Exactly, until you start naming certain scammers a d all of a shudden! Bam! There on you like flies around shit! Scam artist protecting there own, just like real life governments (oppressors) as shown in video above
Nobody cares who you think is a scammer, and whether they are or not isn't our concern (moderation wise). But you need to stop making threats. Talking about hanging people, ending lives, etc is not acceptable. The constant name calling is pretty childish and makes you seem like a troll as well, though that is less of a concern assuming your posts contribute something to the discussion otherwise.
Unempathetic people don't deserve to live, that's always been dealt with by nature when they are kicked out the tribe. What they have created is a nesting place for such people a d they have changed the enviroment to make us more like them! This as bei g going on since the end of the romans in 300ad so please, get off your high horse as well. People been turned into bumbling sacks of flesh so the unsympathetic rise to the top.
Our current manipulators have been around a long long time and re written history, and you want me to feel sorry for these fucks! Yes right, I see these freak shows easily because I know some truth about our real history, not his storey. Its fuckin obvious when you stop toei g the li e and man up!
Your all cattle to the tax system, and I'm in the same boat too, but I'm actively fighting back anyway I can. What are you pussie ass greedy so and so doing? That's right, believing the justice system is there for you lol. That was created by the romans too. Look what the khazars did to the Russian czar a d the French monarchy.
Dismiss what I say like you did with josh back in April 2012, time will show you, even though its starring you in the face everyday!