need help again! I follow your steps to modify windows registry. windows 7 finally can see the 7th gpu.
then i start mining... but it crashed last night. I don't know it was hanging or something. As I don't have monitor
connected to it. I am not able to VNC to it. and from the pool report. it was not mining.
Anything that I am missing?
- Under Search type: Regedit (Press Enter)
- Navigate to the following directory:
o HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
- You will see directories labeled “0000”, “0001” and so on that are relative to the total amount of cards.
- Under each of those Keys (eg. 0000) create the following two Dword values, once created set their value to 1
o DisplayLessPolicy
o LimitVideoPresentSources
- You can create the Dword by right clicking on the key and NEW DWORD
Have the GPU's / risers known to be good?
What nvidia driver are you using ?
Have you checked logs to see how it crashed? BSOD? Nvidia driver stopped and started?
Thanks Grim,
I didn't over clock on the 7th gpu. riser should be good as i changed a good riser from other working machine.
i am running GeForce Game Ready Driver version 391.01
I finally about to see how it crash. 7 gpu are showing in device manager. windows are stable.
6 gpu running, windows are stable. but once 7 gpu are running. windows will become slower and slower until like hanging.
I am trying to look at windows event log but not able find any useful info.
Thank for your help again.