistrian referendum for unification with Russia  (2006), and is coming to a head now that Poroshenko's coup government has disturbed the fine balance in the region, blockading the republic.

LRL2. Explosion Coming! Moldova/Transnistria - Eurasian Union vs EU

Niothor, this might interest you as well, if you want to hear the other (not Romanian) side of the story. Gagauzians are also explained there. Wink

You really believe that joke of a video?
Common Nemo. Every time before reading or watching a video about politics I check the previous "works" of the author.

10 minutes in that video and I had to close it. Sorry to say it , but it's a piece of bul***.

And as I said it before. This whole Moldova thing which nobody bothered to discuss 25 years come up only when the Moldoveans started to wonder if it's not better in the EU than in the arms of the bear. Russia is losing it's influence in the region with the new gas pipe and it tries to stir problems.

From my point of view , they can have moth Moldova and Transnistria , only the idiots are left there. The ones with an active neuron have long fled those countries.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
September 08, 2014, 09:14:37 AM
An interesting talk about Moldova and Pridnestrovje from someone having ties to the region and following the development there rather closely. The conflict there has been on a slow backburner for quite a long time, even after the Transnistrian referendum for unification with Russia  (2006), and is coming to a head now that Poroshenko's coup government has disturbed the fine balance in the region, blockading the republic.

LRL2. Explosion Coming! Moldova/Transnistria - Eurasian Union vs EU

Niothor, this might interest you as well, if you want to hear the other (not Romanian) side of the story. Gagauzians are also explained there. Wink
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 501
in defi we trust
September 03, 2014, 11:14:55 AM
Niothor, in the wake of our discussion of Moldova, I find that you (and others) will find the following interesting:

Europe’s Faultline: Pridnestrovie and Moldova – Eurasian Union vs EU

Moldova and Pridnestrovie – I call them the stepchildren of Europe. The unrecognized Pridnestrovie – PMR (aka, Transnistria or TransDniestria) seceded from Moldova in 1990-1992, following a brutal civil war, and it has been knocking on the door of the Russian Federation ever since. In February 2014 Moldova’s other area, the Gagauzia Autonomy, had a referendum in which citizens voted overwhelmingly to secede from Moldova and join Customs Union with Russia. The new party, “Moldova’s Choice – Customs Union” has been formed in the capital of Moldova, Chisinau (Kishinev), and north Moldovan farmers, who are about to be bankrupted because of sanctions, are on the march. Meanwhile, the Chisinau (Kishinev) politicians and elites continue leading the country into EU. In three months, Moldova will have parliamentary elections. The explosion is coming. Will Moldova turn into another Ukraine? Listen to the very detailed and heartfelt analysis and predictions from Lada Ray, who grew up in those parts and who knows them intimately.

Gagauzia is the a sad joke of a country:

If google translate makes a mess of it this is the main idea:
) The leaders of the Gagauzia state received a letter in their language and they were unable to read it , so they demanded that every official letter comes also with a russian translation Wink. In the mean time they are looking for translators Wink.

And regarding your concern... fighting gin Moldova? Probably when there will be a poor grape harvest .
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
September 03, 2014, 10:57:32 AM
you are sick man, terminally

you are a moron sick, feel joy and accept the war

you're sick, you're brainwashed brain

Well... let me give a piece of advice to you. You need immediate psychiatric attention, if you think that everyone here other than yourself is "sick". Or are you copy-pasting the same phrase from somewhere?
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
September 03, 2014, 10:42:03 AM
Niothor, in the wake of our discussion of Moldova, I think that you (and others) will find the following interesting:

Europe’s Faultline: Pridnestrovie and Moldova – Eurasian Union vs EU

Moldova and Pridnestrovie – I call them the stepchildren of Europe. The unrecognized Pridnestrovie – PMR (aka, Transnistria or TransDniestria) seceded from Moldova in 1990-1992, following a brutal civil war, and it has been knocking on the door of the Russian Federation ever since. In February 2014 Moldova’s other area, the Gagauzia Autonomy, had a referendum in which citizens voted overwhelmingly to secede from Moldova and join Customs Union with Russia. The new party, “Moldova’s Choice – Customs Union” has been formed in the capital of Moldova, Chisinau (Kishinev), and north Moldovan farmers, who are about to be bankrupted because of sanctions, are on the march. Meanwhile, the Chisinau (Kishinev) politicians and elites continue leading the country into EU. In three months, Moldova will have parliamentary elections. The explosion is coming. Will Moldova turn into another Ukraine? Listen to the very detailed and heartfelt analysis and predictions from Lada Ray, who grew up in those parts and who knows them intimately.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
August 28, 2014, 09:59:27 AM
2 - As in any country, especially in an unstable one, there's what is good for the country and its people, and what is good for those, who managed to claw their way to the top positions. These things are divergent. I don't think Moldovans really want to join either Russia or Romania, provided they have a say in how their country is run, but if played "correctly", these people can be divided into warring camps. Divide and conquer.

No, I haven't touched the topic of name-changing. There is too much of it, to suite the political winds. There was some protest at renaming of Stalingrad, and there is a movement for return of that name now. Changing of a name should not be taken lightly, and should not go against the wishes of the people living under that name. I despise Stalin, but I am for the return of the name Stalingrad.
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 501
in defi we trust
August 28, 2014, 09:31:04 AM
Liberation of what?Huh Sorry but I can't help laughing when you use russian for it... why?

Chișinău. Happy? Maybe for the same reason English say Crimea and not Krym, Moscow and not Moskva.  I can't help laughing when they use english for it... why?

You have to make it more clear.. who wants this , Romania or Moldova , if it's the second I don't see any reason not too.
But I have to say I'm against a reunification right now
Neither, if a referendum was conducted.

Because the veterans of the Soviet Army liberating Moldova now got the same status as those fighting on the side of Germans and Romanians. (Going the same path as Ukraine and Baltic, where the punitive Nazi battalions of the 1940s are the new heroes)

Because the Russian veterans had the same habits of liberating a country and then forgetting the way back.

Here you go again. I said, Soviet, not Russian, don't mix that up, will you - the veterans include Moldavian, as well as representatives of other republics. If Romanians have issues, they should address them to Georgia. Wink

Bottom line is...
Russia has nothing to say in this matter.
It's an internal affair between Romania and Moldova.

The really bottom line is, is an internal affair of Moldova only, not even Romania.

However, as long as a large portion of a population (especially in the East, Transnistria, bordering to the Russian-speaking part of Southern Ukraine) does not want to become Romanian and doesn't want to be forcefully Romanised, then those people will be looking towards Russia for support, just as Moldovians of Romanian descent in the West-Moldova will seek support in Romania. And then there is a wildcard in the form of the gipsies.

1) Probably you haven't realized but I use the word Bucharest not Bucuresti when I write in an English forum Wink.

2) I'm getting confused ... if none wants it who wants it?

3) I don't know any soviet people. I know that a russian army is still located in Transnistria and is still there from 50 years ago

4) Good. Let Moldova decide.And shouldn't Russia stop trying to tell Moldova what it is bets for them also?

You haven't approach the subject of the name changing.....

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
August 28, 2014, 09:01:00 AM
Liberation of what?Huh Sorry but I can't help laughing when you use russian for it... why?

Chișinău. Happy? Maybe for the same reason English say Crimea and not Krym, Moscow and not Moskva.  I can't help laughing when they use english for it... why?

You have to make it more clear.. who wants this , Romania or Moldova , if it's the second I don't see any reason not too.
But I have to say I'm against a reunification right now
Neither, if a referendum was conducted.

Because the veterans of the Soviet Army liberating Moldova now got the same status as those fighting on the side of Germans and Romanians. (Going the same path as Ukraine and Baltic, where the punitive Nazi battalions of the 1940s are the new heroes)

Because the Russian veterans had the same habits of liberating a country and then forgetting the way back.

Here you go again. I said, Soviet, not Russian, don't mix that up, will you - the veterans include Moldavian, as well as representatives of other republics. If Romanians have issues, they should address them to Georgia. Wink

Bottom line is...
Russia has nothing to say in this matter.
It's an internal affair between Romania and Moldova.

The really bottom line is, is an internal affair of Moldova only, not even Romania.

However, as long as a large portion of a population (especially in the East, Transnistria, bordering to the Russian-speaking part of Southern Ukraine) does not want to become Romanian and doesn't want to be forcefully Romanised, then those people will be looking towards Russia for support, just as Moldovians of Romanian descent in the West-Moldova will seek support in Romania. And then there is a wildcard in the form of the gipsies.
full member
Activity: 138
Merit: 100
August 28, 2014, 08:44:38 AM

Bottom line is...
Russia has nothing to say in this matter.
It's an internal affair between Romania and Moldova.

If there is anything of value, the russian carpetbaggers will be there, like a futuristic mongolian horde
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 501
in defi we trust
August 28, 2014, 08:39:32 AM
Because a couple of days ago Moldavian veterans were celebrating the liberation of Kishenjov.

Liberation of what?Huh Sorry but I can't help laughing when you use russian for it... why?

Because the Belskij street, named after the commander conducting the liberation of Kisjenjov from Romanian troops got renamed, despite protests of the residents.

I can't find Stalingrad on the map either....

Because there are open calls in the political top that Romania should just annex Moldova.

You have to make it more clear.. who wants this , Romania or Moldova , if it's the second I don't see any reason not too.
But I have to say I'm against a reunification right now

Because the veterans of the Soviet Army liberating Moldova now got the same status as those fighting on the side of Germans and Romanians. (Going the same path as Ukraine and Baltic, where the punitive Nazi battalions of the 1940s are the new heroes)

Because the Russian veterans had the same habits of liberating a country and then forgetting the way back.

Moldova is going the same path of hatred-building that Ukraine took over the last decades. Moldova is not yet ready to be unleashed - the young generation has not yet been fully-indoctrinated. It's a ticking bomb slated to go off in a few years.

Yeah , there is hope for some of them. Those that are trying to get into Romania at all cost and escape the constant russification...
There were a lot of protests when the communist party tried to promote Russian as a second language and they had to abandon the project.

Bottom line is...
Russia has nothing to say in this matter.
It's an internal affair between Romania and Moldova.

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
August 28, 2014, 08:19:50 AM

You are missing Moldova here, where West-Ukrainian-style ethnic unrest is being fomented now, and which will be unleashed soon. The hand of Romania is seen pretty strongly there, and well as worshipping of Nazi-german army collaborators. Familiar?

Why did I anticipate this attack?
Probably because of this?



Because a couple of days ago Moldavian veterans were celebrating the liberation of Kishenjov. They were relegated to a memorial cemetery from the main square, where the celebration previously customarily to place. The communal workers suddenly had to dig up the square on that day.
Because the Belskij street, named after the commander conducting the liberation of Kisjenjov from Romanian troops got renamed, despite protests of the residents.
Because on the 9th of May the prime minister turned up with a ribbon of a Romanian flag colours.
Because the veterans of the Soviet Army liberating Moldova now got the same status as those fighting on the side of Germans and Romanians. (Going the same path as Ukraine and Baltic, where the punitive Nazi battalions of the 1940s are the new heroes)
Because the memorial to the fallen soldiers was almost demolished, and only massive protests saved it.
Because there are open calls in the political top that Romania should just annex Moldova.
Because the association agreement of Moldova, which met the same level or protest as in Ukraine, bears the same sovereignty-depriving legal points.

Moldova is going the same path of hatred-building that Ukraine took over the last decades. Moldova is not yet ready to be unleashed - the young generation has not yet been fully-indoctrinated. It's a ticking bomb slated to go off in a few years.

The link above (I didn't know about that, thanks for pointing it out) demonstrates yet another step on the above path. It's just another flag-waving demonstration of Moldavian oligarchic elite (which is even more corrupt than Ukrainian prior to the February coup was) showing how subservient they are to the hand that feeds them.

By the way, I am not sure if Romania at a common level will be happy with what is prepared for it in Moldova.

If the gas cooperation between Romania and Moldova was kept on the business level and benefited both countries, so much the better. It's politicising of business as the current trend that is the problem.
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 501
in defi we trust
August 28, 2014, 07:52:45 AM

You are missing Moldova here, where West-Ukrainian-style ethnic unrest is being fomented now, and which will be unleashed soon. The hand of Romania is seen pretty strongly there, and well as worshipping of Nazi-german army collaborators. Familiar?

Why did I anticipate this attack?
Probably because of this?

Activity: 32
Merit: 0
August 28, 2014, 07:44:57 AM
Welcome to my ignore list. You have failed a simple human decency and code of polite conduct test.
Nemo1024 - kim jesteś?
full member
Activity: 138
Merit: 100
August 28, 2014, 07:25:15 AM
Welcome to my ignore list. You have failed a simple human decency and code of polite conduct test.

I apologize then and will take down the obscenity. I was wrong to address you in that manner.

Look man:

Is this a good sign? I'm an American, and I don't consider this good news. Everyone is gearing up. This is FUCKING MADNESS.

Must Ukraine be a vassal state of russia in perpetuity?
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
August 28, 2014, 07:20:08 AM
Welcome to my ignore list. You have failed a simple human decency and code of polite conduct test.
full member
Activity: 138
Merit: 100
August 28, 2014, 07:10:05 AM
Well, this one is at least un self-sensored as appropriate to freedom of speech, unlike the other thread, which is created in the best censored NATO-troll traditions. Cheesy

Now, what did people want to say?

Remember, Poland has made its choice many centuries ago, in becoming the cannon fodder for the Western powers.

Crimea? You try to say this in Crimea and watch the reaction... Smiley

Ukraine? West-Ukraine - yes. East-Ukraine - no.

You are missing Moldova here, where West-Ukrainian-style ethnic unrest is being fomented now, and which will be unleashed soon. The hand of Romania is seen pretty strongly there, and well as worshipping of Nazi-german army collaborators. Familiar?

Hey, say what ya want in my thread, you commie fascist, Nemo.

I just don't want people doxxing each other. THEN i will moderate.

Its funny how you believe your own bullshit and put it on others. TYPICAL RUSSIAN CHAUVANIST.

your rhetoric and kindergarten mindgames will only work for Your BRAINWASHED PEOPLE.

i ask you: is Russia fighting for its freedom?

No, the country of UKRAINE is.

They are being INVADED by russia.

Activity: 32
Merit: 0
August 28, 2014, 07:01:36 AM
Well, this one is at least un self-sensored as appropriate to freedom of speech, unlike the other thread, which is created in the best censored NATO-troll traditions. Cheesy

Now, what did people want to say?

Remember, Poland has made its choice many centuries ago, in becoming the cannon fodder for the Western powers.

Crimea? You try to say this in Crimea and watch the reaction... Smiley

Ukraine? West-Ukraine - yes. East-Ukraine - no.

You are missing Moldova here, where West-Ukrainian-style ethnic unrest is being fomented now, and which will be unleashed soon. The hand of Romania is seen pretty strongly there, and well as worshipping of Nazi-german army collaborators. Familiar?
you are sick man, terminally
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
August 28, 2014, 06:58:39 AM
I started this thread as humoristic jab at another moderated russophobic thread, that went under the title "Crimea, Ukraine, Poland- the way to Western Europe Russo-Mania style!".

The discussion here evolved towards Moldova and what is going to happen there, so I am renaming this thread and giving it a new direction. It will be very relevant soon.

The initial post is below the line.

Well, this one is at least un self-sensored as appropriate to freedom of speech, unlike the other thread, which is created in the best censored NATO-troll traditions. Cheesy

Now, what did people want to say?

Remember, Poland has made its choice many centuries ago, in becoming the cannon fodder for the Western powers.

Crimea? You try to say this in Crimea and watch the reaction... Smiley

Ukraine? West-Ukraine - yes. East-Ukraine - no.

You are missing Moldova here, where West-Ukrainian-style ethnic unrest is being fomented now, and which will be unleashed soon. The hand of Romania is seen pretty strongly there, and well as worshipping of Nazi-german army collaborators. Familiar?
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