merockstar it’s nice to hear that people exist who are not working for money only but In fact they wish to work for society not for money. The problem is that many people claim to be the fund raisers for a good cause but after they attain donations they either do corruption by hiding some big donation or charge excessive administration cost. So your reliability?
It's not me. It's Marijuana Policy Project.
They're divided into two groups, a political lobby, and a non-profit dedicated to educating the public.
They do most of their work on the state level in the United States.
They spearheaded the successful initiative to legalize in Colorado managed to get a dude to appear on The Today Show they seem to have a constantly evolving, comprehensive enough for me at least, plan in place to further legalization, which you can read about at I'm not mpp. I'm just someone who donates to them occasionally.
If you're saying MPP might not be the group they appear to be, I'd like to know more.