how do you organize times to play matches ? is there a way to arrange matches based on skill level ?
It's probably not very fair if you match up someone in gold vs diamond for instance..
can you explain how those non-pro match up bets work ?
I'm interested in playing some games
I apologize for not responding to you sooner.
So the way game of skill bets work currently is that you post a bet and you can set a category, such as starcraft or counterstrike and winning conditions, such as a 3 out of 3 or 3 out of 5. There is also a title to give an idea of skill level and a description, to give information about your prospective day and time you would like to play. You can and should use the description and the title to specify your skill level and what you would like to play, such as, Plat/Gold 1v1. Once your bet is posted your funds are put into escrow, you may delete your bet up until the time the challenge is accepted and your funds will be returned.
The bet is posted and sits in the index so that other players can view the prospective bets and if they agree to the terms, they can accept the challenge. Once they accept the challenge their funds are put into escrow. There is a private comment system on the bet page of game of skill bets that can be used to arrange matches and work out details. If you cannot determine a time both players may agree to a draw to have both of their funds returned.
Once a match is scheduled and played out the participants must return to the site to input the results of the match. Once one user inputs the results of the match a timer is started, and the other player has 7 days to report the results of the match. When both players report the results the match it is reviewed and processed. If both players agree on the outcome it is quickly processed, if there is a conflict there is a built in report system which can be used to contact staff and replays should be sent in (always save your replays or take screenshots, etc). After a winner is determined the staff. If there is still no resolution the funds are frozen until evidence is provided.
If there is a problem with the match up, such as you requested a game with a platinum player and you they ended up being grand master league you may use the report system and if compliant is reasonable the bet will be cancelled and your funds will be returned.
I believe this system can provide a safe framework that bets can be placed on games and you can assure you will be paid if you win. However if you have any suggestions or comments please share them.