Woo! Another potential adherent of anarcho-fascism! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Anarcho-Fascism/120635897984051
Anarchism through fascism! Let's get it done! Beef up CISPA, enforce it with death patrols who call air-strikes on datacenters, ban computers! Eliminate tax deductions, criminalize commerce, mandate citizen-enforced rectal searches at bus stops!
*clears throat, straightens tie, quietly goes back to spreadsheet reconciliation*
I think u didn't understand me,
I am against all this shit with taking our rights, just sayin'
people will get boiled like a frog, little by little...
There needs to be a strong push-back, but it's not going to happen if the majority of citizens believe their government's laws are fairly reasonable, though perhaps a tad over-bearing. Thus, I propose we shove authoritarianism in their face until the majority of citizens are truly fed-up.