You know, it's often said there's no cure for cancer, but what if BADecker has a solution? It might be worth a shot.
Seriously, Joeyp shouldn't be upset. This is a forum where people have diverse opinions. If he doesn't like a post, he can just skip it; it won't hurt him, I'm sure.
I cannot tell if you're being sarcastic, joking, or what. Hopefully so, because there's no way in the hottest hell a member like BADecker knows something about cancer that's been eluding scientists for decades/centuries.
And aren't we living in a world where unpopular opinions are expected to be stifled as soon as they're discovered? I've noticed that a lot on Youtube where creators can't even use the word "suicide" because it's apparently such a horrible word that it'll get videos demonetized. And then there's all of the things you can't say with respect to identity politics. So what I'm saying is that perhaps Joeyp is one of those new-generation youngsters who expect people to say what they want to hear and nothing they don't. I don't know, but I don't care how outrageous BADecker's (or anyone else's) conspiracy theories are; they should be debunked instead of censored.
This user is either troll or has some serious mental issues, especially when it comes to politics but since this forum is about freedom of speech, we should leave it this way and shouldn't start marking other people with special designation for their different opinion. Every human being is born with brain and as we grow up, we learn analytical and critical thinking.
Word to the bird. However, the sentence I highlighted might be wishful thinking, because I've met plenty of people who don't think critically about anything. You'd hope that wouldn't be the case, but some folks will believe anything they see on TV or the internet, especially if it's info with a lot of technical jargon that they don't understand but is presented in such a way that it
sounds like it makes sense. That can happen very easily when medical info is presented, because most people don't understand medical terminology....and blah blah blah. Christ, how can I get this pessimistic before I've even finished my first cup of coffee of the day?