4500 sec lag and growing, should be measured in hours soon.
This is unacceptable, for btc to grow a functional exchange needs to be created asap.
This is only a problem when there's a lot of speculation on BTC price - ie, when the focus is on BTC as a speculative investment.
If your aim is the adoption of Bitcoin as a currency/payment protocol, then its growth is not dependent on exchanges being able to cope with large volumes/extended periods of HFT.
There are already a couple of dedicated trading platforms due to open soon and this might see a lot of speculators move away from MtGox if those platforms are better able to accommodate trading.
I honestly think that the emergence of exchanges which meet different types of needs is a good thing, and that it's preferable for different platforms to exist than for MtGox to have continued market dominance by being all things to all people.