Sorry if this question has been posted before, but I couldn't find a good, straightforward answer.
Right now, I have my wallet with Blockchain. I have one wallet login, and within my wallet I have two address. One address, my "checking" account, has .1 BTC. The other address, my "savings" account has the rest of my money.
My savings account is stored in an offline wallet I made using this tutorial: followed the instructions above and printed out two copies of the wallet.
I have a few concerns:
- my computer was connected to the internet at the time (I used the Firefox Blockchain extension)
- that somehow the wallet is stored in my printer's memory
Most likely, what I've done is secure enough. However, I'm a bit paranoid with this stuff and just want to see if there's anything else I can do to secure my so-called "savings" in Bitcoin.
Thanks in advance for any help.