Think what you want, but you only concerned with relative values. The market volume is very small at the moment.
In some situations a bicycle is faster than a car in city traffic. But no one would argue that a bicycle is generally faster than a car.
Gox is neither a car nor a bicycle; it is an Undead, a Zombie. It is an analphabetic construct that is not able to give support and informations to their customers for weeks and months.
If I would serve my customers this way with robotic copy/paste 'answers', I would be forced into bankruptcy long before.
Companies with such service have a high probability to go bankrupt.
As soon as we are back on the highway, you will understand what I mean. Once Gox has solved its problems, we will have again trading volumes as seen earlier this year.
Pure guessing. You should write:
If Gox will be able to solve its problems ....When I read these threads about Gox, then I guess that the smart money left this place already. The remaining money is the dumb money.