Uhh what? So these are "Silver Plated Replicas" that were minted in Carson City? I don't think so. Sure they probably have a [crappy] CC mint mark, but thats it. Don't you think your entire posting is more than a LITTLE misleading? I'll clarify for everyone:
These coins are fake. They are only worth the scrap metal and 2 cents of Silver they are composed of.
These were NOT minted in Carson City, they were minted in some factory in China. All they have is a FAKE Carson City mintmark.
Its people like you who cause concern for other people over fake coins. You are de-legitimizing coin collecting and turning people away from it-and I strongly dislike you for that.
I'm sure you're thinking you'll sell them to some guy who will peddle them off to innocent people/collectors on craigslist, not knowledgeable enough to tell the difference and that they are FAKE.
So, I just want to take this opportunity to say