specifically the Head and Shoulders thing. there was even a popular (but dumb) one around a couple of months back where people drew a line between 2013's top and this years top and called upon the imminent drop down which never came!
Anyone would agree with the correction, but I've been agreeing with it since the $4k mark, and any correction hasn't been able to outlive a week since. But technical analysis is absolutely a very loose guideline here and by no means indicative, which is something we should have learnt by now with Bitcoin. I have been overestimating Bitcoin's bottom for what seems like a long time now, but I suppose one must remember that it has only been a matter of months and there's all that steam from the bull run to run out of before price stabilises... or will it ever?
H&S has to be the most overused - and most proven wrong - in this forum. I even see it being used on 15-min charts.