"Businesses are hiring at historic rates, with 52 consecutive months of net private sector job growth," said Biden in the newly released report supporting the reauthorization of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 1998, which President Obama signed on Tuesday.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act reauthorization will use a $1.4 billion "job-driven checklist" tool to "ensure that the $17 billion in federal training funds are used more effectively," said a senior White House official. The program will also feature a $25 million Department of Labor award to develop a web-based "skills academy" for adult learners.
Obama and Biden's efforts to cast a positive light on America's jobs outlook, however, may face headwinds with voters. As the New York Times noted, "In fact, part-time jobs accounted for two-thirds of all new jobs in June." What's more, economist Ben Casselman of Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight states, "For the 49th time in 50 months, more jobseekers gave up looking than found work."
Obama and Biden's upbeat economic outlook stands in contrast to the views of voters. According to Gallup, 56% of Americans believe the economy is getting worse, versus just 39% who say it is improving.
Obama departed from the signing of the jobs-training reauthorization for a Democratic fundraising trip in California. The price to attend the reception and take a picture with Obama is $10,000, and it cost $32,400 to be a co-host of the event.
Gotta keep the money flowing to try to convince the boobs that things aren't getting worse come election time.