
Topic: Mossad and CIA about to overthrow the elected government of Macedonia (Read 1086 times)

Activity: 1124
Merit: 1013
ParalleCoin's ruler from the shadow
Really fishy... to much fishy!
So much I could puke!
That is not the first time or the last to do that on Balkan.
Serbian prime minister was in Tirana few days ago, thats all connected.
I am sure something big is going to happen, just hope it will not be war again.
All that pseudo democratic shit, new world order and corporations.  Angry
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Dnevnik, Macedonia: Kumanovo terrorist buried with honours in Kosovo

26 May 2015 | 09:37 | FOCUS News Agency

Dnevnik, Macedonia: Kumanovo terrorist buried with honours in KosovoPicture: Focus Information AgencySkopje.

 One of the terrorists killed during the attack in the Macedonian town of Kumanovo was buried with military honours in Kosovo, Macedonian Dnevnik daily writes.
According to the newspaper, this was Beg Rizaj, who was buried with special military honours by people dressed in uniforms of the Kosovo Liberation Army.
The funeral was also attended by many MPs with the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo. The leader of the party Ramush Haradinaj did not attend the funeral but his brother Daut Haradinaj did. There were also representatives of the Vetevendosje [Self-determination] movement.
The funeral was organised by the Decani Municipality.
Dnevnik recalls that the former fighters of the Kosovo Liberation Army do not have the right to wear the uniforms of this military formation under the 1999 agreement.

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
This is interesting:

The CIA wants do divide Macedonia in to two, giving the Eastern part to Bulgaria (perhaps as a reward for its anti-Russian stance) and Western part to Albania (for being the most obidient vassals of NATO). The scond part is OK. Ethnic Albanians will be overjoyed with such a prospect. But I am not sure whether ethnic Macedonians would like to become Bulgarian citizens.
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Activity: 588
Merit: 501
It's easy for the CIA and co to claim the conspiracy theory card on this. Despite all the proofs and even after the revelation of secret documents from events such as Vietnam, Panama, Iran....., people will believe media no matter which I find sad and disturbing.

Many other countries try to do the same, and In fact Russia is trying to hold grip on the stats that once formed the USRR, but then again no other country has the means being it financial or economic to do these kind of things on a similar scale to the US

For now there isn't enough documentations or proof on this in my opinion, but I think with the recent reboot of wikileaks we might get some more informations
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1001
I know many people will claim that we're not in World War 3 right now, but doesn't it seem like there's this huge indirect proxy war between Russia, the EU and America? We may as well already be in World War 3 but the only difference is that nobody as of yet has been using outright conventional warfare, it's all just been espionage and financial.

They're trying to avoid the appearance of starting a war because it would be so unpopular yet if you look at all the various conflicts between them it's very much starting to turn into one.

There are proxy wars happening many places, particularly in the Middle East. At the same time there has been conventional warfare in that groups are being armed by more powerful nations. But no one of "importance" has been bombed or attacked yet to cause a full scale conflict. Nobody sees it as a war involving their country as long as all the shit takes place somewhere else.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Who's setting the Balkans on fire? Macedonian Maidan and the Ottoman trail

By davydov_index

Translated from Russian by J.Hawk

The unrest in Macedonia was unexpected to the uninitiated. They started with an opposition party announcement that police is covering up the killing of a young man by prime minister's security detail in 2011. Several experts have linked this sudden unrest, which threatens to destabilize not only Macedonia but the Balkans as a whole, with the country's refusal to join sanctions and Skopje's support for the Turkish Stream. This version assumes, at the conspiracy level theory, that the unrest was inspired by US intelligence services which are trying to make life difficult for Russia.

I'm not wholly rejecting this scenario, although let's just say that an expert as well informed as Aleksandr Sobyanin, the Director of Strategic Planning Service of the Border Area Cooperation Association, rejected it. In his view, the unrest in Macedonia has nothing to do with Turkish Stream. Paradoxical, isn't it? But if we are to dig deeper, we'll realize the aims of the complex game played by the world's intelligence services in the Balkans, including the Turkish MIT which is playing the first fiddle.

Background Note: MIT (Milli Istikhabat Teshkilati) is the National Intelligence Organization of Turkey, created on the basis of the earlier MEH, or the National Security Service.

For starters, the Balkans are penetrated by the extensive spider web of the Albanian  Mafia which is wholly controlled by MIT. The Albanians' business in Europe consists of drugs and other smuggled goods.

Kosovo Albanians control 70% of Germany's and Switzerland's heroin market. The Balkans have become a transit corridor which originates in South-Eastern Asia. The so-called Balkan Route carries 80% of all drugs sold in Europe. Albania, Kosovo, and western Macedonia have become a large drug warehouse.

Opium from Afghanistan and Pakistan is processed in Turkey, then sent to Europe via Kosovo and Czech Republic. Then the Balkan Route continues to Great Britain through the French port of Calais. Turkey supports the Albanian drug trade on state level, through its embassies, consulates, and cultural centers. Albanian Mafia is today the most powerful in Europe, having crushed even the Cosa Nostra and become a de-facto branch of Al-Qaeda in Europe. It is invulnerable to police infiltration because it is built on familial clans which gives the criminal network and the Turkish intelligence that is backing it considerable ability to destabilize the situation in any European country. In my view, the Albanian, and, therefore, the Turkish trail, should be sought even in the Charlie Hebdo affair. It can't be ruled out that's what the two investigators from Limoges, who committed suicide in suspicious circumstances, were trying to unravel.

On May 10 a group of Albanian militants invaded Kumanovo, which is populated by a concentrated Albanian minority, in order to launch a separatist uprising. The police was able to neutralize the intruders with some difficulty. Eight police died. The Prime Minister of Macedonia Nikola Gruyevsky was then accused of inability to deal with the Albanian Mafia, which provoked additional unrest.

Europe right now is gravely worried about the possibility of a big war in the Balkans. There are good reasons for such worries. Thus far Albanians have always gotten what they wanted. Their dream is the creation of  Greater Albania.

Background Note: Greater Albania is the pan-Albanian idea of uniting all territories which are or were at any point in time inhabited by the Albanian ethnos. Most of Greater Albania is located on the territory of former Yugoslavia. In the event of successful implementation of the project, the contemporary Albania would be joined by north-western portions of Macedonia, southern areas of Serbia including Kosovo and Preshevo valley, and the southern regions of Montenegro which are populated by Albanians. Albanian nationalist ideologues consider northern parts of Greece their territory as well.

The likelihood of unrest expanding to the point of reaching the stage of controlled chaos is quite high in several Balkan states. It can't be ruled out that European great powers, France and Germany, will turn a blind eye on it, hoping that the Albanian nationalists will neutralize the tendency by several small European states, including Macedonia but also Greece and Serbia, to pursue an independent economic and political course. But the real beneficiary of the next big Balkan war would be Turkey. Its president Erdogan, who is backed by the army, concluded an alliance with Turkey's islamists as part of a general effort to restore the Ottoman Empire.

Already five years ago Turkey's Prime Minister Akhmet Davutoglu described Turkey's geostrategic vectors: "We'll make the Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East together with Turkey the center of future international politics. This is the objective of Turkey's foreign policy and we will reach it. There are more Bosnians in Turkey than in Bosnians, more Abkhaz and Chechens than in Abkhazia and Chechnya, more Albanians than in Albania, because that's our Ottoman inheritance."

The Albanians are being used as an instrument. Their task is to create chaos in the Balkans, turn them into Europe's Somalia. Right now Ukraine is being "somalized". Balkans are next in line.

When the suffering of the Balkan peoples becomes unbearable, when a genuine humanitarian catastrophe starts unfolding, then Turkish peacekeepers will appear "on a white horse." The Turkish Army will harshly suppress Albanian crime networks, stop the bloodshed, and will de-facto control problem territories. Thus re-establishing Ottoman possessions in Europe.
The second vector of Ottoman expansion is the Middle East. Here the Turks can get only as far as Syria, which Russia will never give up, not to the Turks nor to ISIS. Likewise Turkey has no prospects for success in the foreseeable future in the Caucasus, and their leaders understand it. Therefore Russian diplomacy, which understands the "Turkish game" perfectly well, is conducting itself in a correct and even calm manner when commenting on Balkan events. As of right now Turkey's schemes don't threaten Russia's interests. Moreover, Russia's intervention in the Balkans would be too big a burden to bear, considering our current stand-off with the West. The US is limiting itself to general editing of the Balkan scenario because they, too, would benefit from controlled chaos.

Nobody talks out loud about their intentions. Everyone is calling for peace. And, as often happens in such cases, war is becoming inevitable.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
I think Wayne Madsen catches it quite well here:

The unapologetic foul-mouthed Nuland met on the side of the 51st Munich Security Conference in Germany with Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki and President Gjorge Ivanov to express her displeasure at Gruevski's insurrection charges against her friend Zaev and his SDSM co-conspirators. Earlier, Nuland had offered to mediate a long-standing dispute between Greece and Macedonia over the latter's use of the name Macedonia, which some Greeks consider to be a solely Greek name. Macedonian observers viewed Nuland's interest in the name dispute to be a trap that would enable a pro-U.S. government, along with the Zionist and global banker baggage that comes with any such «themed» coup d'etat, to seize power in Skopje. Nuland and her co-conspirators were hoping for a replay of Kiev in what can be termed «Kiev Version 2.0.»

Nuland and her co-conspirators in Skopje are alarmed over the speed at which the Macedonian security services rounded up the coup plotters. Macedonian police, in raids conducted in Skopje and Veles, seized five laptop computers, three desktop computers, 19 mobile phones, 100 CDs and DVDs, 17 hard disks, and 9 savings deposit books used by the coup plotters, including a number linked to Soros-financed NGOs. The bank accounts of the plotters reportedly were flush with healthy cash deposits from the CIA as the date of the planned coup approached.

The use of social media by the Soros/CIA coup plotters should come as no surprise. Social media served at the very core of the themed revolutions sponsored by the CIA and Soros twice in Ukraine (Orange Revolution and Euro-Maidan uprising), Jasmine Revolution (Tunisia), Lotus Revolution (Egypt), Rose Reviolution (Georgia), Tulip Revolution (Kyrgyszstan), and Green Revolution (Iran). In the case of Macedonia, there are clear indications that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) Thomas Melia, responsible for DRL’s work in Europe, including Russia, as well as the Middle East and North Africa, conspired directly with Zaev to mount a coup against the Gruevski government. Melia is the former deputy director of Freedom House, a Cold War-era neoconservative bevvy of U.S. war hawks based in New York.

Although founded in 1941 by such progressives as Eleanor Roosevelt, Ralph Bunche, journalist Dorothy Thompson, novelist Rex Stout (creator of Nero Wolfe), and Republican presidential candidate Wendell Willkie (who would be considered by today's Republicans in the U.S. as a stark-raving liberal), Freedom House has devolved into a neoconservative chatter source having employed as their board members in recent years such war hawk cretins as Paul Wolfowitz, Ken Adelman, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Donald Rumsfeld, and Otto Reich. Freedom House has been caught red-handed funneling CIA money to opposition groups in Iran, Sudan, Russia, and China. In essence, Freedom House, like Soros's NGOs, serves as a conduit for CIA support for rebellious opposition forces in dozens of countries around the world, countries that now include Macedonia, as well as Hungary, Venezuela, Syria, Egypt, Serbia, Jordan, Mexico, and Cuba.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
Leaked Memo Shows George Soros NGOs Paid Macedonian Students $1,500 to Think of Regime Change Ideas

George Soros NGOs commissioned Serbian regime change specialist group, Canvas, to recruit Macedonian students to push for protest ideas, with the best two winning $1,500 for betraying their nation

(Red Pill Times) Wed, May 20 | 5,156 38
USAID == Satan's Missionaries.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Leaked Memo Shows George Soros NGOs Paid Macedonian Students $1,500 to Think of Regime Change Ideas

George Soros NGOs commissioned Serbian regime change specialist group, Canvas, to recruit Macedonian students to push for protest ideas, with the best two winning $1,500 for betraying their nation

(Red Pill Times) Wed, May 20 | 5,156 38
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
There's no doubt that the others are awaiting a new commander in chief to wade the US into something newer to get physical on. I really think Rand Paul is gonna make it to the top and restructure the bad foreign policy into something real good for a change and this will make the world look and feel better. I hope others across the world are hoping and adding to a Rand Paul presidency as well.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
They're trying to avoid the appearance of starting a war because it would be so unpopular yet if you look at all the various conflicts between them it's very much starting to turn into one.

Perhaps they are delaying the war, waiting for Russia to weaken further from the sanctions and low oil prices. Also, Obama is a bit of the dovish type, and the war crazy Americans such as John Kerry and Joe Biden are waiting for Hillary Clinton to become the POTUS.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
I know many people will claim that we're not in World War 3 right now, but doesn't it seem like there's this huge indirect proxy war between Russia, the EU and America? We may as well already be in World War 3 but the only difference is that nobody as of yet has been using outright conventional warfare, it's all just been espionage and financial.

They're trying to avoid the appearance of starting a war because it would be so unpopular yet if you look at all the various conflicts between them it's very much starting to turn into one.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
In 2014, it was the turn of the democratically elected government of Victor Yanukovych of Ukraine to be overthrown by the CIA and the Mossad. The main aim of this coup was to disrupt the flow of the Russian gas to Western Europe. A few months later, the pro-Russian government in Bulgaria was replaced with a pro-NATO one. Now the CIA was convinced that the Gazprom's South Stream project was dead. But it was not. Putin acted immediately, redirecting the gas pipeline to Turkey and Greece.

To connect the new pipeline from Greece to the rest of Europe, another pipeline needs to be built in Macedonia. The CIA expected the Macedonians to oppose this proposal. But the Macedonian PM, Nikola Gruevski approved the pipeline, taking in to account the huge transit fee which his nation would receive as a result. Now the Mossad and the CIA has got their new target - Nikola Gruevski.

The first attempt was made on 9th May, when a few dozen NATO-backed Islamic extremists crossed over from Kosovo and captured a few villages in Macedonia. But Gruevski acted quickly, and put and end to this drama.

Now comes the second attempt. The pro-Muslim leader Zoran Zaeev is going to lead an "opposition march" in the capital Skopje. Similar to the Kiev protests, this march is expected to turn violent, resulting in the deaths of dozens of people. Victoria Nuland and other master-minds of the Kiev "protests" are all set to arrive in Skopje, to give financial and weapon support for Zaeev. Similar to the Kiev riots, the "protesters" want to seize the parliament and other government buildings. If Gurevski refuses to step down after all this, NATO will announce sanctions against Macedonia. A NATO invasion of Macedonia can't be ruled out as well (a la Libya).

Pro-NATO propaganda tools such as the BBC and the CNN are already going ballistic over the "March". Let's wait and watch what will happen.  Grin

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