Money can make issues and conflicts wich mixed with people ego will cause always missunderstoods of each others, Russia and West issues can not be solved by the WEST NOT BY the trump not by the BIDEN but someone neutral must step in to try to solve the problem is also psyholodigal and it makes people sensitive.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia underwent significant economic reforms that included opening up to foreign investment and borrowing. In the years leading up to 2022, Russia had established itself as a borrower in international markets, particularly through sovereign bonds.
Western Loans and Investments: Western countries and institutions were significant sources of capital for Russia. For instance, during the early 2000s, as oil prices surged, Russia was able to repay much of its external debt and even build substantial reserves. However, it continued to engage with Western financial markets for new investments.
By 2021, Russia had significantly reduced its foreign debt levels compared to previous decades. According to data from the Bank of Russia, external debt stood at approximately $480 billion at the end of 2021, down from over $700 billion in previous years. This reduction was largely due to high energy prices that bolstered government revenues.
Current Situation (as of December 2024): As of late 2024, while some reports indicate that Russia has managed to meet certain domestic obligations through alternative means (such as trade with non-Western countries), its relationships with Western creditors have been severely strained. Many analysts believe that any remaining debts owed to Western entities are now at risk due to ongoing sanctions and geopolitical tensions.
We can see that clearly russia feel that he been only used and western countries don't care about russia while russia been doing best of the heart to keep cooperation and partnership good.
This is the situation when loved ones and friends could become biggest enemies and that's the most dangerous situation here.
While west just taking russian assets too it's a playing with fire, russia measure everything with HEART but Western leaders measure all by numbers and calculations Putin tought that western countries have HEART but he see that they don't care they only see the numbers and that's just the business , both Medvedev and Putin had good relations with USA bankers before the war because Putin tought those USA bankers will judge everything by the heart and based on personal relations and trust he was wrong about it now he is very disapointed while we see clearly that russia been doing hardest to pay back the borrowed funds and west seems to not respect that.
Putin now understoods that rest of the world is not run by based on personal relations or kindness but everything is just business and money in the western world there is no emotions when it comes to the business it's like machine wich will cut you piaces and there is no mercy or emotions and that's the way.
The good will of Putin and good attentions don't matter even that russia was very good and working hard to pay back the debts, while ukraine did not paid anything at all If ukraine got funds from the west,but Western world not based on good will or good attentions of the hearts or respect but specially when it comes to the business there is just numbers and calculations.
prior to the war, Russia had borrowed money from Western countries but had successfully repaid much of its principal debt while still facing challenges related to interest payments on outstanding loans.
Putin just can't stand for that the western countries don't count on russia good previous actions and good times like when it was between germany and france and even usa and russia Putin got still nice memories and now he realised that all the good times don't mean nothing that human relations and connections are secondary after money rules and business in this situation he can do everything against west not for those who use to got good relations with russia but those NEW COUNTRIES who just want to make themselfes BIG in this situation but they never had any good relations with russia before those kind of fools will be punished hardest by Putin those are new leaders and new countries who suddenly starting to speak too much against russia and while Putin loves ukraine usa even the uk and Europe because of previous good memories btw...Putin got good heart, he will put all his anger against those leaders and countries who suddenly started show bad attentions towards russia.
Now need someone who can be good negioater between west and russia to solve their issues it could be some neutral country who understoods putin mind and same time have good relations with western leaders.
Life and world is like prison and street gangs there is rules there is power and cooperation wars and issues.
But also there is wannabees who want to make name forthemselfes who got nothing going on themselfes who never step up fully and they like to stand behind big ones and doing the talking and helping to bullie others so those ones will get always humilated that's for sure.
Right ones always stands and even the russia has issues with USA ukraine sure there is also the respect and long term history of good times.
You should work in goverment lol you sounds way smarter then most of the leaders.OP think you just said everything right how it is.
Speaking about gamgs:
But i been in gang and gang Wars the wars show's for both sides of gangs who are their members truly and how they acting so bigger war show's true colors of each members.