
Topic: Monotheism is Evil, separating the human race (Read 1641 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
August 09, 2016, 11:13:38 AM
Ya know after reading this it sure seems like humans were created in Africa some 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. Before that we were just neanderthals.

So I guess "gods" created us by altering neanderthals dna and out we came with intelligence. Just like that.. sure.. gods.. okay. idiots.

I am blown away by the depth of your insight MisO69. After all perhaps a 5th grader could tell you that you can't create light before stars, that the Big Bang was caused by some random fluctuations and it is so obvious that dark energy is causing the universe to expand.

No point in questioning these things all these mysteries are solved.

Is there a universe for you after you are dead? When you are dead, the universe is gone as far as you are concerned. So, while you are still alive, the universe for you is what you perceive it to be.

There is some dark energy in the universe that is getting some people to think that the universe is billions of years old, that Big Bang is fact, and all kinds of other goofy things that draw them away from the pure knowledge of God, as it is taught in the Bible.

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
Ya know after reading this it sure seems like humans were created in Africa some 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. Before that we were just neanderthals.

So I guess "gods" created us by altering neanderthals dna and out we came with intelligence. Just like that.. sure.. gods.. okay. idiots.

I am blown away by the depth of your insight MisO69. After all perhaps a 5th grader could tell you that you can't create light before stars, that the Big Bang was caused by some random fluctuations and it is so obvious that dark energy is causing the universe to expand.

No point in questioning these things all these mysteries are solved.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Hard to believe that the Indo-Europeans, negros, and the Japanese are descended from Adam and Eve.

Why do you find that hard to believe?
According to the genetic and paleontological record, we only started to leave Africa between 60,000 and 70,000 years ago. What set this in motion is uncertain, but we think it has something to do with major climatic shifts that were happening around that time—a sudden cooling in the Earth’s climate driven by the onset of one of the worst parts of the last Ice Age. This cold snap would have made life difficult for our African ancestors, and the genetic evidence points to a sharp reduction in population size around this time. In fact, the human population likely dropped to fewer than 10,000. We were holding on by a thread.

It is the survivors of this near extinction who appear to have made some form of fundamental technological, social or evolutionary leap that allowed humanity to break the prior constraints which had kept its population small and limited to Africa.
The authors found genetic evidence for a surge in human population size about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. This period, just after humans first set foot outside Africa, is of great interest to archaeologists because it coincides with a dramatic increase in the sophistication of human behavior. People began crafting tools from bone, burying their dead and fashioning clothing to keep themselves warm in cool climates. They developed complex hunting techniques, and created great works of art in the form of cave paintings and jewelry.

The archaeological record also shows that during this time, humans began hunting more dangerous prey and more easily exploiting small game like rabbits and birds. They traveled farther than they had before, perhaps due to the growth of long-distance trade routes – the first of their kind. Jared Diamond, author of The Third Chimpanzee, calls this period “The Great Leap Forward,” when humans burst forth culturally – finally separating themselves from their evolutionary cousins.

The exact cause for these changes in human behavior may never be known. Some believe a simple genetic mutation or that the evolution of language could have sparked such a dramatic change. But what we do know now, thanks to this new genetic research, is that like the (much later) invention of agriculture this explosion of innovation was accompanied by population growth.

In the Biblical story of Adam and Eve Our ancestors are warned not to eat of the fruit of the “Etz Hadaath,” the “Tree of Knowledge” for as long as They did not eat of it, they were like angels who do only good. The fruit of the “Tree of Knowledge,” however, changed this.

People interpret this story in different ways but I tend to view it as instructive parable. A primitive species in a natural competitive equilibrium can be thought of as living in a garden. Breaching this equilibrium requires knowledge. Sometime around 70,000 years ago our ancient ancestors acquired the knowledge needed to explosively overcome the constraints that had previously kept our numbers and progress in check. We ceased living as a part of nature and began to dominate it.

This breakthrough led to the spread of humanity throughout the world and possibly made inevitable the later agricultural revolution. Having broken our natural constraints we are now compelled to continue our relentless climb up the tree of knowledge until we grow knowledgeable enough to voluntarily establish new ones for ourselves.

Ya know after reading this it sure seems like humans were created in Africa some 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. Before that we were just neanderthals.

So I guess "gods" created us by altering neanderthals dna and out we came with intelligence. Just like that.. sure.. gods.. okay. idiots.

Neanderthals had a much large cranial capacity than we do. Nobody knows what went on in there. Probably Neanderthals didn't invent much technology, because they had ESP, extrasensory perception, telekinesis, and teleportation, besides a much better ability to think. It was probably the neanderthals that created us, right? And the reason we find so few Neanderthal skeletons is, they took off long ago to visit the stars. By now, they have probably evolved into disembodied spirits that can travel the universe way faster than the speed of light.

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1005
My mule don't like people laughing
Hard to believe that the Indo-Europeans, negros, and the Japanese are descended from Adam and Eve.

Why do you find that hard to believe?
According to the genetic and paleontological record, we only started to leave Africa between 60,000 and 70,000 years ago. What set this in motion is uncertain, but we think it has something to do with major climatic shifts that were happening around that time—a sudden cooling in the Earth’s climate driven by the onset of one of the worst parts of the last Ice Age. This cold snap would have made life difficult for our African ancestors, and the genetic evidence points to a sharp reduction in population size around this time. In fact, the human population likely dropped to fewer than 10,000. We were holding on by a thread.

It is the survivors of this near extinction who appear to have made some form of fundamental technological, social or evolutionary leap that allowed humanity to break the prior constraints which had kept its population small and limited to Africa.
The authors found genetic evidence for a surge in human population size about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. This period, just after humans first set foot outside Africa, is of great interest to archaeologists because it coincides with a dramatic increase in the sophistication of human behavior. People began crafting tools from bone, burying their dead and fashioning clothing to keep themselves warm in cool climates. They developed complex hunting techniques, and created great works of art in the form of cave paintings and jewelry.

The archaeological record also shows that during this time, humans began hunting more dangerous prey and more easily exploiting small game like rabbits and birds. They traveled farther than they had before, perhaps due to the growth of long-distance trade routes – the first of their kind. Jared Diamond, author of The Third Chimpanzee, calls this period “The Great Leap Forward,” when humans burst forth culturally – finally separating themselves from their evolutionary cousins.

The exact cause for these changes in human behavior may never be known. Some believe a simple genetic mutation or that the evolution of language could have sparked such a dramatic change. But what we do know now, thanks to this new genetic research, is that like the (much later) invention of agriculture this explosion of innovation was accompanied by population growth.

In the Biblical story of Adam and Eve Our ancestors are warned not to eat of the fruit of the “Etz Hadaath,” the “Tree of Knowledge” for as long as They did not eat of it, they were like angels who do only good. The fruit of the “Tree of Knowledge,” however, changed this.

People interpret this story in different ways but I tend to view it as instructive parable. A primitive species in a natural competitive equilibrium can be thought of as living in a garden. Breaching this equilibrium requires knowledge. Sometime around 70,000 years ago our ancient ancestors acquired the knowledge needed to explosively overcome the constraints that had previously kept our numbers and progress in check. We ceased living as a part of nature and began to dominate it.

This breakthrough led to the spread of humanity throughout the world and possibly made inevitable the later agricultural revolution. Having broken our natural constraints we are now compelled to continue our relentless climb up the tree of knowledge until we grow knowledgeable enough to voluntarily establish new ones for ourselves.

Ya know after reading this it sure seems like humans were created in Africa some 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. Before that we were just neanderthals.

So I guess "gods" created us by altering neanderthals dna and out we came with intelligence. Just like that.. sure.. gods.. okay. idiots.

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055

Perhaps when scientists add all kinds of other theories and ideas, their model will change. They do have some serious science fiction there, or a religion if they believe it in the face of it not having been proven true.


I agree that the model will change. That is almost a certainty astronomy is not my area of expertise but it takes very little digging to hit the limits of human understanding. For example a few years ago scientist realized that according to the readings we have the universe is expanding at an increasing not a decreasing rate. However, we did not have any logical explanation for this so we made up one "dark energy" does it really exist or is the model wrong. I suspect the latter but it is the most widely accepted model currently.

However, a lot of smart people have worked on the model and while it is almost a certainty parts of it will change it is also possible that other parts will stand the test of time. Personally I see no conflict between the model and Genesis but that is not an interpretation that everyone will share.

The early universe, from the Quark epoch to the Photon epoch, (The universe was opaque or "foggy" as a result. There was light)

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.God saw that the light was good,

followed by the "Dark Ages", from 380,000 years to about 150 million years.

and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.”

When the photons were released (or decoupled) the universe became transparent

And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

I always liked how God created light on the first day, and the sun and stars (which make the light, and the 24-hr day) on day 4...  That's quite a magic trick!


If I were God... I'd probably create the sun, stars and light all at the same time... and then I'd create plants afterwards... but that's just me... perhaps I'm smarter than God... perhaps a 5th grader could tell you that you can't create light before stars...

You can't create light before stars... are you sure about that?
The early universe, from the Quark epoch to the Photon epoch, or the first 380,000 years of cosmic time, when the familiar forces and elementary particles have emerged but the universe remains in the state of a plasma, followed by the "Dark Ages", from 380,000 years to about 150 million years during which the universe was transparent but no large-scale structures had yet formed

Before decoupling occurred, most of the photons in the universe were interacting with electrons and protons in the photon–baryon fluid. The universe was opaque or "foggy" as a result. There was light but not light we can now observe through telescopes. The baryonic matter in the universe consisted of ionized plasma, and it only became neutral when it gained free electrons during "recombination", thereby releasing the photons creating the CMB. When the photons were released (or decoupled) the universe became transparent.

According to current scientific models there was hundreds of thousands of years of light without stars.

Genesis 1-3:
3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Perhaps when scientists add all kinds of other theories and ideas, their model will change. They do have some serious science fiction there, or a religion if they believe it in the face of it not having been proven true.

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055

I always liked how God created light on the first day, and the sun and stars (which make the light, and the 24-hr day) on day 4...  That's quite a magic trick!


If I were God... I'd probably create the sun, stars and light all at the same time... and then I'd create plants afterwards... but that's just me... perhaps I'm smarter than God... perhaps a 5th grader could tell you that you can't create light before stars...

You can't create light before stars... are you sure about that?
The early universe, from the Quark epoch to the Photon epoch, or the first 380,000 years of cosmic time, when the familiar forces and elementary particles have emerged but the universe remains in the state of a plasma, followed by the "Dark Ages", from 380,000 years to about 150 million years during which the universe was transparent but no large-scale structures had yet formed

Before decoupling occurred, most of the photons in the universe were interacting with electrons and protons in the photon–baryon fluid. The universe was opaque or "foggy" as a result. There was light but not light we can now observe through telescopes. The baryonic matter in the universe consisted of ionized plasma, and it only became neutral when it gained free electrons during "recombination", thereby releasing the photons creating the CMB. When the photons were released (or decoupled) the universe became transparent.

According to current scientific models there was hundreds of thousands of years of light without stars.

Genesis 1-3:
3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
The question is, why would anyone lean towards the idea that the earth was much older than 6,000 years? If it is because of what science and the media say, the scientists tell us themselves in their papers that they are not sure. It is the media and the universities that have made up the whole idea of millions or billions of years.

The evidence suggests the Earth is much older than 6,000 years... that's why... it's not someones opinion, it's based on facts and evidence

On the subject of certainty... you claim to know for certain the Earth is 6,000 years old, based on no evidence at all...

Scientists rarely claim certainty of anything... Scientists present the evidence, and their opinion on what the evidence suggests... and all the evidence suggests an Earth that is billions of years old, not thousands... the evidence for such is overwhelming... you have to intentionally blind yourself from the facts to believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old... period... end of debate

The person who claims to be certain, is certainly a liar *cough* BADlogic *cough*

Okay, so somebody has interpreted something he/she calls evidence...

NO, no... they present the evidence... and it is not "something he calls evidence"...

Evidence has a definition... some things count as evidence, like physical evidence... the changing of bone structure through time is a good example... you can clearly see hundreds of thousands of years of human history just by studying skulls and bones of ancient humans and primates... this is evidence which can be shown to anyone (this is one of thousands of examples of acceptable scientific evidence)

You have nothing that qualifies as evidence to support your (wrong) opinion of the Earth being 6,000 years old... nothing

Testimony, no matter how long ago it was written, is not scientific evidence... we know people lie, and have lied for thousands of years... people make up stories... it is not factual scientific evidence

So-called scientific evidence that is shown and said to be an uncertain thing by the scientists themselves, isn't really evidence. All dating back past about 4,500 years ago fits this description, and much of the dating before 4,500 years back is the same.

hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 722
The question is, why would anyone lean towards the idea that the earth was much older than 6,000 years? If it is because of what science and the media say, the scientists tell us themselves in their papers that they are not sure. It is the media and the universities that have made up the whole idea of millions or billions of years.

The evidence suggests the Earth is much older than 6,000 years... that's why... it's not someones opinion, it's based on facts and evidence

On the subject of certainty... you claim to know for certain the Earth is 6,000 years old, based on no evidence at all...

Scientists rarely claim certainty of anything... Scientists present the evidence, and their opinion on what the evidence suggests... and all the evidence suggests an Earth that is billions of years old, not thousands... the evidence for such is overwhelming... you have to intentionally blind yourself from the facts to believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old... period... end of debate

The person who claims to be certain, is certainly a liar *cough* BADlogic *cough*

Okay, so somebody has interpreted something he/she calls evidence...

NO, no... they present the evidence... and it is not "something he calls evidence"...

Evidence has a definition... some things count as evidence, like physical evidence... the changing of bone structure through time is a good example... you can clearly see hundreds of thousands of years of human history just by studying skulls and bones of ancient humans and primates... this is evidence which can be shown to anyone (this is one of thousands of examples of acceptable scientific evidence)

You have nothing that qualifies as evidence to support your (wrong) opinion of the Earth being 6,000 years old... nothing

Testimony, no matter how long ago it was written, is not scientific evidence... we know people lie, and have lied for thousands of years... people make up stories... it is not factual scientific evidence
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
The question is, why would anyone lean towards the idea that the earth was much older than 6,000 years? If it is because of what science and the media say, the scientists tell us themselves in their papers that they are not sure. It is the media and the universities that have made up the whole idea of millions or billions of years.

The evidence suggests the Earth is much older than 6,000 years... that's why... it's not someones opinion, it's based on facts and evidence

On the subject of certainty... you claim to know for certain the Earth is 6,000 years old, based on no evidence at all...

Scientists rarely claim certainty of anything... Scientists present the evidence, and their opinion on what the evidence suggests... and all the evidence suggests an Earth that is billions of years old, not thousands... the evidence for such is overwhelming... you have to intentionally blind yourself from the facts to believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old... period... end of debate

The person who claims to be certain, is certainly a liar *cough* BADlogic *cough*

Okay, so somebody has interpreted something he/she calls evidence, to mean that the earth is a lot older than 6,000 years old. But few people consider that carbon dating can be off by as much as billions of years. And since carbon dating can be off by this much, so can all the rest of modern day dating.

The Bible is a record that is way stronger than all the guess-dating done by scientists and science fiction writers.

hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 722
The question is, why would anyone lean towards the idea that the earth was much older than 6,000 years? If it is because of what science and the media say, the scientists tell us themselves in their papers that they are not sure. It is the media and the universities that have made up the whole idea of millions or billions of years.

The evidence suggests the Earth is much older than 6,000 years... that's why... it's not someones opinion, it's based on facts and evidence

On the subject of certainty... you claim to know for certain the Earth is 6,000 years old, based on no evidence at all...

Scientists rarely claim certainty of anything... Scientists present the evidence, and their opinion on what the evidence suggests... and all the evidence suggests an Earth that is billions of years old, not thousands... the evidence for such is overwhelming... you have to intentionally blind yourself from the facts to believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old... period... end of debate

The person who claims to be certain, is certainly a liar *cough* BADlogic *cough*
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

I agree with much of what you say. But the length of time is way off. It is secular timelines based on speculation and misinformation. The Bible record is clear that the earth is only about 6,200 years old. See


I tend to lean towards the following explanation regarding biblical timelines though I understand that there are differing schools of thought.
Quote from: Shlomo Riskin
The Bible is not interested in conveying literal and chronological facts in its story of Creation. After all, the sun and the moon were not created until the fourth day, and it is specifically their movements which are the determinants for our 24-hour day. Beyond any doubt, then, “yom” (day) in the context of the seven days of Creation cannot mean a literal 24-hour day.
Maimonides, in his “Guide for the Perplexed,” interprets all biblical stories until the advent of Abraham as allegories, whose purpose is to convey moral lessons
And this certainly leaves the door open to maintain that “One thousand (or one million) years in Your eyes is like one day” [Psalms 90:4]. Each biblical day in the Creation story may well represent an epoch of thousands or millions or years.

The biblical site I linked above, shows only 6,200 years back to the time of Adam and Eve. The word "day" means 24 hours because of the included "evening and morning." The only time that is not clear is the time before the creation of light. The electromagnetic spectrum might not have been in existence before then. We don't know if time had the same meaning before light was created.

If the Hebrew word for the first "was" in verse 1 of Genesis really meant its other meaning "became," then there might have been untold ages prior to the earth becoming formless and void. But we know nothing of these, since everything was formless and void when God started making things on the earth that existed since the time that He created light.

The question is, why would anyone lean towards the idea that the earth was much older than 6,000 years? If it is because of what science and the media say, the scientists tell us themselves in their papers that they are not sure. It is the media and the universities that have made up the whole idea of millions or billions of years.

hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 722
Quote from: Shlomo Riskin
The Bible is not interested in conveying literal and chronological facts in its story of Creation. After all, the sun and the moon were not created until the fourth day, and it is specifically their movements which are the determinants for our 24-hour day. Beyond any doubt, then, “yom” (day) in the context of the seven days of Creation cannot mean a literal 24-hour day.
Maimonides, in his “Guide for the Perplexed,” interprets all biblical stories until the advent of Abraham as allegories, whose purpose is to convey moral lessons
And this certainly leaves the door open to maintain that “One thousand (or one million) years in Your eyes is like one day” [Psalms 90:4]. Each biblical day in the Creation story may well represent an epoch of thousands or millions or years.

I always liked how God created light on the first day, and the sun and stars (which make the light, and the 24-hr day) on day 4...  That's quite a magic trick!

I also like how God created the plants on day 3, but the sun on day 4... poor staving plants...
God hates figs! (Also read Matthew 21:19... Jesus curses a fig tree)

If I were God... I'd probably create the sun, stars and light all at the same time... and then I'd create plants afterwards... but that's just me... perhaps I'm smarter than God... perhaps a 5th grader could tell you that you can't create light before stars... or plants before the sun
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055

I agree with much of what you say. But the length of time is way off. It is secular timelines based on speculation and misinformation. The Bible record is clear that the earth is only about 6,200 years old. See


I tend to lean towards the following explanation regarding biblical timelines though I understand that there are differing schools of thought.
Quote from: Shlomo Riskin
The Bible is not interested in conveying literal and chronological facts in its story of Creation. After all, the sun and the moon were not created until the fourth day, and it is specifically their movements which are the determinants for our 24-hour day. Beyond any doubt, then, “yom” (day) in the context of the seven days of Creation cannot mean a literal 24-hour day.
Maimonides, in his “Guide for the Perplexed,” interprets all biblical stories until the advent of Abraham as allegories, whose purpose is to convey moral lessons
And this certainly leaves the door open to maintain that “One thousand (or one million) years in Your eyes is like one day” [Psalms 90:4]. Each biblical day in the Creation story may well represent an epoch of thousands or millions or years.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 722
While I understand Christians claim to be monotheistic, their bible does not quite agree 100%... (not that any of them read their bible)

Not counting the trinity... 3 gods in 1... there are other passages, such as:

Quote from: Psalm 82:1
God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

If there is a congregation of gods... that implies "God" is not the only god... right?

Quote from: Psalm 95:3
For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods

Quote from: Psalm 135:5
For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods

Christians only worship 1 god... well 3 gods in 1... but, their bible claims that other gods exist as well

Even the first commandment, "Do not worship other gods before me", implies there are other gods
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Hard to believe that the Indo-Europeans, negros, and the Japanese are descended from Adam and Eve.

Why do you find that hard to believe?
According to the genetic and paleontological record, we only started to leave Africa between 60,000 and 70,000 years ago. What set this in motion is uncertain, but we think it has something to do with major climatic shifts that were happening around that time—a sudden cooling in the Earth’s climate driven by the onset of one of the worst parts of the last Ice Age. This cold snap would have made life difficult for our African ancestors, and the genetic evidence points to a sharp reduction in population size around this time. In fact, the human population likely dropped to fewer than 10,000. We were holding on by a thread.

It is the survivors of this near extinction who appear to have made some form of fundamental technological, social or evolutionary leap that allowed humanity to break the prior constraints which had kept its population small and limited to Africa.
The authors found genetic evidence for a surge in human population size about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. This period, just after humans first set foot outside Africa, is of great interest to archaeologists because it coincides with a dramatic increase in the sophistication of human behavior. People began crafting tools from bone, burying their dead and fashioning clothing to keep themselves warm in cool climates. They developed complex hunting techniques, and created great works of art in the form of cave paintings and jewelry.

The archaeological record also shows that during this time, humans began hunting more dangerous prey and more easily exploiting small game like rabbits and birds. They traveled farther than they had before, perhaps due to the growth of long-distance trade routes – the first of their kind. Jared Diamond, author of The Third Chimpanzee, calls this period “The Great Leap Forward,” when humans burst forth culturally – finally separating themselves from their evolutionary cousins.

The exact cause for these changes in human behavior may never be known. Some believe a simple genetic mutation or that the evolution of language could have sparked such a dramatic change. But what we do know now, thanks to this new genetic research, is that like the (much later) invention of agriculture this explosion of innovation was accompanied by population growth.

In the Biblical story of Adam and Eve Our ancestors are warned not to eat of the fruit of the “Etz Hadaath,” the “Tree of Knowledge” for as long as They did not eat of it, they were like angels who do only good. The fruit of the “Tree of Knowledge,” however, changed this.

People interpret this story in different ways but I tend to view it as instructive parable. A primitive species in a natural competitive equilibrium can be thought of as living in a garden. Breaching this equilibrium requires knowledge. Sometime around 70,000 years ago our ancient ancestors acquired the knowledge needed to explosively overcome the constraints that had previously kept our numbers and progress in check. We ceased living as a part of nature and began to dominate it.

This breakthrough led to the spread of humanity throughout the world and possibly made inevitable the later agricultural revolution. Having broken our natural constraints we are now compelled to continue our relentless climb up the tree of knowledge until we grow knowledgeable enough to voluntarily establish new ones for ourselves.

I agree with much of what you say. But the length of time is way off. It is secular timelines based on speculation and misinformation. The Bible record is clear that the earth is only about 6,200 years old. See

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
Hard to believe that the Indo-Europeans, negros, and the Japanese are descended from Adam and Eve.

Why do you find that hard to believe?
According to the genetic and paleontological record, we only started to leave Africa between 60,000 and 70,000 years ago. What set this in motion is uncertain, but we think it has something to do with major climatic shifts that were happening around that time—a sudden cooling in the Earth’s climate driven by the onset of one of the worst parts of the last Ice Age. This cold snap would have made life difficult for our African ancestors, and the genetic evidence points to a sharp reduction in population size around this time. In fact, the human population likely dropped to fewer than 10,000. We were holding on by a thread.

It is the survivors of this near extinction who appear to have made some form of fundamental technological, social or evolutionary leap that allowed humanity to break the prior constraints which had kept its population small and limited to Africa.
The authors found genetic evidence for a surge in human population size about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. This period, just after humans first set foot outside Africa, is of great interest to archaeologists because it coincides with a dramatic increase in the sophistication of human behavior. People began crafting tools from bone, burying their dead and fashioning clothing to keep themselves warm in cool climates. They developed complex hunting techniques, and created great works of art in the form of cave paintings and jewelry.

The archaeological record also shows that during this time, humans began hunting more dangerous prey and more easily exploiting small game like rabbits and birds. They traveled farther than they had before, perhaps due to the growth of long-distance trade routes – the first of their kind. Jared Diamond, author of The Third Chimpanzee, calls this period “The Great Leap Forward,” when humans burst forth culturally – finally separating themselves from their evolutionary cousins.

The exact cause for these changes in human behavior may never be known. Some believe a simple genetic mutation or that the evolution of language could have sparked such a dramatic change. But what we do know now, thanks to this new genetic research, is that like the (much later) invention of agriculture this explosion of innovation was accompanied by population growth.

In the Biblical story of Adam and Eve Our ancestors are warned not to eat of the fruit of the “Etz Hadaath,” the “Tree of Knowledge” for as long as They did not eat of it, they were like angels who do only good. The fruit of the “Tree of Knowledge,” however, changed this.

People interpret this story in different ways but I tend to view it as instructive parable. A primitive species in a natural competitive equilibrium can be thought of as living in a garden. Breaching this equilibrium requires knowledge. Sometime around 70,000 years ago our ancient ancestors acquired the knowledge needed to explosively overcome the constraints that had previously kept our numbers and progress in check. We ceased living as a part of nature and began to dominate it.

This breakthrough led to the spread of humanity throughout the world and possibly made inevitable the later agricultural revolution. Having broken our natural constraints we are now compelled to continue our relentless climb up the tree of knowledge until we grow knowledgeable enough to voluntarily establish new ones for ourselves.
Activity: 3220
Merit: 1022

Then, when Adam and Eve sinned, and things became imperfect, God might have instantly made the poop-chute-opening in them, to accommodate the waste that He knew was going to come about from imperfection.


Hard to believe that the Indo-Europeans, negros, and the Japanese are descended from Adam and Eve.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Like it or not people are killers. Been killing since the caveman times and will keep it up for a while longer.

Religion of any shape or form is not why we are killers since we were killers long before  any religion was around.

We are also shitters pissers and  eaters .

We can't stay alive without killing.  Yeah that is correct  whether we kill a plant or an animal to eat.
Or a white blood cell kills off a germ.  All that is killing.

Religion or rules of behavior were designed to limit the killing so as not to destroy our selves with too much killing.

There are those who live in caves today.

The religion of killing was around almost from the beginning - Cain killed his brother Abel.

Nobody knows for a fact what things were like before the fall into sin. Possibly there was no death back then. People changed with the imperfection that came about through the fall into sin. For example. If our bodies were perfect before the fall, it is possible that everything that we ate would be perfectly used... perfectly absorbed into our bodily systems. There might have been no waste. If this were the case, we would have no need for poop chutes.

Then, when Adam and Eve sinned, and things became imperfect, God might have instantly made the poop-chute-opening in them, to accommodate the waste that He knew was going to come about from imperfection.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Ethical monotheism is probably the single greatest contributor to human progress from any source since human culture emerged from the stone ages. This force which emerged first in Judaism and and spread throughout the world via the mediums of Christianity and Islam continues to shape human destiny even in a time when much of the world foolishly rejects it as irrelevant.
Quote from: Dennis Prager
Nature is amoral. Nature knows nothing of good and evil. In nature there is one rule—survival of the fittest. There is no right, only might. If a creature is weak, kill it. Only human beings could have moral rules such as, "If it is weak, protect it." Only human beings can feel themselves ethically obligated to strangers.
Nature allows you to act naturally, i.e., do only what you want you to do, without moral restraints; God does not. Nature lets you act naturally - and it is as natural to kill, rape, and enslave as it is to love.
One of the vital elements in the ethical monotheist revolution was its repudiation of nature as god. The evolution of civilization and morality have depended in large part on desanctifying nature.
Civilizations that equated gods with nature—a characteristic of all primitive societies—or that worshipped nature did not evolve.
Words cannot convey the magnitude of the change wrought by the Bible's introduction into the world of a God who rules the universe morally.
ethical monotheism suggests more than that God demands ethical behavior; it means that Gods primary demand is ethical behavior. It means that God cares about how we treat one another more than He cares about anything else.

Thus, ethical monotheism's message remains as. radical today as when it was first promulgated. The secular world has looked elsewhere for its values, while even many religious Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe that Gods primary demand is something other than ethics.
Quote from: Howard Greenstein
To hold that God is the Source and Sustainer of moral values is to insist upon an objective status for ethical ideals. They are not the impulsive fabrication of human minds, but are grounded in the very bedrock of creation. Moral laws have objective validity similar to the laws of physics. They are not our invention, but it is for us to discover them. Just as it would be foolish to defy the law of gravity and hope to escape its consequences, so is it perilous to presume that a human infant can grow to emotional maturity without ever being loved or cared for. In both cases the penalty for ignoring the law is a natural consequence of defying the given realities of the universe. The uniqueness of God in this context is the complex but delicate blend of both physical and spiritual reality in a single deity which accounts for the balance, harmony and order of nature within us and without.

Ethical monotheism is not just a way of talking about God. It is a way of understanding human experience; it is a way of organizing the world in which we live. It is a faith that attempts to explain what we do not know by beginning with what we do know. We do know our awareness of this world is rooted in a unity of our own senses. We do know that defiance of moral law invites a disaster as devastating as any contempt for the laws of physics or chemistry or biology. We know, in short, that we cannot fathom it all and that this world is ultimately grounded in mystery. And that singular ethical mystery is what we call God

This shows you how far the Jews have come away from God. Ethical this and ethical that is a secondary thing in the Bible. What is the primary thing in the Bible? It is God's love for mankind.

God's love for mankind is expressed in the fact that God sent His Son, Jesus, to be the Savior of all people who will accept Him. "Savior" means Savior from death to eternal life through the resurrection.

The next important thing in the Bible is that mankind is to love God above all things, and then love himself and his fellow people equally. Ethical behavior is to flow out of the love.

The various instructions in the Bible as to what makes up ethical behavior, are simply information that people are ignorant about at times. For example, the ethical behavior in the Ten Commandments is something that should be understood through love. But the written Ten makes it way more easily understood.

In addition, some of the ethically behavioral writings in the Bible only fit certain circumstances. For example. The command, "Thou shalt not kill," is part of the way that we express love towards all people. But if someone is attacking your family to destroy them, not protecting your family is essentially killing them. If protecting your family includes killing the attacker, love for family stands greater than love for the attacker.

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
Religion or rules of behavior were designed to limit the killing so as not to destroy our selves with too much killing.

There are many ways to destroy ourselves in an era of unrestrained hedonism.

Modern society is a mechanism for inculcating bad habits, especially the habit of seeking instant pleasure, intoxications and distractions; a habit of regarding ourselves as passive recipients for ‘entertainment’. A devout life is not so much about a flash of understanding but is mostly a matter of using insights into truth in building-up good habits; and this can be influenced by our will. A devout life enables one to build these habits and most importantly successfully pass them on to our children.

Quote from:  Terryl and Fiona Givens
Whatever sense we make of this world, whatever value we place upon our lives and relationships, whatever meaning we ultimately give to our joys and agonies, must necessarily be a gesture of faith. Whether we consider the whole a product of impersonal cosmic forces, a malevolent deity, or a benevolent god, depends not on the evidence, but on what we choose, deliberately and consciously to conclude from that evidence… If we decide to leave the questions unanswered, that is a choice; if we waver in our answer that too is a choice: but whatever choice we make, we make it at our peril.

What we choose to embrace, to be responsive to, is the purest reflection of who we are and what we love. That is why faith, the choice to believe, is, in the final analysis, an action that is positively laden with moral significance.
Activity: 4256
Merit: 8551
'The right to privacy matters'
Like it or not people are killers. Been killing since the caveman times and will keep it up for a while longer.

Religion of any shape or form is not why we are killers since we were killers long before  any religion was around.

We are also shitters pissers and  eaters .

We can't stay alive without killing.  Yeah that is correct  whether we kill a plant or an animal to eat.
Or a white blood cell kills off a germ.  All that is killing.

Religion or rules of behavior were designed to limit the killing so as not to destroy our selves with too much killing.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
There are several flaws in your arguments Alik Bashi

You argue that the various schisms in monotheism leads to conflict, but yet neglect a rational comparison of the alternatives holding what appears to be an idealized vision of peaceful polytheism in the ancient world.  

You argue that the history of paganism did not know endless religious wars. This is false the religious wars were just smaller scale and everywhere this nature deity vs that one. This tribes god versus another or at its peak this city's Athena vs that cities Ares.
You argue that monotheism only allows one to be moral and kind to ones own group but this is false. He is a example from Judaism but there are others.
Quote from: Gil Student
In the Jewish worldview all gentiles who are ethical monotheists will achieve salvation. Judaism does not denigrate gentiles and does not see them as condemened to eternal damnation. Rather we see them as fellow human beings, from other nations, searching for G-d and for meaning in life. Judaism wishes them well with their search and celebrates those who succeed in becoming ethical monotheists. Jews are obligated in many rituals and ceremonies and those Jews who fail to fulfill these rituals are considered sinners. Gentiles, however, are not obligated in these commandments and are only obligated to be ethical monotheists. Those who fulfill this obligation receive their full reward in the world-to-come.

You conclude by highlighting the evils perpetuated by man on man and blame monotheism when in fact ethical monotheism is the single most powerful force that battles and discourages these evils.  

In short I believe you are totally and completely mistaken.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
Ethical monotheism is probably the single greatest contributor to human progress from any source since human culture emerged from the stone ages. This force which emerged first in Judaism and and spread throughout the world via the mediums of Christianity and Islam continues to shape human destiny even in a time when much of the world foolishly rejects it as irrelevant.
Quote from: Dennis Prager
Nature is amoral. Nature knows nothing of good and evil. In nature there is one rule—survival of the fittest. There is no right, only might. If a creature is weak, kill it. Only human beings could have moral rules such as, "If it is weak, protect it." Only human beings can feel themselves ethically obligated to strangers.
Nature allows you to act naturally, i.e., do only what you want you to do, without moral restraints; God does not. Nature lets you act naturally - and it is as natural to kill, rape, and enslave as it is to love.
One of the vital elements in the ethical monotheist revolution was its repudiation of nature as god. The evolution of civilization and morality have depended in large part on desanctifying nature.
Civilizations that equated gods with nature—a characteristic of all primitive societies—or that worshipped nature did not evolve.
Words cannot convey the magnitude of the change wrought by the Bible's introduction into the world of a God who rules the universe morally.
ethical monotheism suggests more than that God demands ethical behavior; it means that Gods primary demand is ethical behavior. It means that God cares about how we treat one another more than He cares about anything else.

Thus, ethical monotheism's message remains as. radical today as when it was first promulgated. The secular world has looked elsewhere for its values, while even many religious Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe that Gods primary demand is something other than ethics.
Quote from: Howard Greenstein
To hold that God is the Source and Sustainer of moral values is to insist upon an objective status for ethical ideals. They are not the impulsive fabrication of human minds, but are grounded in the very bedrock of creation. Moral laws have objective validity similar to the laws of physics. They are not our invention, but it is for us to discover them. Just as it would be foolish to defy the law of gravity and hope to escape its consequences, so is it perilous to presume that a human infant can grow to emotional maturity without ever being loved or cared for. In both cases the penalty for ignoring the law is a natural consequence of defying the given realities of the universe. The uniqueness of God in this context is the complex but delicate blend of both physical and spiritual reality in a single deity which accounts for the balance, harmony and order of nature within us and without.

Ethical monotheism is not just a way of talking about God. It is a way of understanding human experience; it is a way of organizing the world in which we live. It is a faith that attempts to explain what we do not know by beginning with what we do know. We do know our awareness of this world is rooted in a unity of our own senses. We do know that defiance of moral law invites a disaster as devastating as any contempt for the laws of physics or chemistry or biology. We know, in short, that we cannot fathom it all and that this world is ultimately grounded in mystery. And that singular ethical mystery is what we call God
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
I somewhat disagree with the assumption that polytheism doesn't have a dark underbelly as well...

While being indoctrinated into Christianity as a child, I was taught that Rome was very unfriendly to Christians before the conversion ~330AD... the Romans were polytheistic and would supposedly murder Christians on the street, or make them fight gladiators, etc...

The Vikings were polytheistic (Norse)... enough said?

I can't say I have any particular examples of Hindu's murdering other religions, but that could be an exception, not the rule...

I normally say that all theistic religions are evil... this has little to do with their god or gods that they believe in, and more to do with the actions of their followers, which are typically inspired by "holy texts"

Part of the problem lies with "holy texts" which people deem infallible throughout history... both the Christian and Muslim texts say rather awful things, which were common at the time they were written (slavery, homophobia, religious intolerance, etc), but are not allowed today... the texts have failed to keep pace with the changing times

The changing times are changing because they fail to keep pace with reality.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
You (OP) got it backward. People are separating themselves. They do it when some of them believe in the One God, while others believe in multiple gods, while still others attempt to force themselves to believe God doesn't exist.

The universe operates too harmoniously to have more than One God. In reality, atheism is polytheism. Why? Because every atheist is attempting to set himself up as god by trying to believe that no God exists, in the face of scientific proof and the evidence of nature that God DOES exist.

I just want to say once again, as I wrote in the subject, I'm not an atheist.

Thanks for this tidbit of information.    Cool
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 722
I somewhat disagree with the assumption that polytheism doesn't have a dark underbelly as well...

While being indoctrinated into Christianity as a child, I was taught that Rome was very unfriendly to Christians before the conversion ~330AD... the Romans were polytheistic and would supposedly murder Christians on the street, or make them fight gladiators, etc...

The Vikings were polytheistic (Norse)... enough said?

I can't say I have any particular examples of Hindu's murdering other religions, but that could be an exception, not the rule...

I normally say that all theistic religions are evil... this has little to do with their god or gods that they believe in, and more to do with the actions of their followers, which are typically inspired by "holy texts"

Part of the problem lies with "holy texts" which people deem infallible throughout history... both the Christian and Muslim texts say rather awful things, which were common at the time they were written (slavery, homophobia, religious intolerance, etc), but are not allowed today... the texts have failed to keep pace with the changing times
Activity: 3220
Merit: 1022
You (OP) got it backward. People are separating themselves. They do it when some of them believe in the One God, while others believe in multiple gods, while still others attempt to force themselves to believe God doesn't exist.

The universe operates too harmoniously to have more than One God. In reality, atheism is polytheism. Why? Because every atheist is attempting to set himself up as god by trying to believe that no God exists, in the face of scientific proof and the evidence of nature that God DOES exist.

I just want to say once again, as I wrote in the subject, I'm not an atheist.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
You (OP) got it backward. People are separating themselves. They do it when some of them believe in the One God, while others believe in multiple gods, while still others attempt to force themselves to believe God doesn't exist.

The universe operates too harmoniously to have more than One God. In reality, atheism is polytheism. Why? Because every atheist is attempting to set himself up as god by trying to believe that no God exists, in the face of scientific proof and the evidence of nature that God DOES exist.

Activity: 3220
Merit: 1022
I believe in a higher power so this post does not prove anything to me.
It seems like you are trying to convince people to believe in something that you want them to believe

This in itself is wrong and should not be allowed.

Just look at how other religions that have put pressure on people to believe in their higher gods.
They are martars and a scourge on this earth and everybody is in fear of them. Is this how people should be forced to live their lives now?
If it is then it is a sad state that we are living in now. Cry

I did what no one is trying to convince. I only expressed my personal opinion on the issue, based on the known facts. And facts are stubborn thing. If you can refute the arguments, I shall be glad of it.
hero member
Activity: 490
Merit: 500
I believe in a higher power so this post does not prove anything to me.
It seems like you are trying to convince people to believe in something that you want them to believe

This in itself is wrong and should not be allowed.

Just look at how other religions that have put pressure on people to believe in their higher gods.
They are martars and a scourge on this earth and everybody is in fear of them. Is this how people should be forced to live their lives now?
If it is then it is a sad state that we are living in now. Cry
hero member
Activity: 2702
Merit: 704
Bitcoin is GOD
Some people have stated to me in the past that if there were no religions there will be peace in the world, but that is false, if there were no religions people will fight each other for the color of the skin, hair, or eyes. They will fight for all the reason that humans have fought from the very beginning: resources, revenge, because some humans like fighting, etc.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
Wow, that was intense nonsense  Smiley
Thanks for the content anyway
Activity: 3220
Merit: 1022
Alik  Bahshi

Monotheism is Evil, separating the human race

    In the beginning, I want to be defined; I am not an atheist, but not a supporter of any particular religious denomination. Rather dualist, on the assumption that matter and mind in the universe are in harmony and cannot exist one without the other.
    An interesting observation, if you're an atheist, the believer to you, as a rule, indifferent, but if you are a believer, but other faiths, you have an enemy. Even stronger hardening causes the believer monotheist representative of other areas of the same denomination, such as the feud between Catholics and Protestants, Sunnis and Shiites. Zealous madly toward God among believers is characteristic of monotheism since its inception, and, unfortunately, to a greater or lesser extent, remains to this day. Even in the inner sanctum of Christianity - Jerusalem Holy Sepulcher religious fanatics are not satisfied with the slaughter rarely without dividing among themselves the one God ( Or here's another fine example of "universal love" to the one God extended to Jewish orthodoxy, painted in Hebrew worship cross set in Uman (Ukraine) in honor of the 1025th anniversary of Orthodoxy. (
   It should be noted that such religious intolerance era of polytheism did not know. It seems that the diversity among the many idols and their free choice allowed the society to be more tolerant, and religious ideology did not have that ruthless suppression of other world powers up to the physical destruction of the individual, as it was in monotheism, especially in the era of medieval obscurantism. By the way, and democracy, as we know, the first time it appeared in the ancient world. It is safe to assume that not a fraction of misfortunes had a sip of Humanity with the belief in a single God. In any case, the history of paganism does not know the endless religious wars.

    I do not think people become more humane after reviewing the allegedly given to him by God's 10 commandments? If, however, be more consistent and punctual in the Biblical legend, all these commandments originally were given to the Jewish people. And , following the prescriptions of religious sources of Judaism, the Torah and the Talmud, it appears that bans "do not kill ", " thou shalt not steal “, " Do not commit adultery ," and other relate only to the Jews, and are not subject to the goyim (all other peoples), that is have legal force only in the medium of God's chosen people. This raze question arises, not because if everything God has given charge of all these things is to Jews as the most prone to such abuse. It does not matter to a misunderstanding or deliberately, but is a warning over the Jews interpreted as exclusivity, and raised himself to God's chosen people.

  In short, you can definitely say that belief in one God, when it can not be divided among them religious fanatics was an insurmountable barrier that divided humanity and all attempts to destroy this ideological barrier is doomed to failure.
  In recent years, a trend the use of religious intolerance for political purposes. So does Israel, translating, struggle of the Palestinian people for freedom and independence in the mainstream of religious hatred, calling the Palestinian Islamists or even more sharply by Islamic terrorists, but Islam is no direct relationship to the struggle has not. Thus, by analogy, for example, and the British would call the Indian independence fighters Buddhists or Buddhist terrorists. Russia to disavow the national liberation movement in Chechnya and Dagestan, also found the cause of Islam. In an effort to hide from the international community the real causes of today's terrorism and deflect blame for his appearance, interested parties, using shortcuts, replace true with false notions (see "International terrorism and its interested parties” = 50 # post-alikbahshi- 1904 ).

You tell me, because the Chechens were burned Russian tanks on the streets of Grozny, shouting "Allah is great", which indicates the relationship with Islam , but then the Russian World War I threw in a bayonet charge with a cry of " God with us ", and the same Christian God that of the enemy. If, in the beginning, the Kremlin called Chechen guerrilla fighters, later they became Islamic terrorists and Wahhabis. In the Caucasus, there were even the messengers of Al Qaeda that all nonsense, because Al Qaeda is an Arab organization leading the fight against America and Israel. Is not reflect the policy of the Kremlin, which invariably has always been on the side of the Arabs? Remember how the Kremlin openly against Israel and America hosted a delegation of Hamas in Gaza, but the Israeli definition of Hamas are also Islamists. It turns out that there are good and there are Islamists Islamists are bad and how it is consistent with the source - Islam.
     In short, the interested parties of Islamic terrorism in Moscow and Tel Aviv, which themselves together as strategic adversaries can hardly intelligibly explain this absurdity. But out of all this, an important conclusion, namely, the desire of interested parties to use religious ideology for political purposes. Evil, multiplied by the Evil poses a great threat and opens a Pandora's Box from which you will start to spread hatred for Peace religious fanaticism, which can actually lead to a confrontation of civilizations, and it is this and intimidate the world community of interested parties from Moscow and Tel Aviv. Moreover, this fact skillfully uses bigots from Tehran, which position themselves as the true defenders of the Faith from the machinations of Satan (by default - Democracy). Nuclear truncheons in their hands will be good for such a help charitable affairs, and the desire to find it, of course, is justified in the eyes of religious fanatic.

    In the religious aspect of the Islamist it is necessary to understand the religious fanatic who professes Islam. By analog, a Jew - is a fanatic follower of Judaism. Why fanatic, because even ready to give his life for the faith, or someone to take the life for her. Maybe the fact that Islam is less tolerant, more warlike against infidels? Again, no, Islam is not better, but certainly not worse than Christianity, if you remember how in the early days of Christianity destroyed ancient temples. After all, Christianity has destroyed the ancient culture. Forgotten were brought works of ancient thinkers, philosophers and scientists. Fire and Sword implanted Christianity in America, Africa and Polynesia. Just the era of the Crusades is worth something! But the age of medieval obscurantism with sophisticated torture Inquisition! In the end, the two world wars that claimed millions of lives, too, for Christians depend. Or Judaism with his misanthropic ideology of the chosen people, in comparison with which everything else is goi Humanity, the only reason for the existence of which is a ministry to the Jews, on the grounds that "The difference between Jew and Gentile is so large that it pales in comparison to the difference between human and animal» ( ).
 Tell me, what these Talmudic conclusions differ from the ideology of racism? And, while in Christianity and Islam, and there is nothing close to this, all the monotheistic faiths in common - an implacable hatred for each other, which is the source for unscrupulous politicians. Religion, though, and proclaims the virtue, in fact, includes an element of discord.

     In democratic countries the separation of religion and state, and this is one of the important features of democracy. Countries where there are religious parties , where priests, the ayatollahs , rabbis and other religious officials from taking part in the government, a priori, cannot be considered democratic. Faith and Democracy - are incompatible, and an example to countries such as Iran and Israel (1, 2).

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