
Topic: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out Mad Cow Disease prions (Read 633 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
typical.. asks for link to list of the studies of isolation..
tvbcof totally ignores the list and searches some other category.

then he goes and links a 'narrative review' which is not even a study..
.. i guess he never learned how to do research
by the way. if you took the hint. and had a 'blast'(<-hint hint). he would see the studies ..
but i guess he didnt take the hint. and just found some random thing to excuse his ignorance

i can tell straight away he didnt have a blast.
so its not the list at fault. but the ignorance of actually wanting to lok at the list.. by the idiot that refuses to find the stuff he asks others to present him

yep tvbcof didnt 'pick one' he purposefully ignored the list and skimmed something unrelated to the specific list he requested.
thats called ignorance.  

if he was actually interested in facts. he would have searched the list. read the studies. and if still having questions see the names of those involved in the studies are listed and contact them to get even more detail.
but nah. thats not trollvbcof's style. he prefers to follow badeckers low IQ misinformed brainwash style

But the point that the vaccines churn out mad cow disease is proven out in all those 400,000 or so Covid vaccine deaths so far. When people suddenly face the reality that they have been turned into a mad cow - they don't have time to calculate the reason why - they simply die. Let the medical figure out why, which they have, as shown in the OP. So, why should tvbcof even talk to you? You barely have a hint of understanding of what it's all about.


EDIT: Oh sure, a few people died from blood clots before the MCD became effective in them.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
typical.. asks for link to list of the studies of isolation..
tvbcof totally ignores the list and searches some other category.

then he goes and links a 'narrative review' which is not even a study..
.. i guess he never learned how to do research
by the way. if you took the hint. and had a 'blast'(<-hint hint). he would see the studies ..
but i guess he didnt take the hint. and just found some random thing to excuse his ignorance

i can tell straight away he didnt have a blast.
so its not the list at fault. but the ignorance of actually wanting to lok at the list.. by the idiot that refuses to find the stuff he asks others to present him

yep tvbcof didnt 'pick one' he purposefully ignored the list and skimmed something unrelated to the specific list he requested.
thats called ignorance.  

if he was actually interested in facts. he would have searched the list. read the studies. and if still having questions see the names of those involved in the studies are listed and contact them to get even more detail.
but nah. thats not trollvbcof's style. he prefers to follow badeckers low IQ misinformed brainwash style
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
dont blame the research if you are purposefully ignoring, avoiding it

What, 'cuz you say so?  Lol.  Surely someone put together a list of the 2000 studies.  Link it.
enjoy.have a blast

Ah, here's the post I was planning to get back to since I spent a few minutes following up.

As I usually do when someone links to an unorganized list, I pick one totally at random and skim it.  In this case, the paper is trying to figure out the mystery of 'recurrence' of positive tests among the 'recovered'.  Suspicions exist around both false-negative tests and false-possitive tests.

Paper's suggestion:  Test over and over until desired results are obtained.  In the mean time, try to develop tests which actually work.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Click the link to do the search.

mRNA vaccines cause your body to churn out Mad Cow Disease prions

April 8th, 2021: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to ...
[Search domain]
April 8th, 2021: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS that "eat your brain" like Mad Cow Disease 04/08/2021 / By Mike Adams The spike protein outer shell of the coronavirus contains "prion-like regions" that give the virus very high adhesion to ACE2 receptors in the human body.
April 8th, 2021: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to ...
[Search domain]
April 8th, 2021: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS that "eat your brain" like Mad Cow Disease April 8, 2021 by canadaman2020 The spike protein outer shell of the coronavirus contains "prion-like regions" that give the virus very high adhesion to ACE2 receptors in the human body.
mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS that ...
[Search domain]
mRNA vaccines may unleash a wave of "zombie" prion disease deaths, known as "Mad Cow Disease" in humans (CJD) Because of the mechanisms revealed above, there is a possibility that mRNA vaccines might unleash a wave of neurological disease over the next several years.
April 8th, 2021: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to ...
[Search domain]
April 8th, 2021: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS that "eat your brain" like Mad Cow Disease / Mike Adams (Natural News) The spike protein outer shell of the coronavirus contains "prion-like regions" that give the virus very high adhesion to ACE2 receptors in the human body.
mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS ...
[Search domain]
mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS Posted onApril 11, 2021byState of the Nation April 8th, 2021: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS that "eat your brain" like Mad Cow Disease
Can mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines cause prion disease or ...
[Search domain]
Predictably, the twist is the claim that the mRNA in vaccines is what causes prion disease and results in Alzheimer's disease. So let's look at the paper, which was published in an online journal, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, and entitled " COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease ".
COVID-19 vaccines versus "purity of essence" | Science ...
[Search domain]
I was reminded of this when I saw a recent post over at his Natural News website entitled mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS that "eat your brain" like Mad Cow Disease.
Vaccines and Mad-Cow Disease | Children's Hospital of ...
[Search domain]
"Mad-cow" disease is caused by an unusual protein called a prion (proteinaceous infectious particle). Prions are found in the brains of cows with "mad-cow" disease and in the brains of humans with Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (vCJD). Prions can also be found in the spinal cord and in the back of the eye (retina).
@DanielJuniorthe | Twitter
[Search domain]
PolitiFact | The coronavirus vaccine doesn't cause ...
[Search domain]
The coronavirus vaccines use a new but well-researched technology called mRNA, which tells the body how to produce copies of the protein on the surface of the virus without infecting the patient....

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
badecker is getting worse..
the such lack of intelliagence is making me want to just start reporting all badeckers posts as trolling.
because he is not adding any valid or factual or even contextual content to topics

badecker has had a year now to do research and learn some facts about stuff.. and yet still acts like an idiot saying nonsense stuff..

maybe badecker likes the cabin fever dreams of small minded small group thinking. maybe he deserves to have his posts moved to trash. atleast he can post all he likes in the trash topic
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Two articles in this post. The first shows what needs to be done. The second shows the easy way to do it.


There is now an official consensus among the experts that Covid-19 shots are bioweapons, something I've been reporting on from the beginning.

In the latest episode of Critical Thinking, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Christiane Northrop, Dr. Lee Merritt and Paediatrician Maurine McDonald, expose the hard core truths about Big Pharma's Covid-19 extermination by genetic experimentation.

Due to the severity of the situation, I transcribed all of the key points made during this discussion so that medical professionals, international bodies, journalists and researchers worldwide can study the material carefully and share it more widely.

The terrifying focus of the discussion was on medical reports which demonstrate that transmission of the Covid bioweapons is taking place from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. Those who did not subject themselves to Big Pharma's experiment are getting infected anyway. Even though men and women did not take the deadly jab, they are being sterilized without direct physical contact to a vaxxed person.

Self spreading vaccines is no myth. Page number 45 from this PDF produced by Johns Hopkins University demonstrates that self-spreading vaccines do already exist.


The easy way to do it? Get them to show you their vaccine passport. When they do, turn them away.

Vaccine Passports Are Just a Way for the Regime to Expand Its Power

The author, a former Conservative politician named Matthew Parris, apparently believes that the forever lockdowns are an inescapable feature of reality, and that the only way around them is for the regime to enact a vaccine passport scheme. For Parris, covid lockdowns are just a force of nature, like gravity. Now, if only we could find a way to get around these nature-imposed lockdowns!

By now the flaw in Parris's logic should be clear. There is nothing natural or inescapable about lockdowns. They are an invention of the state. They are so unnatural, in fact, that they require the use of the state's police powers to enforce them. They require policemen, handcuffs, courts, prisons, and fines to ensure they are followed. Those who ignore this supposed "force of nature"—and these scofflaws are many—must be punished.


Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
dont blame the research if you are purposefully ignoring, avoiding it

What, 'cuz you say so?  Lol.  Surely someone put together a list of the 2000 studies.  Link it.
enjoy.have a blast
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

What would convince you that the covid-19 virus exists, has been isolated, sequenced, and studied?

For me...

A study or set of studies with adequately designed protocols which were adhered to, and a reproducible result.

so like the 2000 studies.
in dozens of different countries.
in hundreds of labs.

they have got so good at isolating the virus that they can actually look at the different strains
heck even the conspiracy nuts are now realising its been isolated.. but then turning that into a conspiracy because they are talking about how isolating it is being used to track people by who and where they came into contact with it.
funny part is that yes. they are contact tracing people by using the isolated virus..
along with other methods of contact tracing

if you still think they have no clue what shape the virus is and you think it must be some ebola 'stringy' shaped thing and not a spikey ball..
they you are ignorant of the research.

dont blame the research if you are purposefully ignoring, avoiding it

What, 'cuz you say so?  Lol.  Surely someone put together a list of the 2000 studies.  Link it.

When someone _I_ trust evaluates and critiques these '2000 studies', then I'll have the basis for forming a probable conclusion.  Haven't seen it...and don't see it here.  Maybe you are including the National-fuckin-Geographic article that cfruit is so proud of?

What I have seen is a mountain of fraud on the scamdemic psy-op side so naturally the barrier that legitimate scientist have to jump is a lot higher.  That's how it works.

Yeadon is someone who is, to me, more on the credible side of things.  He says that oddly enough, nobody in his circles seems to have any 'SARS-cov-2' to study after a year of the 'worst pandemic of a century'.  That is meaningful to me.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534

What would convince you that the covid-19 virus exists, has been isolated, sequenced, and studied?

For me...

A study or set of studies with adequately designed protocols which were adhered to, and a reproducible result.

so like the 2000 studies.
in dozens of different countries.
in hundreds of labs.

they have got so good at isolating the virus that they can actually look at the different strains
heck even the conspiracy nuts are now realising its been isolated.. but then turning that into a conspiracy because they are talking about how isolating it is being used to track people by who and where they came into contact with it.
funny part is that yes. they are contact tracing people by using the isolated virus..
along with other methods of contact tracing

if you still think they have no clue what shape the virus is and you think it must be some ebola 'stringy' shaped thing and not a spikey ball..
they you are ignorant of the research.

dont blame the research if you are purposefully ignoring, avoiding it
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out Mad Cow Disease prions

You see the title of this thread. If you look closely, doesn't it look a bit like the vaccine is being used to make buttery mad cow? Cheesy

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
142million people have had the vaccine in america

yet the hospitals are not as full as the peak of covid when it was only a few dozen million getting covid

no more needs to be said.
vaccine is safer
  Yes, but...

Now it's the sick from the vaccine. Then it was those sick with comorbidities.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
142million people have had the vaccine in america

yet the hospitals are not as full as the peak of covid when it was only a few dozen million getting covid

no more needs to be said.
vaccine is safer
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468

Let me answer this question straight forward.

A lab video and lab written record of the person/people using Koch's (or possibly Rivers') Postulates to do the isolation. This would include every step of the isolation process being explained as it was being done.

Check out


You can research for more. We know that there are millions of viruses in us all if you want to believe the medical. The point is, show us that the Covid virus is hurting anyone. To do that, you have to be sure you have the Covid virus... not just guesswork.


This was done in many countries early last year.  Where have you been?

In Canada, we had this isolated in Feb/Mar of 2020.

How do you think vaccines were developed?

If you are talking Covid vaccines, they aren't vaccines. They don't have the dead virus in them to activate the immune system. Rather, they have mRNA that does all kinds of somethings to standard cells of the body.

The common misunderstanding is that if you take a bunch of "swab material," and mix it with a bunch of nutrients in a pietri dish, and then most of the life dies in the petri dish, you have identified the Covid virus as the killer. Obviously, it isn't as simple as this. But this is what is basically being done. No virus isolation. Just a stab in the dark at something.


Dead virus?

Do you even know what the virus is and how it infects our cells?

FYI, viruses are not alive so they cannot be dead.

What most covid vaccines do is make your body produce the covid spike protein, either through mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) or viral vector pathway (AstraZeneca, J&J).  This, in turn, forces your immune system to produce T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes.  This will allow your body to remember how to produce more antibodies quickly if/when you get infected with the real virus.

When you are fully vaccinated, you will have the B-lymphocytes that will know how to produce covid antibodies and if you get infected with the real covid-19 virus, your body will be able to quickly produce more antibodies and stop the infection before you even show any symptoms.

Vaccines do not have "dead virus in them to activate immune system".  That is nonsense.  Where did you read this?

Sorry. Didn't mean to trounce your thinking ability like that.

mRNA jabs are similar to what you said, but so much more:
1. not tested for safety;
2. potentially produce all kinds of side effects;
3. CDC VAERS shows right out in the open that they produce death and all kinds of other symptoms;

When you get infected with Covid after the mRNA jab, odds are you will be deathly sick and die because your immune system jumps into panic mode fighting so much that it kills you as well. In some people, death will come fast, because their stunned immune system won't recognize the virus that is killing them, and will let increase its movement forward.

Then there's the Open VAERS info shown here - - which shows that there are thousands of deaths from the mRNA jab, and potentially hundreds of thousands in the USA alone.

I went through this with you in a different thread.


"all kinds of side effects"?  Are you sure?  All?

I guess nothing will change your mind. You are afraid of vaccines because you don't understand them. 

You have made that abundantly clear.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Let me answer this question straight forward.

A lab video and lab written record of the person/people using Koch's (or possibly Rivers') Postulates to do the isolation. This would include every step of the isolation process being explained as it was being done.

Check out


You can research for more. We know that there are millions of viruses in us all if you want to believe the medical. The point is, show us that the Covid virus is hurting anyone. To do that, you have to be sure you have the Covid virus... not just guesswork.


This was done in many countries early last year.  Where have you been?

In Canada, we had this isolated in Feb/Mar of 2020.

How do you think vaccines were developed?

If you are talking Covid vaccines, they aren't vaccines. They don't have the dead virus in them to activate the immune system. Rather, they have mRNA that does all kinds of somethings to standard cells of the body.

The common misunderstanding is that if you take a bunch of "swab material," and mix it with a bunch of nutrients in a pietri dish, and then most of the life dies in the petri dish, you have identified the Covid virus as the killer. Obviously, it isn't as simple as this. But this is what is basically being done. No virus isolation. Just a stab in the dark at something.


Dead virus?

Do you even know what the virus is and how it infects our cells?

FYI, viruses are not alive so they cannot be dead.

What most covid vaccines do is make your body produce the covid spike protein, either through mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) or viral vector pathway (AstraZeneca, J&J).  This, in turn, forces your immune system to produce T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes.  This will allow your body to remember how to produce more antibodies quickly if/when you get infected with the real virus.

When you are fully vaccinated, you will have the B-lymphocytes that will know how to produce covid antibodies and if you get infected with the real covid-19 virus, your body will be able to quickly produce more antibodies and stop the infection before you even show any symptoms.

Vaccines do not have "dead virus in them to activate immune system".  That is nonsense.  Where did you read this?

Sorry. Didn't mean to trounce your thinking ability like that.

mRNA jabs are similar to what you said, but so much more:
1. not tested for safety;
2. potentially produce all kinds of side effects;
3. CDC VAERS shows right out in the open that they produce death and all kinds of other symptoms;

When you get infected with Covid after the mRNA jab, odds are you will be deathly sick and die because your immune system jumps into panic mode fighting so much that it kills you as well. In some people, death will come fast, because their stunned immune system won't recognize the virus that is killing them, and will let increase its movement forward.

Then there's the Open VAERS info shown here - - which shows that there are thousands of deaths from the mRNA jab, and potentially hundreds of thousands in the USA alone.

I went through this with you in a different thread.

Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468

Let me answer this question straight forward.

A lab video and lab written record of the person/people using Koch's (or possibly Rivers') Postulates to do the isolation. This would include every step of the isolation process being explained as it was being done.

Check out


You can research for more. We know that there are millions of viruses in us all if you want to believe the medical. The point is, show us that the Covid virus is hurting anyone. To do that, you have to be sure you have the Covid virus... not just guesswork.


This was done in many countries early last year.  Where have you been?

In Canada, we had this isolated in Feb/Mar of 2020.

How do you think vaccines were developed?

If you are talking Covid vaccines, they aren't vaccines. They don't have the dead virus in them to activate the immune system. Rather, they have mRNA that does all kinds of somethings to standard cells of the body.

The common misunderstanding is that if you take a bunch of "swab material," and mix it with a bunch of nutrients in a pietri dish, and then most of the life dies in the petri dish, you have identified the Covid virus as the killer. Obviously, it isn't as simple as this. But this is what is basically being done. No virus isolation. Just a stab in the dark at something.


Dead virus?

Do you even know what the virus is and how it infects our cells?

FYI, viruses are not alive so they cannot be dead.

What most covid vaccines do is make your body produce the covid spike protein, either through mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) or viral vector pathway (AstraZeneca, J&J).  This, in turn, forces your immune system to produce T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes.  This will allow your body to remember how to produce more antibodies quickly if/when you get infected with the real virus.

When you are fully vaccinated, you will have the B-lymphocytes that will know how to produce covid antibodies and if you get infected with the real covid-19 virus, your body will be able to quickly produce more antibodies and stop the infection before you even show any symptoms.

Vaccines do not have "dead virus in them to activate immune system".  That is nonsense.  Where did you read this?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Let me answer this question straight forward.

A lab video and lab written record of the person/people using Koch's (or possibly Rivers') Postulates to do the isolation. This would include every step of the isolation process being explained as it was being done.

Check out


You can research for more. We know that there are millions of viruses in us all if you want to believe the medical. The point is, show us that the Covid virus is hurting anyone. To do that, you have to be sure you have the Covid virus... not just guesswork.


This was done in many countries early last year.  Where have you been?

In Canada, we had this isolated in Feb/Mar of 2020.

How do you think vaccines were developed?

If you are talking Covid vaccines, they aren't vaccines. They don't have the dead virus in them to activate the immune system. Rather, they have mRNA that does all kinds of somethings to standard cells of the body.

The common misunderstanding is that if you take a bunch of "swab material," and mix it with a bunch of nutrients in a pietri dish, and then most of the life dies in the petri dish, you have identified the Covid virus as the killer. Obviously, it isn't as simple as this. But this is what is basically being done. No virus isolation. Just a stab in the dark at something.

Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468

You are completely ignoring the fact that nobody knows that the covid-19 virus can cause both short-term and long-term havoc on your body. How can we tell? Nobody has isolated the Covid virus so that they can find it in a sick person, culture it, and stick it in an asymptomatic person to see if he gets sick from it or not.

Since nobody has done this, there is no fact that it is not one/several/many of the hundreds of millions of other viruses that a person has, that is making him sick... if not something entirely different than a virus.

Consider. The symptoms of Covid are exactly like the symptoms of beriberi. At least, some of the doctors are saying this. Do they know what they are talking about? I don't know. Maybe they are lying or just plain stupid.

But if they are right, Covid fighting in the body uses up the little vitamin B1 that people have in themselves. Then the people get beriberi.

Some doctors think they have proven this. The rest of the doctors don't know. All it should take is feeding a little B1 to Covid patients and watch what happens.

DON'T take the vaccine. It's a no-brainer. The vaccine doesn't even have anything to do with Covid. Rather, take B1 and get well without vaccine side effects.


What would convince you that the covid-19 virus exists, has been isolated, sequenced, and studied?

Let me answer this question straight forward.

A lab video and lab written record of the person/people using Koch's (or possibly Rivers') Postulates to do the isolation. This would include every step of the isolation process being explained as it was being done.

Check out


You can research for more. We know that there are millions of viruses in us all if you want to believe the medical. The point is, show us that the Covid virus is hurting anyone. To do that, you have to be sure you have the Covid virus... not just guesswork.


This was done in many countries early last year.  Where have you been?

In Canada, we had this isolated in Feb/Mar of 2020.

How do you think vaccines were developed?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

You are completely ignoring the fact that nobody knows that the covid-19 virus can cause both short-term and long-term havoc on your body. How can we tell? Nobody has isolated the Covid virus so that they can find it in a sick person, culture it, and stick it in an asymptomatic person to see if he gets sick from it or not.

Since nobody has done this, there is no fact that it is not one/several/many of the hundreds of millions of other viruses that a person has, that is making him sick... if not something entirely different than a virus.

Consider. The symptoms of Covid are exactly like the symptoms of beriberi. At least, some of the doctors are saying this. Do they know what they are talking about? I don't know. Maybe they are lying or just plain stupid.

But if they are right, Covid fighting in the body uses up the little vitamin B1 that people have in themselves. Then the people get beriberi.

Some doctors think they have proven this. The rest of the doctors don't know. All it should take is feeding a little B1 to Covid patients and watch what happens.

DON'T take the vaccine. It's a no-brainer. The vaccine doesn't even have anything to do with Covid. Rather, take B1 and get well without vaccine side effects.


What would convince you that the covid-19 virus exists, has been isolated, sequenced, and studied?

Let me answer this question straight forward.

A lab video and lab written record of the person/people using Koch's (or possibly Rivers') Postulates to do the isolation. This would include every step of the isolation process being explained as it was being done.

Check out


You can research for more. We know that there are millions of viruses in us all if you want to believe the medical. The point is, show us that the Covid virus is hurting anyone. To do that, you have to be sure you have the Covid virus... not just guesswork.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

What would convince you that the covid-19 virus exists, has been isolated, sequenced, and studied?

For me...

A study or set of studies with adequately designed protocols which were adhered to, and a reproducible result.

And in this case, given the history of lies and subterfuge, studies which are in fact reproduced in credible laboratories (of which there are very very few due to the methods by which laboratories are funded and 'accredited'.)

This is actually not at all a new concept.  Indeed, it had been the bed-rock foundation of science for the last hundred or two years until recently.  Now it is more common that 'proof' is obtained by some creep running simulations on a computer using his own proprietary code and inputs which nobody else is allowed to look at.  Such is the case with Imperial College London's Neil Ferguson.

Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468

You can totally believe Wikipedia on stuff that you can find the same all over the place. Other than that, Wikipedia is so full of trolls that one never knows if they are even close to the truth or not.

Just remember. If you want to believe all kinds of websites, and want to disbelieve all kinds of other websites, the point is clear. Take the vaccine and find out too late if the websites you believe are the right ones or the wrong ones.

Don't worry. If you die from the vaccine, your illness that causes your death will only last for 2 or 3 weeks at most. Just a shorter life, that's all. Nothing to worry about.


You are completely ignoring the fact that the covid-19 virus can cause both short-term and long-term havoc on your body.

The vaccine is improving your immune response in case you actually get infected with the real covid-19 virus or any of its variants.

Learn more about this virus and learn more about mRNA vaccines.  How they work and what they are and what they are not.

It is a no-brainer. Take the vaccine.  Protect yourself and your loved ones.

You are completely ignoring the fact that nobody knows that the covid-19 virus can cause both short-term and long-term havoc on your body. How can we tell? Nobody has isolated the Covid virus so that they can find it in a sick person, culture it, and stick it in an asymptomatic person to see if he gets sick from it or not.

Since nobody has done this, there is no fact that it is not one/several/many of the hundreds of millions of other viruses that a person has, that is making him sick... if not something entirely different than a virus.

Consider. The symptoms of Covid are exactly like the symptoms of beriberi. At least, some of the doctors are saying this. Do they know what they are talking about? I don't know. Maybe they are lying or just plain stupid.

But if they are right, Covid fighting in the body uses up the little vitamin B1 that people have in themselves. Then the people get beriberi.

Some doctors think they have proven this. The rest of the doctors don't know. All it should take is feeding a little B1 to Covid patients and watch what happens.

DON'T take the vaccine. It's a no-brainer. The vaccine doesn't even have anything to do with Covid. Rather, take B1 and get well without vaccine side effects.


What would convince you that the covid-19 virus exists, has been isolated, sequenced, and studied?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

You can totally believe Wikipedia on stuff that you can find the same all over the place. Other than that, Wikipedia is so full of trolls that one never knows if they are even close to the truth or not.

Just remember. If you want to believe all kinds of websites, and want to disbelieve all kinds of other websites, the point is clear. Take the vaccine and find out too late if the websites you believe are the right ones or the wrong ones.

Don't worry. If you die from the vaccine, your illness that causes your death will only last for 2 or 3 weeks at most. Just a shorter life, that's all. Nothing to worry about.


You are completely ignoring the fact that the covid-19 virus can cause both short-term and long-term havoc on your body.

The vaccine is improving your immune response in case you actually get infected with the real covid-19 virus or any of its variants.

Learn more about this virus and learn more about mRNA vaccines.  How they work and what they are and what they are not.

It is a no-brainer. Take the vaccine.  Protect yourself and your loved ones.

You are completely ignoring the fact that nobody knows that the covid-19 virus can cause both short-term and long-term havoc on your body. How can we tell? Nobody has isolated the Covid virus so that they can find it in a sick person, culture it, and stick it in an asymptomatic person to see if he gets sick from it or not.

Since nobody has done this, there is no fact that it is not one/several/many of the hundreds of millions of other viruses that a person has, that is making him sick... if not something entirely different than a virus.

Consider. The symptoms of Covid are exactly like the symptoms of beriberi. At least, some of the doctors are saying this. Do they know what they are talking about? I don't know. Maybe they are lying or just plain stupid.

But if they are right, Covid fighting in the body uses up the little vitamin B1 that people have in themselves. Then the people get beriberi.

Some doctors think they have proven this. The rest of the doctors don't know. All it should take is feeding a little B1 to Covid patients and watch what happens.

DON'T take the vaccine. It's a no-brainer. The vaccine doesn't even have anything to do with Covid. Rather, take B1 and get well without vaccine side effects.

Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
Actually, there are several studies that show this. Often such a study doesn't use the simple term 'mad cow disease'. Rather, they use all kinds of scientific terms that really mean "mad cow."

mRNA vaccines could produce 'mad cow disease,' study reveals

In this regard, analysis of Pfizer's Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus vaccine or COVID-19 identified two potential risk factors for inducing prion disease in humans, according to alternative media outlet Technocracy News on April 15.

The RNA sequence in the vaccine would cause these health problems, which would only occur three to four years after being injected into patients.

Messenger RNA or mRNA is the ribonucleic acid that determines the order in which the amino acids of a protein will be joined and acts as a template for its synthesis.

One of the prion diseases is bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease, which destroys brain tissue, is degenerative, transmissible, and fatal.


His claims have been discredited as no one was able to validate his claims.

Take the fucking vaccine and sleep well at night.

You can totally believe Wikipedia on stuff that you can find the same all over the place. Other than that, Wikipedia is so full of trolls that one never knows if they are even close to the truth or not.

Just remember. If you want to believe all kinds of websites, and want to disbelieve all kinds of other websites, the point is clear. Take the vaccine and find out too late if the websites you believe are the right ones or the wrong ones.

Don't worry. If you die from the vaccine, your illness that causes your death will only last for 2 or 3 weeks at most. Just a shorter life, that's all. Nothing to worry about.


You are completely ignoring the fact that the covid-19 virus can cause both short-term and long-term havoc on your body.

The vaccine is improving your immune response in case you actually get infected with the real covid-19 virus or any of its variants.

Learn more about this virus and learn more about mRNA vaccines.  How they work and what they are and what they are not.

It is a no-brainer. Take the vaccine.  Protect yourself and your loved ones.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Actually, there are several studies that show this. Often such a study doesn't use the simple term 'mad cow disease'. Rather, they use all kinds of scientific terms that really mean "mad cow."

mRNA vaccines could produce 'mad cow disease,' study reveals

In this regard, analysis of Pfizer's Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus vaccine or COVID-19 identified two potential risk factors for inducing prion disease in humans, according to alternative media outlet Technocracy News on April 15.

The RNA sequence in the vaccine would cause these health problems, which would only occur three to four years after being injected into patients.

Messenger RNA or mRNA is the ribonucleic acid that determines the order in which the amino acids of a protein will be joined and acts as a template for its synthesis.

One of the prion diseases is bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease, which destroys brain tissue, is degenerative, transmissible, and fatal.


His claims have been discredited as no one was able to validate his claims.

Take the fucking vaccine and sleep well at night.

You can totally believe Wikipedia on stuff that you can find the same all over the place. Other than that, Wikipedia is so full of trolls that one never knows if they are even close to the truth or not.

Just remember. If you want to believe all kinds of websites, and want to disbelieve all kinds of other websites, the point is clear. Take the vaccine and find out too late if the websites you believe are the right ones or the wrong ones.

Don't worry. If you die from the vaccine, your illness that causes your death will only last for 2 or 3 weeks at most. Just a shorter life, that's all. Nothing to worry about.

Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
Actually, there are several studies that show this. Often such a study doesn't use the simple term 'mad cow disease'. Rather, they use all kinds of scientific terms that really mean "mad cow."

mRNA vaccines could produce 'mad cow disease,' study reveals

In this regard, analysis of Pfizer's Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus vaccine or COVID-19 identified two potential risk factors for inducing prion disease in humans, according to alternative media outlet Technocracy News on April 15.

The RNA sequence in the vaccine would cause these health problems, which would only occur three to four years after being injected into patients.

Messenger RNA or mRNA is the ribonucleic acid that determines the order in which the amino acids of a protein will be joined and acts as a template for its synthesis.

One of the prion diseases is bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease, which destroys brain tissue, is degenerative, transmissible, and fatal.


His claims have been discredited as no one was able to validate his claims.

Take the fucking vaccine and sleep well at night.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Actually, there are several studies that show this. Often such a study doesn't use the simple term 'mad cow disease'. Rather, they use all kinds of scientific terms that really mean "mad cow."

mRNA vaccines could produce 'mad cow disease,' study reveals

In this regard, analysis of Pfizer's Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus vaccine or COVID-19 identified two potential risk factors for inducing prion disease in humans, according to alternative media outlet Technocracy News on April 15.

The RNA sequence in the vaccine would cause these health problems, which would only occur three to four years after being injected into patients.

Messenger RNA or mRNA is the ribonucleic acid that determines the order in which the amino acids of a protein will be joined and acts as a template for its synthesis.

One of the prion diseases is bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease, which destroys brain tissue, is degenerative, transmissible, and fatal.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Post ONE documented case or scientific study that showed that mRNA covid-19 vaccine produced 'brain-eating prions'.

Just one scientific study.  Go ahead.

You want it posted? Really? Go post it yourself.     Cool
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
prions are misfolded proteins
prions occur after multiple generations of mutations that cause a misfold

funny part is though. that mrna in vaccine have been made specifically..WITHOUT PRIONS
funny part is vaccines do not mutate. do not cross-infect. do not replicate

vaccines are not a thing which happens in nature where over several generations a protein breaks down to cause a misfold
vaccine mrna is no longer functional in its first generation with a lasting effect at mrna level in the human body of 3 days. and the spike is dealt with and remove within 28 days

vaccines do not have generations or mutations. each vaccine has a specific sequence

for emphasis prion creation is not something that happens from a prime/new specific thing
it happens after multiple generations of mutations in the wild from something that can replicate and mutate

thus vaccine does not cause prions. but a naturally wild virus that has mutated multiple generations can

You even used mRNA in your speech above. The reason why they aren't shooting prions into people, is the mRNA gives the cells the message to make those prions.

A shot or two of prions wouldn't do the job. So shoot mRNA in to cause the person to make tons more prions than anybody could shoot in with a couple injections.

Think of it... mRNA to all the parts of the body, even the brain. Prions in the brain to cause Mad Cow Disease in everybody.

Who cares about the VAERS under-reporting. In a few months we will have zombies. The one good point is that the zombies will become sterile from all this, so that they won't be able to reproduce zombie kids. Population reduction!

(Note that it will take possibly a decade and a half for the brain prions to actually turn the people into zombies. But once the zombie symptoms start showing, modern medicine really has no way to stop the disease... except for a dead zombie, that is.)


Post ONE documented case or scientific study that showed that mRNA covid-19 vaccine produced 'brain-eating prions'.

Just one scientific study.  Go ahead.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Thanks, tvbcof. I used to tell him thanks for pushing me into responses that I wouldn't have thought of saying without his comments. And, I did look at your "fight" with him talking about the vaccines. Actually, it was a great talk. I didn't realize before that how knowledgeable you are in those things.

I had a very intelligent friend who had a major stroke. Because he was as intelligent as he was, he was able to get back into almost normal living. In some ways franky1 appears to be such a guy... moving down a track in an excellent way, but missing a whole parallel track that would have set him right.

Nah, franky1 isn't very bright.

For 20 years at least, and since 'social media' as we know it today was in it's infancy, there have been firms who specialize in 'public relations / perception management'.  They employ floors full of flunkies in cubicles and give them binders with talking points for the various accounts they are assigned to.  The programs are worked out at higher levels by higher level people.  They commission 'persona management' software which scans for updates and helps the floor workers keep their accounts straight.  When the fluky runs into trouble they tend to have some more capable people above them to bail them out.

That OILEO guy who claims to be a doctor is much better on the technical side than frank-n-beans, and he does dive in to give flunky1 a hand from time to time.  Seen less of him lately as the gene therapy victim bodies start to pile up.

Now most of the grunt level stuff is probably totally handled by AI by this time, but I doubt that the technology is yet ready to operate at a level we see from flunky1.  He might get some augmentation though.

It's certainly worth noting that $BILLIONS are being pumped in to support flunky1/oileo's side of the gene therapy debate.  'Our side' gets almost exactly $0.  They have a LOT of money for sock-puppets and every other propaganda mechanism known to man.

Anyway, have a good life out there. Seems that SouthEast Asia has some very cheap living, like getting by for a whole month for 1 person, on $500 in some places, including everything you need to live on.

Bitcoin is dumping right now.

When you've been in BTC for a decade, a drop from low 60k's to high 50k's is an inconsequential blip, and usually a good sign market-wise.  Usually it's just a little profit-taking by people who trade.

I don't think that anyone would live very comfortable anywhere on $500/month though it is a great deal more than most people get by on in most countries.  I don't suggest that anyone try to move to a 'developing world' country unless they are 'well capitalized' monetarily, physically, and mentally.  Even though I left one hell of a lot behind in Big-Satan-Land, I never missed it for a second.  This only because I've had the resources to arrange a comfortable and interesting life, and because my reasons for expatriating were driven by politics and ethics mostly.  Many/most Westerners who expatriate end up regretting it from what I can see.  My advice would be to know yourself well.  Know what your are getting away from and why, and don't have stary eyes.  Have a life-line back home because there is nobody and no entity here who can help you out of a bind even in the rare instance when they may wish to.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Once the hole you are digging yourself into gets big enough, it will simply close in on you.

Here's a tremendously great one to watch - UNDER PRESSURE -

Franky1 will just flip to the other side and act like he 'knew it all along'.

Remember when when I spent like 20 posts with a detailed description of AstraZeneca and J&J (both gene therapies being retracted for safety issues now) putting DNA into the cell nucleus?  Now Franky1 finally calls them DNA vaccines as though he didn't vehemently deny it for weeks while I educated him.

Actually, I didn't and don't give a fuck what Franky1 understands.  I just take opportunities to try to educate others using Franky1's baloney as a pivot when it is useful in order to help educate other people because it is the right thing to do.

Thanks, tvbcof. I used to tell him thanks for pushing me into responses that I wouldn't have thought of saying without his comments. And, I did look at your "fight" with him talking about the vaccines. Actually, it was a great talk. I didn't realize before that how knowledgeable you are in those things.

I had a very intelligent friend who had a major stroke. Because he was as intelligent as he was, he was able to get back into almost normal living. In some ways franky1 appears to be such a guy... moving down a track in an excellent way, but missing a whole parallel track that would have set him right.

Anyway, have a good life out there. Seems that SouthEast Asia has some very cheap living, like getting by for a whole month for 1 person, on $500 in some places, including everything you need to live on.

Bitcoin is dumping right now.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Once the hole you are digging yourself into gets big enough, it will simply close in on you.

Here's a tremendously great one to watch - UNDER PRESSURE -

Franky1 will just flip to the other side and act like he 'knew it all along'.

Remember when when I spent like 20 posts with a detailed description of AstraZeneca and J&J (both gene therapies being retracted for safety issues now) putting DNA into the cell nucleus?  Now Franky1 finally calls them DNA vaccines as though he didn't vehemently deny it for weeks while I educated him.

Actually, I didn't and don't give a fuck what Franky1 understands.  I just take opportunities to try to educate others using Franky1's baloney as a pivot when it is useful in order to help educate other people because it is the right thing to do.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Most 'polio' going around in most countries these days is the vaccine strain which reverted.  But they call it something like 'flaccid paralysis' when it came from the vaccine to fool the simple sheep-people.

'these days'???i think you mean before 2020 (21 years ago) the oral polio vaccine was the live-but weakened virus.

this is where its the virus but weakened to not multiply at-all/much. thus allowing your body to fight it faster than it can replicate thus recover fast
but this is where the weakened virus actually did cause cases..

but this was 21 years ago.. so tvbcof is very outdated with "these days"

First article of many pulled up on a search.  This from 2017

For the first time, the number of children paralyzed by mutant strains of the polio vaccine are greater than the number of children paralyzed by polio itself.

So far in 2017, there have been only six cases of "wild" polio reported anywhere in the world. By "wild," public health officials mean the disease caused by polio virus found naturally in the environment.

By contrast, there have been 21 cases of vaccine-derived polio this year. These cases look remarkably similar to regular polio. But laboratory tests show they're caused by remnants of the oral polio vaccine that have gotten loose in the environment, mutated and regained their ability to paralyze unvaccinated children

So we have a situation where the technocrats are creating and spreading a disease, then saying it's OK because if you take their vaccine you won't get it.

millions of lives have been saved
out of the millions that have a vaccine only 21 had adverse affects..
you are forgetting the millions saved from the vaccine

whats next.. if 21 people got infections from injury wound sutures you want millions of injury victims to bleed out and die because you want to ban people getting stitches
are you really that insane

are you really going to cry if 21 people died from infection due to stitches.. if the real world knows stitches actually saved millions of people from getting wound infections. and saved millions from death.
is your evidence of 'benefit. going to be when stitches work so well that the normal open wound injury infection rate goes down to just 7.. but the stitch infection rate is 21.. you will announce you want millions of survivors thanks to stitches be banned from having stitches

please tell me your not that insane to ignore the thouasands-millions where the treatment saved lives

Mega-vitamin-D would have saved a lot more... also saved the expense of paying vaccine companies to develop their killer vaccines through taxes... also saved the CDC from its impending self-destruction for being untrustworthy (people are waking up)... also save a lot of people from the non-Covid comorbitidites.

Once the hole you are digging yourself into gets big enough, it will simply close in on you.

Here's a tremendously great one to watch - UNDER PRESSURE -

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Most 'polio' going around in most countries these days is the vaccine strain which reverted.  But they call it something like 'flaccid paralysis' when it came from the vaccine to fool the simple sheep-people.

'these days'???i think you mean before 2020 (21 years ago) the oral polio vaccine was the live-but weakened virus.

this is where its the virus but weakened to not multiply at-all/much. thus allowing your body to fight it faster than it can replicate thus recover fast
but this is where the weakened virus actually did cause cases..

but this was 21 years ago.. so tvbcof is very outdated with "these days"

First article of many pulled up on a search.  This from 2017

For the first time, the number of children paralyzed by mutant strains of the polio vaccine are greater than the number of children paralyzed by polio itself.

So far in 2017, there have been only six cases of "wild" polio reported anywhere in the world. By "wild," public health officials mean the disease caused by polio virus found naturally in the environment.

By contrast, there have been 21 cases of vaccine-derived polio this year. These cases look remarkably similar to regular polio. But laboratory tests show they're caused by remnants of the oral polio vaccine that have gotten loose in the environment, mutated and regained their ability to paralyze unvaccinated children

So we have a situation where the technocrats are creating and spreading a disease, then saying it's OK because if you take their vaccine you won't get it.

millions of lives have been saved
out of the millions that have a vaccine only 21 had adverse affects..
you are forgetting the millions saved from the vaccine

whats next.. if 21 people got infections from injury wound sutures you want millions of injury victims to bleed out and die because you want to ban people getting stitches
are you really that insane

are you really going to cry if 21 people died from infection due to stitches.. if the real world knows stitches actually saved millions of people from getting wound infections. and saved millions from death.
is your evidence of 'benefit. going to be when stitches work so well that the normal open wound injury infection rate goes down to just 7.. but the stitch infection rate is 21.. you will announce you want millions of survivors thanks to stitches be banned from having stitches

please tell me your not that insane to ignore the thouasands-millions where the treatment saved lives
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ Even if what you said was the truth...

If a batch of General Mills' Cheerios killed off a half a dozen people, both the government and the medical, and GM, themselves, would shut Cheerios down (and maybe the whole company) until they got to the bottom of it.

But they aren't likely to shut the vaccine campaign down, because if they wanted to heal and cure people, they would formally give the people all the stuff that is working... besides my signature area below, HCQ + zinc, vitamin C + zinc, sunshine and fresh air rather than masks and lockdowns, and simply good general nutrition.

But since what you say is NOT truth, Big Pharma is getting what they want... people believing their advertising campaign, so they can cause forever mutations in people who get vaxxed. And the results are multitudes of sick and dead, with many more to come.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

While the vaccine is an antidote to disease it is more dangerous for those who are less immune.

By the very nature of the theory of operation, vaccines are never an 'antidote'.  They are, if anything, 'prophylactic'.

By theory, vaccines are supposed to induce an immune response keeping an infection from taking hold.  That was until 2020 when things changed and now 'vaccinated' people can still become infected by a pathogen (meaning it reproduces within them) and they can still infect others from their infection. 

Nobody bats an eye about the bait-n-switch because the don't teach critical thinking, logic, or science to most people.  The school curriculum seems uniquely good at teaching people to NOT employ these mental processes in fact.

It is best to refrain from other medications until the dose is complete MRNA vaccines strengthen immunity to certain viruses and diseases rather than the controversial ones it is injected into the body and injected into cells where it provides instructions to produce antigen or a part of the virus. The cell then represents antigens in the immune system triggering T cell and antibody responses that can fight the disease.

The mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) ones are as brand new as the DNA (AstraZeneca, J&J) ones and are equally controversial.  Both are genetic therapies.  As a mater of fact, many times more people have had blood clotting issues from the mRNA ones than the DNA ones, but in fairness it should be noted that a lot more of the mRNA ones have been dosed at this point.  The DNA ones were always meant primarily for brown people in poor countries, but they'll dose up as many 'first worlders' as they can get away with first.  That train is starting to hit the wall now.

It is funny to see people try to 'help' by regurgitating some of the mainstream propaganda that they heard...and fuck even that up!

sr. member
Activity: 1414
Merit: 326
While the vaccine is an antidote to disease it is more dangerous for those who are less immune. It is best to refrain from other medications until the dose is complete MRNA vaccines strengthen immunity to certain viruses and diseases rather than the controversial ones it is injected into the body and injected into cells where it provides instructions to produce antigen or a part of the virus. The cell then represents antigens in the immune system triggering T cell and antibody responses that can fight the disease.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Most 'polio' going around in most countries these days is the vaccine strain which reverted.  But they call it something like 'flaccid paralysis' when it came from the vaccine to fool the simple sheep-people.

'these days'???i think you mean before 2020 (21 years ago) the oral polio vaccine was the live-but weakened virus.

this is where its the virus but weakened to not multiply at-all/much. thus allowing your body to fight it faster than it can replicate thus recover fast
but this is where the weakened virus actually did cause cases..

but this was 21 years ago.. so tvbcof is very outdated with "these days"

First article of many pulled up on a search.  This from 2017

For the first time, the number of children paralyzed by mutant strains of the polio vaccine are greater than the number of children paralyzed by polio itself.

So far in 2017, there have been only six cases of "wild" polio reported anywhere in the world. By "wild," public health officials mean the disease caused by polio virus found naturally in the environment.

By contrast, there have been 21 cases of vaccine-derived polio this year. These cases look remarkably similar to regular polio. But laboratory tests show they're caused by remnants of the oral polio vaccine that have gotten loose in the environment, mutated and regained their ability to paralyze unvaccinated children

So we have a situation where the technocrats are creating and spreading a disease, then saying it's OK because if you take their vaccine you won't get it.

Similarly, they are saying that they've created an ecosystem where the population won't be safe unless they take individual control of and replace every person's immune systems and manage them as a social system using their God-like technical know-how.

The above brushes over the people who were indeed directly paralyzed by the vaccine itself and got 'flacid paralysis' (not 'polio' mind you because the vaccine 'cannot' cause 'polio'.)  I think the 50,000 paralyzed Indian kids is what finally got Gates partially kicked out of that country.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Most 'polio' going around in most countries these days is the vaccine strain which reverted.  But they call it something like 'flaccid paralysis' when it came from the vaccine to fool the simple sheep-people.

'these days'???i think you mean before 2020 (21 years ago) the oral polio vaccine was the live-but weakened virus.

this is where its the virus but weakened to not multiply at-all/much. thus allowing your body to fight it faster than it can replicate thus recover fast
but this is where the weakened virus actually did cause cases..

but this was 21 years ago.. so tvbcof is very outdated with "these days"

The only reason Salk and Sabin weren't strung up to hang by the neck until dead was, the medical changed the wording regarding the symptoms of polio, so that suddenly those symptoms became some other disease, and the new symptoms assigned to polio showed that there were barely any cases of it, 'cause they didn't fit anything that anybody was getting.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Most 'polio' going around in most countries these days is the vaccine strain which reverted.  But they call it something like 'flaccid paralysis' when it came from the vaccine to fool the simple sheep-people.

'these days'???i think you mean before 2020 (21 years ago) the oral polio vaccine was the live-but weakened virus.

this is where its the virus but weakened to not multiply at-all/much. thus allowing your body to fight it faster than it can replicate thus recover fast
but this is where the weakened virus actually did cause cases..

but this was 21 years ago.. so tvbcof is very outdated with "these days"
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ Non-vaccine-like medicine is usually a good thing for a month or two where there is need for something. But the person on medicine should use that month or two to build up his immune system through nutrition and other naturopathics. Then, stop or greatly reduce the medicine after two months. Of course, there will always be a few cases where both naturopathy and medicine won't help. I don't like the idea of dying any more than anybody who feels healthy and free.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

I don't think that conspiracy nuts knows that because they believe that vaccines are cyborg fluid that contains nanomachines which can control their mind...

That's what you were told by 'your people' is what the 'conspiracy nuts' believe.  If you bothered to read or listen to what 'the conspiracy nuts' actually say and tried to understand it, you'd be wiser and probably better for it.

and those machines that small aren't even possible with our current technology but they insist that we already have that advanced technology.

The trouble is that mainstream media (scientism rags like 'new scientist') abound with stories about stuff like this, people developing them brag about it, and patents going back decades indicate that such developments were well underway going back a long time.  We 'conspiracy theorist' simply lack the ability to turn a blind eye to these things and pretend that they are not real, or we refuse to do so just so we are not labeled with some idiotic tag by our idiotic friends and family.

To the people who still believe that vaccines are a bad thing, you better not have a children because you will be introducing the diseases that was once eradicated thanks to the vaccines developed for them but you insist that you are all smarter than anyone else so I hope that you won't multiply.

Most 'polio' going around in most countries these days is the vaccine strain which reverted.  But they call it something like 'flaccid paralysis' when it came from the vaccine to fool the simple sheep-people.

Why could 'we' not stop vaccination against, say, polio, then start back up again if/when it became an actual problem?  Perhaps it would go the way of, say, scarlet fever which was a problem when people drank sewer water but went away with no 'vaccine' at all?  How do you know?  Is it because the vaccine manufacturers like Merck and the technocrats like Gates said 'We cannot do that!" and you believe them without thinking?

sr. member
Activity: 1274
Merit: 293
That's how vaccines work, you inject it to someone who hasn't got sick yet, for them not to get infected. It is not a magic drug that will erase the virus in the body, but instead it is a vaccine that will let the immune system realize that the foreign bodies (CoVid) is a virus that will harm the body.
I don't think that conspiracy nuts knows that because they believe that vaccines are cyborg fluid that contains nanomachines which can control their mind and those machines that small aren't even possible with our current technology but they insist that we already have that advanced technology. To the people who still believe that vaccines are a bad thing, you better not have a children because you will be introducing the diseases that was once eradicated thanks to the vaccines developed for them but you insist that you are all smarter than anyone else so I hope that you won't multiply.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Too bad Bitcointalk doesn't reach most of the people in the world. Of course, would they believe how dangerous the vaccine is from reading the truth here?


Yup.  It must have been 8 months ago now that I pointed out some of the theoretical issue involving reverse transcription.

Later, when I learned more about TuBerculosis (from a non-related issue) and recognized the long term protective properties of dense lipid envelopes used the ferry the mRNA around, I also got to wondering exactly how durable some of the mRNA might be.  I may be more complex than simply 'burns up in a few days.'  The actual scientific research on this technology which could shed light on some of these questions are largely 'trade secrets' kept within the company (or 'contractor' as the case may be.)

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
^^^ And when the people wake up to the fact that the death rate from the vaccines in 3.5 months, is already half of what the deaths from Covid were in a year, they will have Big Pharma executed, and the government people who supported Big Pharma. Invest in Big Pharma, and move right now, to an island where they won't go after Big Pharma investors.

the Vaers only accounts for 10% .. is an estimate that only the serious stuff gets reported because not many people are cry babies about the small stuff

Yep! But Harvard did a study that showed that VAERS and others were reporting only less than 1%. That means, when VAERS reports 3,000 deaths from the vaccine, there were really 300,000.

We don't hear about it, because Big Pharma won't let anybody tabulate and combine the deaths. This helps them to keep the media from inadvertently reporting on it.


now your making up numbers because 99.9999% of the world think your a god..
oh wait they thought you were a dog. because all you do is bark up the wrong tree and lick ass

death reporting is very accurate because if there lacked death reports. then there would be many missing people reports instead.. reality is when reported dead they actually do die..
reality is there are not 297000 bodies uncounted somewhere
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ And when the people wake up to the fact that the death rate from the vaccines in 3.5 months, is already half of what the deaths from Covid were in a year, they will have Big Pharma executed, and the government people who supported Big Pharma. Invest in Big Pharma, and move right now, to an island where they won't go after Big Pharma investors.

the Vaers only accounts for 10% .. is an estimate that only the serious stuff gets reported because not many people are cry babies about the small stuff

Yep! But Harvard did a study that showed that VAERS and others were reporting only less than 1%. That means, when VAERS reports 3,000 deaths from the vaccine, there were really 300,000.

We don't hear about it, because Big Pharma won't let anybody tabulate and combine the deaths. This helps them to keep the media from inadvertently reporting on it.

Activity: 3276
Merit: 2442
I am particularly very afraid about the long term effects of these mRNA vaccines, scientists clearly have agreed to the fact that mRNA vaccines are a new technology that they are still trying to understand, yet vaccination is going on at a top gear. Could there be a particular motive to this? Will those who previously had the virus and recovered still require this vaccine?

mRNA vaccines are clearly the new and superior tech. They will moon harder than defi, ICO and bitcoin combined. I became an early investor and shot myself with both modeRNA and BionTech. You don't want to miss the train. You missed the crypto train, you missed the Tesla train, now that's your 3rd chance to get high.  Grin (or maybe fourth because I am pretty sure your missed Gamestop too.)
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
the Vaers only accounts for 10% .. is an estimate that only the serious stuff gets reported because not many people are cry babies about the small stuff

when it comes to hospitalisations and deaths those numbers are accurate

its the small stuff where some just feel they might cry like a baby to a family visit/call to enquire some advice
whereby the small stuff might be 10x more but just not reported(sought medical help) because 90% are not cry babies

in short. hospitalisation/death is 99% accurate.. pain in the arm. rash on the arm 10%

looking at the ALL deaths.. there is definitely not a 200k increase of excess deaths where it cant be explained by causes
sr. member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 305
Pro financial, medical liberty
Rumor on the street has it that the Evergreen ship which got stuck in the canal was carring chemicals needed for the activation.
Now since it been taken out the much prophesied second, much deathlier wave can be avoided and the vaccined stand a chance.
Thankful for some good news if so.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Too bad Bitcointalk doesn't reach most of the people in the world. Of course, would they believe how dangerous the vaccine is from reading the truth here?

mRNA vaccines may EDIT your genes through “retro-integration” … and the DNA damage might be passed on to future generations

With each passing day, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that mRNA vaccines are a death weapon against humanity. Now, we’re learning that mRNA vaccines may pose a threat to the viability of the human species thanks to the fact that a mechanisms exists whereby mRNA sequences can be transformed into DNA and inserted into your human genome.

This means there is a possibility that mRNA vaccines might turn you into a “genetically engineered” organism, with potentially catastrophic consequences for your own health as well as impacting fertility and future generations. It is technically possible that mRNA vaccines may cause widespread infertility, birth defects or horrific deaths by altering human DNA.

The problem is that nobody knows for sure how many people might be impacted in this way because no long-term safety trials have been conducted. Thus, people taking the vaccine right now are unwittingly taking part in a global vaccine experiment that may alter their own genes and remove them from the human gene pool.

In effect, mRNA vaccines might be the most powerful vector of so-called “natural selection” we’ve ever seen, wherever people remove themselves from the gene pool by rendering their own reproductive capabilities non-functional.

This is all covered in great detail at the Children’s Health Defense website.


Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
MRNA is both extremely specific and extremely temporary.

Think of MRNA like a one-time amazon coupon code. It gets you these specific proteins for a very short time then but within a number of hours its gone forever.  

Adding a coupon code for one product does not put money into your bank account or give you the ability to purchase any product on the site at the same discount.  

VAERS reports for the CDC, that over 2,000 people have died from the vaccine, and thousands more have a variety of illnesses from it. The CDC tells us how to understand the VAERS report. Without using the word "anecdotal," that's what they essentially say.

They have to say it that way, because their efficacy tests on the vaccine were anecdotal, and because they essentially didn't do any safety tests at all.

So, since the mRNA in the vaccine is very exact and very short-lived, obviously, the vaccine makers knew that the vaccine was going to kill and maim... in ways they probably didn't know it would. Thanks for informing us that the vaccine makers were out to reduce the population, because, as you said, "MRNA is both extremely specific and extremely temporary."

And let's thank franky1 for letting us know the same, which means that Big Pharma planned it this way,

Covid, from Up to April 2nd:
deaths = 2342
hospitalizations = 4972
urgent care = 8975
office visits = 8744
anaphylaxus = 412
Bell's Palsy = 460
Heart Attacks = 502
Miscarriages = 84
Severe Allergic Reaction = 3145
Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet = 321

That's 29957 right there. But what about all the rest of the reports? The VASERS report says:
1. 56,869 Reports Through April 2, 2021* = * VAERS HHS releases COVID Data weekly, but they release LAST WEEK'S data. So an update will always lag a week behind. When launched, OpenVAERS used the Download date. We have switched to the "data through" date provided by VAERS.
2. Any doctor or other official who is on the ball, knows that VEARS under-reports by about 90%. This means that you can multiply all the numbers by 10 to come close to what is really hapepning.
3. Some doctors and officials think that VAERS under-reports by 99%. If it's true, it means you could multiply the above numbers by 100... like 234, 200 deaths from the vaccine.

In less than 3 short months, vaccines might be approaching half the deaths of Covid for over a year... in the US.

So, how else can we understand your statement that, "MRNA is both extremely specific and extremely temporary?" except that Big Pharma knew all along what it was doing? Population reduction, with more sick people so that the medical can make more money, right?

Besides, ask any of the dead people how extremely temporary mRNA in the vaccine is. What will they tell you? Nothing, that's what. Why? Because it's so temporary that they will never die from the vaccine again, right?

full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
MRNA is both extremely specific and extremely temporary.

Think of MRNA like a one-time amazon coupon code. It gets you these specific proteins for a very short time then but within a number of hours its gone forever.   

Adding a coupon code for one product does not put money into your bank account or give you the ability to purchase any product on the site at the same discount. 
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
prions are not made simply if something designed for arm muscle gets into brain tissue.

for the multiple time prions are not caused by a first generation dna. rna or mrna

prions occur naturally from a dna/rna that has multiplied soo many times that it has a misfold at some point

mrna does not have the replication aspect to actually replicate to even be able to mutate/misfold
mrna whether in the arm or brain does the same function. if thats a function the tissue type does not recognise. its ignored and just gets broken down into cell waste
its not going to do something completely different

mrna vaccines do not even have the code base to 'talk to' the cells RNA and change the cells rna or dna
the mrna vaccine code only contains a protein making aspect.. totally not and totally separate from mutating rna/dna.

its not going to replicate. its not going to spread. its not going to replicate its not going to mutate

once you realise the many sections of rna and what is or isnt included in a mrna vaccine. then and only then you can pretend you have learned something

so here is a challenge for you
learn about a topic first. from source specialist experts. but not from conspiracy paid speakers with no hands on first person experience. do the research first. and then form an opinion.. do not form a fantasy opinion and then find any random incorrect piece of info that matches your fantasy

so again make it clear. do your research then post..
dont post something then avoid research
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
New game:
1. Click on 'Politics and Society'
2. Put your hand over the 'started by' column.
3. Try to guess from the thread title who started it.

I'm 1/1 at the moment Cheesy

I mentioned it here - - but this topic backs it up with a whole lot more scientifically know information.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say no, it doesn't.

But regardless of that, the word 'may' is key here.
'A' may cause 'B' doesn't suggest any degree of likelihood.
If you flip a coin, it may land on its edge rather than heads or tails.
'May' is often used to mislead.

mRNA, and the message it sends, are more like a hundred-sided coin... one that doesn't have an edge to land on, and one that can easily land on a side-effect side.

Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
New game:
1. Click on 'Politics and Society'
2. Put your hand over the 'started by' column.
3. Try to guess from the thread title who started it.

I'm 1/1 at the moment Cheesy

I mentioned it here - - but this topic backs it up with a whole lot more scientifically know information.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say no, it doesn't.

But regardless of that, the word 'may' is key here.
'A' may cause 'B' doesn't suggest any degree of likelihood.
If you flip a coin, it may land on its edge rather than heads or tails.
'May' is often used to mislead.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
just writing in blue does not make your insanity any less sane < I just KNEW that you understood. But always talking about the wrong thing, right?, you clever little bugger, you.

The color of the type doesn't really have anything to do with the message, right? Just like the 'message' in the mRNA doesn't make prions, right? You know that the whole thing is about the 'message', and who the message is sent to... who it talks to, right? But you try to talk about the color that the message is written in as though it were a big thing, right? Take the focus off what is important, right?

The mRNA in the vaccine, talks to the RNA (and  possibly the DNA) of your cells, right?, especially the cells that have matching RNA within them, that matches the strand(s) in the mRNA, right? Isn't that how the mRNA knows who to give the message to?

Once the RNA of your cells gets the message from the mRNA, the RNA of your cells uses the message instructions to do various things. If the mRNA gets into your brain, the message instructs your brain RNA to do different things, based on all kinds of brain RNA activities. Some of the side effects are that your brain RNA causes prions... maybe not directly... maybe by influencing brain DNA, or maybe by converting into wrong DNA.

You are so clever, always taking the focus off the message and its passage from mRNA to RNA.

RNA has multiple sections with multiple functions
mrna is a subclass/second of rna.

without the replication factor (mrna does not have that) there is no mutation to 'cause your body to churn out mad cow disease prions'

and the funny part is you dont need to be a medical expert to know this. it just requires spending a lil time researching

so how about you stop wasting days repeating ignorant insanities. and spend that time doing actual research

no more time wasting empty rebuttals. spend your time doing research away from your conspiracy site sources.. then you might begin to learn how real stuff works

The point that the mRNA doesn't directly make prions in any way, is a side point you use it to take the focus off what the mRNA really does.

The point of the various talks about prions and mad cow disease, is that the mRNA instructs your cell RNA to do stuff that the mRNA can't do. Some of the stuff that your brain RNA does - probably accidentally, like side-effects - is to make the prions that cause mad cow disease.

You are so clever in the way you avoid the main point. Lol.

hero member
Activity: 2268
Merit: 579 - Crypto Casino
I don't know genuine is this news because a lot of rumor was said about the Covid-19 vaccines and the WHO stance about the vaccines is still not clear but what I don't understand and believe is proper is people that are not positive or show any symptoms of the Covid-19 who are taking the vaccine, I don't support.
In the meantime, I will advise people to practice good health hygiene, exercise, and eat a balanced diet.

That's how vaccines work, you inject it to someone who hasn't got sick yet, for them not to get infected. It is not a magic drug that will erase the virus in the body, but instead it is a vaccine that will let the immune system realize that the foreign bodies (CoVid) is a virus that will harm the body.
Accepted people who are infected with the virus took the vaccine antivirus immune system in their body but I still don't see any reason why the people who didn't have the virus have to take the vaccine not even this time when aI'me people are still doubt of the vaccine. What immune system will the vaccine give that we not get through eating the right food and exercising the whole body?
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
just writing in blue does not make your insanity any less sane

RNA has multiple sections with multiple functions
mrna is a subclass/second of rna.

without the replication factor (mrna does not have that) there is no mutation to 'cause your body to churn out mad cow disease prions'

and the funny part is you dont need to be a medical expert to know this. it just requires spending a lil time researching

so how about you stop wasting days repeating ignorant insanities. and spend that time doing actual research

no more time wasting empty rebuttals. spend your time doing research away from your conspiracy site sources.. then you might begin to learn how real stuff works
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
mrna is not prions.. prions is not mrna - Wow! So, finally you have proven that you DO know a little about 'medicine' after all.

mrna does not create prions by default - It's a habit many people fall into. Here YOU did it, too. Do you see the 'm' on mRNA? What does the 'm' mean? Doesn't it mean 'messenger'? But you are so used to trying to kill the messenger, that you automatically think somebody said that mRNA creates prions.

You're like Chewbacca in Star Wars, where Princess Leia said, "Will somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way," - All the rest of us are like Princess Leia.

DAMAGED rna does
mrna vaccine do not have the replication factors to mutate.

end of story - Right! End of you're story.

mRNA has the messenger info to talk regular RNA into changing the protein cells the RNA resides in, into prions (backward folded proteins)... some of the time.

You're reasonably good at sliding around what is being said. But not good enough to be a citizen of the UK, even if you live there.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
mrna is not prions.. prions is not mrna

mrna does not create prions by default

DAMAGED rna does
mrna vaccine do not have the replication factors to mutate.

end of story
full member
Activity: 1148
Merit: 158
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
I don't know genuine is this news because a lot of rumor was said about the Covid-19 vaccines and the WHO stance about the vaccines is still not clear but what I don't understand and believe is proper is people that are not positive or show any symptoms of the Covid-19 who are taking the vaccine, I don't support.
In the meantime, I will advise people to practice good health hygiene, exercise, and eat a balanced diet.

That's how vaccines work, you inject it to someone who hasn't got sick yet, for them not to get infected. It is not a magic drug that will erase the virus in the body, but instead it is a vaccine that will let the immune system realize that the foreign bodies (CoVid) is a virus that will harm the body.
hero member
Activity: 2268
Merit: 579 - Crypto Casino
I don't know genuine is this news because a lot of rumor was said about the Covid-19 vaccines and the WHO stance about the vaccines is still not clear but what I don't understand and believe is proper is people that are not positive or show any symptoms of the Covid-19 who are taking the vaccine, I don't support.
In the meantime, I will advise people to practice good health hygiene, exercise, and eat a balanced diet.
Activity: 1414
Merit: 1104
Bitcoin Casino Est. 2013
I am particularly very afraid about the long term effects of these mRNA vaccines, scientists clearly have agreed to the fact that mRNA vaccines are a new technology that they are still trying to understand, yet vaccination is going on at a top gear. Could there be a particular motive to this? Will those who previously had the virus and recovered still require this vaccine?

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
prions are misfolded proteins
prions occur after multiple generations of mutations that cause a misfold

funny part is though. that mrna in vaccine have been made specifically..WITHOUT PRIONS
funny part is vaccines do not mutate. do not cross-infect. do not replicate

vaccines are not a thing which happens in nature where over several generations a protein breaks down to cause a misfold
vaccine mrna is no longer functional in its first generation with a lasting effect at mrna level in the human body of 3 days. and the spike is dealt with and remove within 28 days

vaccines do not have generations or mutations. each vaccine has a specific sequence

for emphasis prion creation is not something that happens from a prime/new specific thing
it happens after multiple generations of mutations in the wild from something that can replicate and mutate

thus vaccine does not cause prions. but a naturally wild virus that has mutated multiple generations can

You even used mRNA in your speech above. The reason why they aren't shooting prions into people, is the mRNA gives the cells the message to make those prions.

A shot or two of prions wouldn't do the job. So shoot mRNA in to cause the person to make tons more prions than anybody could shoot in with a couple injections.

Think of it... mRNA to all the parts of the body, even the brain. Prions in the brain to cause Mad Cow Disease in everybody.

Who cares about the VAERS under-reporting. In a few months we will have zombies. The one good point is that the zombies will become sterile from all this, so that they won't be able to reproduce zombie kids. Population reduction!

(Note that it will take possibly a decade and a half for the brain prions to actually turn the people into zombies. But once the zombie symptoms start showing, modern medicine really has no way to stop the disease... except for a dead zombie, that is.)

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
prions are misfolded proteins
prions occur after multiple generations of mutations that cause a misfold

funny part is though. that mrna in vaccine have been made specifically..WITHOUT PRIONS
funny part is vaccines do not mutate. do not cross-infect. do not replicate

vaccines are not a thing which happens in nature where over several generations a protein breaks down to cause a misfold
vaccine mrna is no longer functional in its first generation with a lasting effect at mrna level in the human body of 3 days. and the spike is dealt with and remove within 28 days

vaccines do not have generations or mutations. each vaccine has a specific sequence

for emphasis prion creation is not something that happens from a prime/new specific thing
it happens after multiple generations of mutations in the wild from something that can replicate and mutate

thus vaccine does not cause prions. but a naturally wild virus that has mutated multiple generations can
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
I wonder if this was an anticipated effect by Big Pharma. Probably they knew this would happen, and that's why they pushed the safety tests aside.

I mentioned it here - - but this topic backs it up with a whole lot more scientifically know information.

mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS that “eat your brain” like Mad Cow Disease

The spike protein outer shell of the coronavirus contains “prion-like regions” that give the virus very high adhesion to ACE2 receptors in the human body. This has been documented by a study entitled, “SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enable Higher Affinity to ACE2,” published by the Human Microbiology Institute:

The presence and unique distribution of prion-like domains in the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domains of the spike protein is particularly interesting, since although the SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV S proteins share the same host cell receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), SARS-CoV-2 demonstrates a 10- to 20-fold higher affinity for ACE2

The mRNA vaccine works by hijacking your body’s cells and causing them to churn out proteins modeled after the spike proteins in the SARS-cov-2 coronavirus. Since that structure includes prion-like regions, random errors in mRNA sequences — which may be truncated by the human immune system before they reach the ribosomes in the cells — could cause mRNA vaccine recipients to churn out prions in their own bodies.

The risk of this was assessed by Dr. J. Bart Classen, who authored a paper in Microbiology & Infectious Diseases: “Covid-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease.” You can see the text of the study at this link.

That study concludes, “The results indicate that the vaccine RNA has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathologic prion confirmations.”

It also explains:

The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases.

The Mayo Clinic says CJD, the disease caused by prions, is 100% fatal and has no treatment. Some of the symptoms of CJD (prion disease) described by the Mayo Clinic include:

*    Stroke-like symptoms
*    Difficulty speaking
*    Confusion
*    Odd movements

Other symptoms include emotional changes, a sharp loss of cognitive function and seeming personality changes. It all ends in death. Once the prion symptoms are evident, it’s already too late. There is no treatment and no reversal possible.

mRNA vaccines may unleash a wave of “zombie” prion disease deaths, known as “Mad Cow Disease” in humans (CJD)


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