I agree with the notion of not having a hot wallet inside the same hosting location. But ...
To me it looks like the hot wallet is linked to the Internet ? Anny server that holds a hot wallet needs to limit connections to specified local ip's and under no circumstances should it be talking directly to the Internet.
my diagram is where the website top blue box never talks to the 'local computer' /home computer containing the wallet.
so it never has out going communications.. it just puts everything into data bases on website and the home computer reads it remotely.
These services would not work under your construction, they all require data to go from the web service to the hot wallet (client). Why ? All these services offered the user the option to withdraw btc ... If you do not directly send the withdraw info to the client, the client would have to request and get access to it somehow, as a result these services need traffic back to the client.
So unless you add human interaction in to the mix ... and that would open a whole other can of worms.
my diagram offer the ability to withdraw.
simply by having a database on website side that stores withdrawal requests.
EG "user: xyd command: withdrawal amount: 2btc"
i have even thought of limiting what stuff would go into the database eg no addresses in the withdrawal request database, just a username and an amount so hackers cant just put withdraw 1mill BTC to adress 1lsssflsdflsdgobledegoop
and the home/local / hotwallet pc just accesses that database remotely and processes the commands as soon as they enter the database. and uses the verified address stored on home computer. so hackers cannot change the location.
the website never has ip addresses of the home PC listed or required. because the website never talks TO the home pc (no out going comms) just has incoming comms.
imagine it like ur the website. u write down a command onto a piece of paper "wife wants $5,000" and face it to a window.. me a home pc has a sniper scope pointed at you and reads the paper from a distance.. u cant see me but i can see you. anyone else who hacks in and reads your paper wont know ur wifes real name or where she is located.
i was thinking that the home computer that adds new addresses to the 'new deposit addresses' checks the addresses each time to compare them to the addresses saved in the hotwallet and sends the sql command to delete alien addresses from the website database. thus hackers might have 1 minute chance of adding a fresh address in before the database resets with just valid fresh addresses provided only by the hot wallet