So you are supporting this fake monerov project and creating a new account to post on this? Let me guess, you are part of this fake team trying to lure naive users to get their private keys? The problem is this project is trying to extract vital information to get access with their wallets.
but they didn’t guess, I’m a regular user from the very beginning of creating this coin since 2018. and it seems to me that you are mistaken in your conclusions, if new developers wanted to steal something, they would have done it a long time ago. just prove it with facts and not with the fact that you found two fake photos. 90% of users on the Internet have such fake photos, so are they all scammers because of this ??
I specifically registered to challenge your statement, I in no way belong to this team, I just write my arguments on the part of the user, I just see the work of the new team and I’m sure of their sincerity, time will tell who you or I was right