Hi folks!
My brother wrote his thesis about Hayek, an economist from Austria. Took him like 5 years to write it. Last time I was discussing with him about Bitcoin, and my brother found this quote from his thesis: "I do not believe in the return of a healthy currency until we take the currency away from the hands of the State".
That's an interesting point of view. Not a point of view we often hear in the media (if at all!). But we know how many currency disasters happened since last century, and it clearly shows that contrary to popular belief, money is too important of a thing to be managed by the State!!
Basically Hayek was saying that economic cycles are essentially created by the monetary manipulation of public authorities, leading to catastrophic social and economic consequences. Pretty much since the 70s fiat currencies have no legit reason to exist, other than being the mandatory currencies decided by governments.
And since 2008 expansionary monetary policies have created new risks and still raise doubts about the ability of government currencies to play their role as healthy money. This quote from Hayek is from 1984 (big brother
"I do not believe in the return of a healthy currency until we take the currency away from the hands of the State, it cannot be done with violence, but all we can do is by some indirect and cunning means, to introduce something that cannot be stopped.
I was speechless when I read this quote from 1984. This is exactly what Bitcoin is about.
Now the "non violence thing" still raises a question, I think there needs to be a revolution at some point. What if banks one day forbid all crytocurrencies transactions? I hope it will never happen. But State governments are tough motherfuckers.
that's my biggest fear. One the other hands, why wasn't it be done earlier? This question still remains unanswered for me.
Anyway, Bitcoin is an incredible revolution, hopefully one day it can become mainstream and accepted by most countries.
Any constructive opinion welcome