It's interesting to learn about another company offering such a service. This isn't new. What's the spread over collateral that MoneyToken will loan, i.e., if I put up 1 BTC in collateral how much will MoneyToken loan me?
What's the interest rate. Don't bullshit us with "it depends" type lines, give us real rates based on a real scenario.
If they're taking deposits and giving out loans they are a bank. It's a definition. It's not a curse. The thing that makes banks bad is fractional lending - so when MoneyToken takes my 1 BTC as collateral for my 1.# BTC they lend that money out again, which further depeletes their reserves on hand and leaves the impact of their failure significant?
"Fantastic" is an impression I have yet to agree with, but is using the words "Roger Ver" supposed to make us enthusiastic about this? If so, why?