We don't have to improve LN but make it accessible to everyone.
axctually you do need to improve it
el salvador tried it and seen how broke it wasn. and yep within 3 months they stopped using LN as the behind the scenes system of chivo..
also just having an app on millions of phones is like a fake sibyl node count. pretending its popular but not used much.
and when idiots do use it and its still broke those idiots wise up quick and see its buggy and flawed and has bottlenecks and not 100% payment successes. and they too drop it and start slinging insults about it on many review sites. and there is no recovering from that
yep many people who are LN advocates tried returning to el salvador saying they fixed a few things so can el salvador give it another try.. el salvador said no thanks
and now the guy at strike ran off with the tail between his legs distincing himself from el salvador pretending he had no involvement in their LN trials..
learn from your mistakes. stop repeating them by saying "we dont need to fix mistakes, lets just get more people to try the broke system and hope devs come along to make it better after"
if something is broke fix it. if you cant fix it admit it and try something else
LB is not the solution to bitcoin congestion because LN will never be able to handle the value amounts bitcoin moves per transaction
for instance.. lets use the latest bitcoin block whilst im typing this(790620)
total BTC
total Value
Average Value
3.9497887817 BTC
then look at the average channel capacity of routing.. it cant cope with payments of ~4btc each
do the math. the liquidity of routing is not there to handle bitcoins load
Now expand your mind and turn the world map, catapulted into Africa where 90% of the population is Unbanked but will most likely have a smartphone in hand, give it the opportunity to buy something without transition costs without any bank account and in the blink of an eye take a look and tell me if it can work
but didnt you just say
You don't necessarily have to open channels or self-host a node but also use custodial wallets
you do know what a custodian is right?.. a bank.. a financial service