I think you're looking for Coin Control (in my version: Settings > Options > Wallet > Enable coin control features).
After enabling coin control, click Send > Inputs > select what you want to send, and send it to your own address.
I always use coin control, it's better for privacy, and I like to be in charge of how many inputs are used.
you can pay 25 sats per byte.
If your transaction isn't in a rush, you can
use much lower fees.
I recommend 25 if you have to use the accelerator.
Actually if it is multiple inputs and enough bytes you can do lower. then 25 sats
1 input is around 255 bytes. x 40 sats = over viabtc minimum
2 input is around 510 bytes x 20 sats = over viabtc minimum
3 input is around 765 bytes x 15 sats = over viabtc minimum
4 input is around 1020 bytes x 11 sats = over viabtc minimum
using the free accelerator during crowded times can take hours to get it in.
then hours to hit a block with viabtc
and somes times you could have accelerated and are on the list but viabtc needs to hit two blocks before you clear.
It is one of the reasons I got tired of doing escrows. as trying to clear funds cheap and quick using btc became really hard to do.
i prefer ltc or doge both are cheaper and faster then btc.